Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4408

Although more than 200 years have passed since the extinction tide, the energy impact and regular turbulence in the whole silent and convergent star domain are still in an extremely exaggerated situation.

The energy shock wave sweeping from the depths of the star domain has completely reduced the silent bone convergence star domain to a restricted area of life.

Even the eight level masters with destructive power like Locke feel great resistance and threat in the process of moving forward, not to mention those ordinary masters.

According to Locke\'s speculation, this magnificent energy tide in the silent bone convergence star domain may last for 30000 years or even longer.

This is the power of level nine.

Compared with the destruction factor transmitted by the separated body in the keitra domain, Locke is actually in the silent and bone convergence domain, and the destruction factor he feels is more violent and pure.

Extremely violent energy elements swept around Locke. These energy factors tried to annihilate Locke into particles, but their final outcome was to be digested and absorbed by Locke.

In the process of advancing to the depths of the lonely star domain, the destruction storm suffered by Locke became stronger and stronger.

An expanding destruction storm is taking shape. Unfortunately, no audience has witnessed Locke\'s power in this open star region for the time being.

A few years later, Locke arrived outside the silent bone convergence plane.

As the source of the destruction of this star domain, the power and destruction factor of the violent element on the silent bone convergence plane have almost reached the peak.

The particle concentration was two to three times higher than that in hell\'s destruction space. It was also here that Locke felt the opportunity for him to touch the eighth level peak.

Not far from the silent bone convergence plane, Locke found a pool of Gray Crystal Sand floating in the starry sky.

If you can keep your nature unchanged at the source of destruction, these gray crystal sands must not be ordinary.

From these crystal sands, Locke did feel part of the power breath of the sea of death of level 8 creatures.

Once a vast and powerful sea of death, now there is only a beach of crystal sand, representing the traces of its existence.

Crystal sand contains an incomparably strong origin of death. In terms of value, the remains of the sea of death are more than those of the Lord of darkness.

Put away the crystal sand. Locke didn\'t feel much this time.

At least for now, the sea of death is undoubtedly a complete loser, and Locke, who is here, is about to reap his greatest harvest in the silent and bone gathering civilized battlefield.

"Let\'s go." Take a deep breath, Locke incarnates the destruction storm, siphoning the strong destruction factors of the whole star field on the site of the silent bone convergence plane.

The energy tide and regular turbulence sweeping the whole star domain are gradually close to the energy frequency of the destruction storm incarnated by Locke.

Stepping on the bones of billions of creatures and the ruins of countless regular and complete planes, he has made an impact on the eighth level peak. I don\'t know how long it will take Locke to achieve his goal this time.

Also when Locke incarnated the destruction storm and officially entered the closed cultivation state, the bloody light door connecting the paradise lost quietly opened.

After supplement, nearly ten million legions began to absorb and carry out destructive transformation under the influence of Locke\'s power.

These legions are Locke\'s lineage, and they are called the "destruction Legion". They will also enjoy the rich fruits brought by the destruction of the lonely civilization together with Locke.


Five hundred years later.

The long fought Mesopotamia star domain dominated the battlefield, and the powerful energy fluctuations finally subsided.

The king of the dead, the master of the seven level peak dead, did not give in after all. Facing the encirclement and suppression of Lilith and two federal Russian lobas level war fleets, it even wanted to end its life with self explosion.

The timely arrival of femton, a level 8 creature. Let the dead emperor die together.

Finally, Lilith collected only a broken crown and the incomplete remains of the emperor of the dead.

The emperor of the dead spirit would rather die than surrender, which made Lilith, a level 7 dark Summoner from the wizard civilization, very dissatisfied.

So that two hundred years after the battle of domination, Lilith didn\'t completely get out of her depression in the laboratory.

However, 321 years after the end of the war of domination, when the galent federal fleet and the wizard civilization Corps explored and investigated the last star field in the north of Mesopotamia, the discovery of the last dead Master startled Lilith again.

Jing Ning, who is seriously injured, is obviously better to deal with than the dead emperor.

This is a weak undead master in the early stage of level 7. Lilith was too anxious when she analyzed that she wanted to recover the undead emperor.

Therefore, she decided to slowly cook the level 7 undead master Jing Ning this time.

It was also Lilith who rounded up and adjusted the level 7 undead master Jing Ning At the time of the church, the shining Lord and the twilight Lord, who were far away on the anti light Protoss alliance front, finally ordered tens of millions of angel legions under their command to evacuate with a sigh.

At this time, the opponents in front of the Lord of glory and the Lord of Twilight are mainly the combat legions of the rose Dynasty civilization and several other medium-sized world civilizations.

Without the assistance of other gods from the headquarters of the bright Protoss, it is obviously difficult to rely on these two gods to win the rose imperial civilization and its appendages.

Until today, the Lord of glory and the Lord of Twilight are not too bad.

It has occupied more than 700 parts of the civilization of the rose Dynasty and its vassals. For this "short-term war" that took no more than 3000 years, the result has been good.

As for the injuries suffered by the twilight Lord himself in this war, the rose Dynasty civilization and the galent Federation were not very well.

And with the top civilization, the stop loss efficiency of the bright Protoss is obviously much better than that of the rose imperial civilization.

"It doesn\'t matter. Next time we can completely purify and eliminate them!" On the eve of evacuating the civilized battlefield of the rose Dynasty, the twilight Lord was angry.

He didn\'t quite understand why the Eternal Lord and others chose to retreat, and because they were in the civilized battlefield of the rose Dynasty, the Lord of the twilight didn\'t know much about the terrible turmoil in the lonely bone convergence star domain.

The Lord of glory obviously knew more than the Lord of twilight. Facing the declaration of the young and vigorous Lord God, the Lord of glory smiled and didn\'t say much.

another time? Maybe, but the shining Lord doesn\'t think it\'s possible.

He has received the news that the endless Lord\'s suffering in the desperate world is no small matter.

Basically, all the gods and angels expressed their desire to avenge the endless Lord, including the top civilization called source energy civilization, which is by no means a good stubble.

More importantly, the Lord of glory found that the Supreme God was obviously more interested in the desperate world than the war gains on the side of the anti light Protoss alliance.

And this time the endless Lord was hurt in the desperate world, which is the fuse for the bright Protoss to enter the desperate world and break out a war with the source energy civilization.