Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4413

Lieutenant Colonel Jess Nogg\'s prayers may have worked.

The energy value is enough to tear apart the terrible cosmic style of a life planet. Finally, when passing through the monitoring station where he is, he just flies by lightly.

Except that the whole monitoring station experienced a long-lasting vibration during this period, there were no other abnormalities, which made Lieutenant Colonel Jess nog wonder whether he was living in a dream.

He pinched himself severely and felt the pain from his cheek. Lieutenant Colonel Jess nog wept with joy.

He felt that his wife and children had blessed him, so the young lieutenant colonel decided to return to the Federation to remarry his ex-wife after the mission.

In the starry sky.

Locke, who intended to control his power, did not let the destruction storm cause any damage to the small monitoring station.

It\'s not that Locke sympathizes with federal humans, but that he is taking this opportunity to sharpen his control over subtle forces, that\'s all.

And through the information transmitted by the federal monitoring station before the destruction storm, I believe it won\'t be long before Locke can see some old friends.


The reaction speed of the galent Federation was really fast. The federal high-level did not believe that it was a cosmic storm.

Combined with the declining energy tide in the lonely bone convergence star domain in recent years, and the supreme Knight master of wizard civilization has been closed inside for more than 20000 years. Calculate the day, it\'s time for Locke to break through.

Lilith of wizard civilization, before that, was a little with the galent Federation.

With the influence of Locke\'s possible exit at any time in the past 20000 years, the galent Federation paid off the arrears of the wizard civilization war early.

"Long time no see, Knight Locke!" When Locke\'s destruction storm reached the middle of Mesopotamia, a conqueror Titan fleet jumped in front of Locke.

At this time, the federal general appearing in the conqueror Titan ship was the five-star general trichi pan baesa who had the most contact with Locke.

After more than 20000 years, the gray haired old general seems to be getting older and older.

After all, there is still a certain gap between trichi pan baesa and the flesh and blood creatures who normally cultivate to level 6.

And even if it is a general level 6 creature, it is definitely not young at his present age.

Locke can\'t tell exactly how many years he has to live, but with the faint decay and aging from his flesh and blood body, Locke speculates that his deadline should be in the last tens of thousands of years.

Trichi pan baesa personally led the conqueror Titan ship to meet Locke, which definitely gave Locke face.

By observing the intact and brand-new conqueror class Titan in front of him, Locke can also know that the galent Federation has mostly slowed down from the fierce civil war 20000 years ago.

Locke doesn\'t know whether the galent Federation has built the second conqueror class Titan fleet, but he knows that the Federation\'s Russian lobas class war fleet definitely has new service.

Because at the moment, Locke feels a touch of strangeness with the designation and overall warship specifications of the two Russian lobas war fleets jumping from the conqueror Titan ship.

The development of science and technology in galent Federation has not fallen in the past 20000 years. Even because of the previous civilization war, many existing science and technology and military equipment have been improved.

This is a large-scale world civilization in emerging development. Like the wizard world, the galent Federation has infinite potential.

Glancing at the brand-new Russian lobas class war fleet, Locke in the middle of the storm did not talk too much with trichi pan baesa.

Just a little greeting, Locke said that he was about to return to wizard civilization.

Trichi pan baesa did not say much about Locke\'s departure, but he offered to escort Locke.

Two Russian lobas class war fleets, a conqueror class Titan fleet, and a large number of class I and II war fleets. Such a huge fleet of warships escorted Locke\'s destruction storm out of the territory of the galent Federation. The scene was really spectacular and vast.

Of course, in addition to the federal fleet, the 200000 legions of knights and magicians left with Locke.

These wizard civilization legions are constantly rotated and transferred from the wizard world in recent 20000 years. On the one hand, they pay attention to and record Locke\'s breakthrough, on the other hand, they continuously welcome or invest in new destruction legions.

Now, let alone those creatures above level 4 in Locke\'s destruction storm, the destruction legions above level 1 transformed by Locke alone have reached tens of millions in recent years, and more than half of them have been invested in the war against civilizations such as the pan star region and the iron tower world.

According to the feedback from the front-line war, the ability of the destruction Corps under Locke is extremely outstanding, which is almost the ace war Corps in the wizard world.

Locke\'s route to return to wizard civilization is to reach the underworld directly through Mesopotamia.

In the process of passing through the Mesopotamia domain, Locke found that the broken domain, which had been swept by the tide of death, seemed to have a second spring in recent years.

Although three-quarters of the whole star region is still empty and lonely, some star regions close to the hinterland of the Federation have radiated new vitality, and many life planets and man-made planets have quietly appeared.

During the escort of the federal fleet, Locke talked a lot with trichi pan baesa.

There is no doubt that the wizard civilization and the galent Federation are still firm allies.

Including the war on the iron tower world that the wizard civilization has not ended, the galent Federation has also contributed a lot in recent years.

All aspects of cooperation in the economic, military and trade fields have benefited both the wizard civilization and the galent Federation.

On the eve of Locke\'s departure from Mesopotamia, trichi pan baesa, on behalf of the galent Federation, hoped to continue to maintain the harmony and friendship between the two large world civilizations with the wizard civilization represented by Locke.

Locke naturally readily acceded to triche pan baesa\'s request.

In addition to the recent development of the Federation and the war with wizard civilization, Locke also asked the other party whether there was any situation in the light Protoss in the near future.

"Knight Locke, you just closed the door. You may not know yet."

"The bright protoss have been in trouble since 13000 years ago."

"A large number of angel legions pulled away from the border. According to the data we collected and analyzed, they should have opened up a new battlefield in an alien domain."

"And..." Triche pan baessarton said, "and there are signs that the light Protoss seems to be on the weak side of that war."