Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4409

At this time, opposite the angel army, in addition to the breath of a late level 7 reader, there is also a giant mecha that has caused heavy losses to the angel army.

This is the highest scientific and technological creation since the modern civilization of the rose Dynasty, which is comparable to the strength of level 7.

The appearance of this class 7 mecha not only had a great impact on the society and power system of the civilization of the rose Dynasty, but also shocked the galent Federation who embarked on the road of science and technology.

For the galent Federation, the rose Dynasty civilization can master the manufacturing technology of level 7 mecha, which is no less than a little brother who steals his teacher. One day, he suddenly showed more excellent skills than his teacher.

This is something that the galent federation can hardly tolerate. Before that, the senior officials of the Federation and many scientists expressed disdain and slight contempt for the scientific and technological development path of the civilization of the rose Dynasty.

However, it was this group of alien creatures that were despised by federal leaders and scientists that got rid of the street of galent Federation in the field of mecha manufacturing.

Of course, the field of mecha manufacturing is not the same as the overall field of scientific and technological development.

The rose Dynasty civilization can only say that they took that step through another way and a sudden research inspiration.

What\'s more embarrassing is that the maintenance and technical application of a few key parts of the class VII mecha of the rose Dynasty civilization all depend on the galent Federation.

In recent years, as this civilization war lasting for thousands of years is coming to an end, a contradiction between galent Federation and rose Dynasty civilization is based on this level 7 mecha.

The Federation asked the rose Dynasty civilization to fully disclose the manufacturing technology and key parameters of level 7 mecha to them, but it is clear that the rose Dynasty civilization will not agree with this unreasonable request.

Moreover, the level-7 mecha of the rose imperial civilization is comparable to the level-7 combat power, and it does not completely rely on the scientific and technological power of.

In addition to the excellent material and technology of the mecha itself, the mecha driver also plays an important role.

Locke, the mecha pilot, also knew that the opposite party was the head of the war king family among the three families of rose Dynasty civilization, that is, Caroline\'s father.

The physique of the warrior is an important factor for the war king to drive mecha and show level 7 combat power.

The rose Dynasty civilization has made this point clear to the galent Federation, but the galent Federation is still reluctant.

The application technology of class VII mecha may be the key point for the scientific and technological progress and take-off of galent Federation in the future.

Such principled issues that affect the whole civilization and break through the existing scientific and technological barriers will not be easily relaxed by the federal high level.

The game and wrangling between the Federation and the rose imperial civilization will continue later.

On the other hand, it is also the withdrawal of the light Protoss, which makes the civilization of the galent Federation and the rose Dynasty free from the oppression of external threats, so that they have excess energy for internal friction.


When the angel army began to withdraw from the rose Dynasty civilization and several other medium-sized star domain battlefields, the civilization war in Kanazawa star domain, which lasted for more than 2000 years, finally came to an end.

For the galent Federation, it is undoubtedly a miracle that it can hold the final bottom line of Kanazawa star domain for 2000 years under the premise of sudden war.

Of course, the birth of this miracle is inseparable from the contributions of countless federal heroes on this front.

The suicide fleet, the steel will front, the battle to defend SNA III, the code named "fearless" raid, and other epic war examples and unique terms were all produced during the Kanazawa star war.

Tens of billions of federal soldiers have shed their blood in this vast star region for more than 2000 years.

It is precisely because of their existence that the rising sun Lord of the bright Protoss has hit a hard nail here.

If the Lord of glory and others have also sought a lot of faith near the star domain where the rose imperial civilization was located, then the Lord of the rising sun and the Lord of the morning harvest only a lot of ruins in this battlefield.

The Kanazawa realm, which has been completely turned into scorched earth, has not left the light Protoss with the soil to develop their faith.

For the rising sun Lord, if he doesn\'t want to waste his excess power here, it\'s best to withdraw his troops directly from Kanazawa.

The Lord of the rising sun, who was killed by the federal five-star general kadiga Gaius, is undoubtedly full of hatred and disgust towards the galent Federation.

This is also the reason why he initially advocated the civil war against the galent Federation.

The failure to defeat his opponent completely made the rising sun Lord quite angry. Similarly, the federal side of galent was also full of hostility to the rising sun Lord.

Until the last angel legion of Kanazawa star domain gradually withdrew, on the eve of evacuation, the empty star domain turned into coke was still full of gunpowder.


Four hundred years later, the withdrawal of the angel Legion in the Kanazawa region officially marked the complete lifting of the civilization war crisis that had been pressing on the galent Federation for many years.

Although there are still many dead creature legions in Mesopotamia, including the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance, a certain degree of death clouds have not been cleared.

But at least these crises and remaining chronic diseases are controllable, and the federal high-level can have a good sleep next.

Looking back on the war, there were not many winners.

The loss of the Kanazawa, Akram and badron domains is a heavy price that the galent Federation may not recover for tens of thousands of years.

Including the tense relationship between the galent Federation and the civilization of the rose Dynasty at this time, there is also a large part of the reason that they want to pass on their war losses and internal crisis.

If there is harvest, there is naturally.

The progress in the field of science and technology is an important support for the galent Federation to seek a higher class in the future. And it seems that every outbreak of civilization war will raise the technological barrier of galent Federation to a higher level.

The stronger the Vietnam War, the stronger the cultural characteristics, is also the ethnic characteristics of each family with the potential of top civilization.

This is true of the wizard world, and so is the galent Federation.

It was also as the galent Federation finally defeated the light Protoss in the Kanazawa domain, and Lilith, who was far away in the Mesopotamia domain, finally signed a level 7 undead master after spending hundreds of years.

In general, the contracts signed between the same rank are mostly based on equality, which is difficult to form an extremely harsh master-slave contract.

But this time, taking advantage of the convenience of the civilization war and the collapse of the lonely civilization, Lilith won the master of the dead at the beginning of level 7 at a small price.

The specific content of the contract is still relatively strict. This calling contract containing the soul of Jing Ning\'s master also basically determines the fact that she will sell herself to Lilith in the future.

Together with Jing Ning, there are nearly ten million dead families led by her.


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