Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4412

When Locke, who was out of the closed cultivation state, absorbed the residual destructive power in the nearby stars with the power of whale swallowing, other members of the destruction Legion who were still in the cultivation state also woke up one after another.

With Locke as the center and the members of the destruction corps as important nodes, the incomparably turbulent force of destruction sputters in all directions of the whole star domain.

A new tide of destruction is brewing. Even if they do everything, just the energy factors surging inside and outside the body surface are enough to bring a great impact to the jingluogulian star domain and its nearby star domain.

In fact, it\'s not appropriate to call it the Ji Luo Gu Lian star domain, because there is no trace of the remaining Ji Luo Gu Lian star domain in the past.

The once strong power of death has completely become a thing of the past after tens of thousands of years of dissipation.

Including the whole star domain, it is also an empty space. Looking from a distance, it is actually a plane and a meteorite does not exist.

This is like a "land abandoned by God". Due to the baptism of violent energy rules for thousands of years, there are not even many material elements here.

All the members of the destruction Legion who woke up from the cultivation state gathered around Locke at this time.

It has to be said that the extremely strong destruction factor has eroded the mind of most of them, making them completely reduced to only knowing the existence of killing and destruction.

This is the end of the controller of the power of destruction. There are still a few destruction masters who can control their emotions like Locke and golden monkey.

Of course, some of these members of the destruction Corps still retain their own minds.

Needless to say, this guy is a natural destructive element, a creature, and even has a higher degree of fit with the power of destruction than Locke.

Because of the protection of Locke\'s destruction god, they are not much affected in their mind. At most, they are irritable.

What really surprised Locke was that the group of destruction angels represented by the winged angel safiros had not been excessively eroded by the destruction factor and became the most self preserving existence among the members of Locke\'s destruction Corps.

If it\'s the past, Locke may not know why.

But now, with Locke standing in the perspective of the top eight creatures, and his control and opinions on the rules and energy field have reached a very deep level, he can see that the vast majority of the destruction angels under his command can remain sober and intelligent, which comes from the existence of faith and the power of light in his body.

I won\'t say much about faith. As for the so-called power of light, it is by no means as simple as the ordinary "power of light".

It is an energy particle more noble than the power of pure light element, and even involves the field of spirit and desire.

Locke was glad that the destruction angels he received were the part of the fallen angels with a bottom line.

There is light in his heart, no matter what kind of power he uses!

The winged angel safiros and his legion of angels of destruction perfectly explain this word.

This is also the first time that Locke found other ways to control the erosion of the power of destruction on the user\'s mind and character in addition to the methods he usually knew.

Only for the use of this method, not all organisms can do it.

In addition to those members of the destruction Legion who also have their own divinity, there are more "destroyers" who have completely lost their divinity and self judgment around Locke at this time.

Among these destroyers are Titans, orcs and Zerg, especially the destruction Titans whose two ends have reached level 6 life level. Even Locke can\'t help looking at them more because of their strength and rule repression.

"I don\'t know what happened to wizard civilization after such a long time. Let\'s go!" With Locke\'s order, these amazing destroyers gathered around Locke and advanced beyond the lonely star domain by incarnating the destruction storm.

At present, Locke has no idea of taking them back to paradise lost. At least Locke will not do so until they can completely stabilize their strength.

Because of the fluctuation of will from the golden apple tree in paradise lost, Locke knew that paradise lost intersected with his own life was full of rejection of these differences full of destructive power.


Jiluogulian star domain border, alpha 7 observatory.

Lieutenant Colonel Jess Nogg is staring at the rising energy index and element storm intensity on the holographic display in front of him.

"My God, is it a new round of cosmic storm passing through? But this Observatory has not experienced such a terrible value in 800 years!" Lieutenant Colonel Jess Nogg exclaimed, looking at the amazing figures of the continuous jump and climb.

With its relatively low life level, even 800 years has been an extremely long time span. How could he imagine that Locke\'s top life spent 20000 years just once closing down.

Twenty thousand years, the life of lower creatures is extremely poor. It is an unimaginable long time, including the demigod organisms in the wizard world. Their average life limit is only ten thousand years.

Over the past 20000 years, the galent Federation has experienced from the devastated ruins after the war to today\'s emerging reconstruction links.

Countless life planets and man-made planets have reappeared in the Federation, and the whole galent Federation has made great progress and development compared with 20000 years ago.

Lieutenant Colonel Jess Nogg was a lucky federal officer who had nothing to be picky about except that his marriage was a little unhappy.

He was born 544 years ago. Because he took genetic drugs and his military rank is not low, he will have at least a thousand years to enjoy in the future.

Born in the heyday of galent Federation in recent years, it also means that he has little impression of the fierce civilization war more than 20000 years ago compared with those old federal generals and the leaders of big chaebols who really have inside information.

Also, for more than 99% of the federal human race, the war with the desolate civilization and the bright Protoss more than 20000 years ago is just "history" in textbooks.

The low average life energy level and the characteristics of the scientific and technological civilization system made Lieutenant Colonel Jess Nogg unable to imagine the intensity of the civilization war at that time, and naturally he had no impression of Locke who was in the limelight in the civilization war.

In fact, the galent Federation has always been good at shaping heroes. The emergence of films such as saving private Sean and morondi\'s iron blood meteorite belt swept the whole Federation in the wartime and post-war years.

Even the existence of Locke, the supreme Knight of wizard civilization, Lilith, the seventh level dark summoner, and femton, a dead descendant, were used by the federal chaebols to operate and make films.

For example, about Locke, there is a "Knight of destruction in the end" released in the Federation, but the box office is generally not good.

Compared with Locke, a relatively strange and powerful alien civilization, federal humans with low life level are more interested in behemoths of the level of dead femton.

Even taking the dead descendants as the prototype, the Federation has released three versions of big films, but the Federation has not paid for the copyright of wizard civilization.

Lieutenant Colonel Jess Nogg has only seen the second film of the dead descendant. He can\'t imagine that the transit of the cosmic storm in front of him is caused by the owner of the dead descendant in the film he has seen.

The value on the display is about to burst, which means that the small observation station he is in is likely to be crushed in the transit of the storm.

However, the moment before the crisis, he sent the abnormality here to the federal rear in time, and he and other staff also hid in the shelter.

"God bless!" Curled up in a narrow shelter, Lieutenant Colonel Jess Nogg prayed piously.

He didn\'t know whether it was useful. He thought of his ex-wife and two children.


Take a day off tomorrow and ask your readers for a leave.