Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4410

Two thousand years later.

The long war for the settlement of the dead in Mesopotamia has finally come to an end for the time being.

The galent federal fleet, the wizard civilization Legion and some of the dead civilization survivors led by Lilith are the main force to destroy these remaining undead creatures.

Of course, because in the past, there were billions of dead creatures remaining and entrenched in every corner of the entire Mesopotamia region.

For such a long time, although the main forces of these dead creatures have been eliminated and scattered, the remaining ones still have power that can not be ignored.

However, with the war going on to this day, the remaining dead creatures of the silent civilization have no great threat.

Galent federal leaders gradually began to shift their energy from war to people\'s livelihood construction and economic development.

The powerful wizards in the world, including Lilith, seem to have left the galent Federation after there is no threat of external war, especially the provocation of dominant creatures.

"How\'s it going? Lord Locke, the supreme knight, has come out of the closed gate this time?" In the federal stellar war fortress, the federal four-star general madiron asked Lilith who was invited by him.

Because the four-star general medilon is the commander-in-chief of an Russian lobas class war fleet, and has cooperated with Lilith many times in the war of the settlement of dead creatures in the Mesopotamia region. So in terms of rank and tone, he can be equal to Lilith.

This time, madiron invited Lilith, mainly tens of millions of troops of wizard civilization, who are about to withdraw from the federal battlefield of galent.

On the one hand, no decent war will break out here. On the other hand, the wizard civilization has reached a critical period in conquering the pan star region.

Moreover, as an independent large-scale world civilization, the galent Federation has as many as 70-80 million elite legions of wizard civilization stationed in its territory, including several seven level masters and two eight level masters.

I think as the high-level of the galent Federation, even if the civilized war gradually comes to an end, I think they will have some discord.

In addition, the four-star general medilon asked Lilith for information this time, which was partly inspired by the high-level of the Federation. The war money owed by the Federation to the wizard civilization is an astronomical figure.

Whether Locke leaves the customs immediately determines whether the federation needs to immediately return the resources of wizard civilization in accordance with the contract.

It\'s not that galent doesn\'t pay back, but the repayment sequence and order.

For example, the same war materials worth tens of billions of magic coins are completely different from those given to the wizard civilization two thousand years later.

In particular, the federal government is now in a critical period of economic recovery and easing the trauma of the war. Every expenditure of federal currency and corresponding resources is extremely important.

Although Lilith is not interested in politics, it doesn\'t mean she\'s stupid.

From the anxious tone of the four-star general medilon, and the various changes in the galent Federation in recent times, especially the performance of the arrears of wizard civilization resources, the level 7 dark Summoner can roughly guess why the Federation pays so much attention to Locke\'s closed breakthrough state.

Therefore, facing the inquiry of four-star general Madison, Lilith in a black mage robe sat on the alloy chair in the conference room of the stellar war fortress and replied to Madison, "it should be fast. I can feel that his breath and strength are increasing day by day."

"And not long ago, a two million destruction Legion came out of the depths of the lonely bone convergence star domain. They are elite legions that have completed deep destruction and transformation."

"Since those destruction legions have completed the transformation and promotion, I believe it won\'t be too far from Locke." Lilith replied with her legs crossed.

Lilith\'s answer made four-star general madilon feel pressure.

Lilith can find that Locke\'s breath is rising in the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain, and the galent Federation, which monitors the silent bone convergence star domain, can also find this fact.

The answer from Lilith\'s mouth is obviously the last result the federal side wants to see.

And did not let the four-star general madilon have the opportunity to ask again. Lilith took the initiative to point out that "according to the mutual rule contract signed 5234 years ago, the Federation will pay the fifth stage remuneration or directly pay the balance to our Wizard civilization in the next 100 years."

"When you paid the fourth phase of remuneration a thousand years ago, your Federation delayed for nearly 200 years. I hope there will be no similar incidents this time, otherwise our Wizard civilization has the right to investigate the breach of contract and trigger the rule strike caused by the contract."

Lilith said expressionless that the level 7 dark Summoner had no feelings of fighting side by side with the federal Russian lobas war fleet at this time.

Lilith\'s cold reminder embarrassed four-star general madilon.

Without waiting for him to continue to clarify anything, seeing that the meeting did not continue, Lilith directly got up and left.

Lilith\'s meeting with four-star general madilon can also be seen as the epitome of civilization and civilization.

It was precisely because the wizard civilization had this strength and confidence that Lilith spoke to the four-star general madilon in this tone and tone.

In contrast to the relationship between the galent Federation and the civilizations of the members of the anti light Protoss alliance, the galent Federation did not take the initiative, including the high-level officials and diplomats of the Federation were bossy in the face of the rose Dynasty, which is also a large world civilization.

After all, this is a cruel star world where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp.

Including the four stages of war rewards paid by the galent Federation to the wizard civilization before, of which nearly six Chengdu were apportioned to the weak world civilizations of the anti light Protoss alliance.

Are those weak world civilizations willing to be exploited by the galent Federation? In fact, there is no way!


After leaving the stellar war fortress, Lilith didn\'t look as determined as she had shown before.

Even Lilith herself was not sure when Locke could break through the barrier from the depths of the silent bone gathering star domain.

Because as a master who is trying to climb to the later level of level 7, Lilith knows how difficult it is to break through each small level of the master level.

Locke is moving forward from the late stage of level 8 to the peak of level 8. I think his breakthrough process will be more difficult.

And according to Lilith\'s conjecture, Locke\'s seclusion time may not be less than 10000 years.

"The war of wizard civilization in that Pan star region has reached a critical period, and the contradiction with the two civilizations in the world has become more and more obvious."

"You guy, you should come out early." After taking a look at the depths of the lonely bone convergence star domain, Lilith immediately turned back and returned to the depths of the wizard civilization army.