Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4411

In 624113 calendar year of galent Federation, which is also the 5312th year when the wizard civilization participated in the war of silent bone convergence star domain, the wizard civilization Legion led by Lilith officially withdrew from the star domain of galent Federation.

With Lilith, not only tens of millions of wizard civilization legions, but also Locke\'s lineages, including dead femton, and the fifth stage war compensation paid by the galent Federation to the wizard civilization.

With the current economic strength and inside information of the Federation, it is obviously impossible to repay all the war funds owed to wizard civilization at one go.

This is an amazing wealth with a total amount of trillions of magic coins. Based on the current economic repayment ability of the Federation, it is estimated that it may take ten thousand years, that is, it will be gradually repaid to the wizard civilization ten times.

However, the return of Lilith and the wizard civilization army does not mean that the tentacles of the wizard world in the galent Federation will be completely cut off.

In addition to about 200000 knights and magicians stationed at the border of galent Federation to maintain the space transmission channel between wizard civilization and galent Federation.

Every hundreds of years, a large number of orcs and Titans will be sent to the depths of the lonely bone convergence star domain for destructive transformation.

At the same time, a certain number of destruction legions will come out of the lonely bone convergence star domain.

The emergence of these destruction legions no longer shows Locke\'s strong power all the time, which makes a mountain always pressing in the heart of galent Federation.

And the Legion transformed by Locke\'s destruction rules, after walking out of the lonely bone convergence star domain, reached the pan star domain battlefield through the cross star domain space-time transmission array for the first time, adding bricks and tiles to the wizard civilization.

The emergence of the destruction Corps not only tightened a line for the galent Federation, but also brought great pressure to the dominant creatures of the tower world and the false word civilization in the pan star battlefield.

Locke is like a mystery. No one knows when he broke the barrier, and no one knows how powerful he was when he broke the barrier and appeared in the star world.

In short, the space station set up by the galent Federation at the border of the lonely bone star domain can receive terrorist rule turbulence from the depths of the lonely bone star domain almost every year, and the rule turbulence is getting stronger and stronger.

Yanzu, including on the pan star battlefield, seems to have predicted something. On the one hand, he strengthened the war with wizard civilization, and on the other hand, he quietly made preparations.


Cultivation has no years.

Including Locke himself, before he closed the door, he didn\'t expect that it would take so long to break through to the eighth level peak this time.

Twenty thousand years later.

After more than 20000 years of cultivation, Locke\'s mind was a little confused and chaotic for a time.

With Locke as the center, a turbulent storm of destruction gathered in all directions.

In fact, this destruction storm has also lasted for more than 20000 years, and has gradually replaced the original destruction source and become a new energy source and regular node in the silent and convergent star domain.

The power level at the peak of level 8 makes Locke clearly touch the ceiling of the star world at this time.

Obviously, there was an empty and silent void around at this time, but Locke, who absorbed a very strong destructive factor, vaguely felt some sense of cramping.

"Master!" The voice of monkey Goku sounded in Locke\'s ear.

A pair of dark and repressed eyes of destruction looked at the golden monkey, making this powerful monkey with level 7 medium-term feel bursts of suffocation for a time.

Fortunately, Locke\'s state did not last too long. With the gradual recovery of consciousness and spirit, the dark eyes of destruction gradually became much softer.

"Oh, it\'s Wukong." A dry, hoarse voice came from Locke\'s mouth.

A cold and frightening atmosphere suddenly rises, which is the natural suppression of low-level life after both rules and energy reach the state of qualitative change.

Even the golden monkey with level 7 medium-term strength feels great pressure, not to mention those weaker creatures than it.

From a certain level, it can also be seen that Locke can\'t control his power freely at this time.

If the supreme god of the bright Protoss and the desperate spider mother are both level 8 peaks, their state will be much more calm.

Even for the degree of control of power, the endless Lord immersed in the later stage of level 8 for many years is more skilled than Locke.

At this time, Locke naturally found that his power was irritable and the power of rules was uncontrollable. After pondering for a long time, Locke gradually converged the tyrannical energy and the power of rules as much as possible.

Wukong appeared in front of Locke at this time. It was not so much a golden monkey as a "black monkey" with a deeper grasp of the power of destruction.

Like Locke, the extremely strong destruction factor twines and appears on its surface, and a Golden hoop appears on its forehead and emits bursts of shimmer.

Locke could see that it was this Golden hoop that suppressed the destructive power of Wukong\'s tyranny and brought it a clear mind.

And the middle of level 7 is not the potential limit of the golden monkey, because he has practiced in this destructive tide with Locke for more than 20000 years, and this guy even has the capital to challenge the later level of level 7.

Of course, as the master of the golden monkey, Locke advised it not to think about it for a short time.

Because it is similar to Locke\'s situation, the sudden strength is greatly improved, so that the golden monkey can\'t completely control its terrorist power.

The best proof is that the whole body\'s hair degenerates into black and can\'t recover its original golden appearance.

"I thought I could completely control this power in 10000 years. It seems that I think things are too simple."

"There are few destruction factors left in this star field. Even if there are some residues, it is not far from complete dissipation."

"Come on, it\'s time to get out of here." Locke said to the golden monkey in front of him.

Not only the golden monkey, but also many life bodies with the fluctuation of destruction rules around Locke.

They are all members of the destruction Corps who have been practicing with Locke in this star field, and they basically have a life level of more than level 4.

This is an extremely terrible force. If we count the destruction Legion that left the silent bone convergence star domain before, only Locke\'s private army, it has reached tens of millions of huge, and all of them are powerful and powerful.

Among the many individuals with more than four levels of life in front of him, the major sources of destruction that attracted Locke\'s attention came from the winged angel safiros, the mutant Niu Gelong, the dead Tyrannosaurus Rex God and the spring of destruction.

At present, the details of the mutant cattle Gelong and the dead Tyrannosaurus Rex are still poor, but the winged angel safiros and the fountain of destruction show the potential to be promoted to dominate!