Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4407

Compared with Locke\'s last arrival, the star environment and element atmosphere here have changed greatly.

Even more than the lonely and convergent star domain, even the border line of Mesopotamia star domain just passed by Locke is also a erosion and chaos at this time.

In the past, the extremely strong death factor was covered by more violent element energy and destruction wave tide, and the surrounding space contained the destruction factor fascinated by Locke.

The emergence of these destruction factors stems from the extinction of hundreds of millions or more creatures and the destruction of countless regular complete planes.

Feel guilty? Maybe some, but it\'s just crocodile tears.

Just as Locke is unlikely to sympathize with those dead creatures, if the silent civilization wins the civilization war, those dead masters will not show much sympathy for the federal human beings.

This is a cruel star world. Either you eat me or I eat you. The naked jungle law and class repression are the mainstream of the development of many civilizations in the star world.

Like the failed grace mainland Vatican, it is only a few exceptions in this huge star world.

However, when arriving at the border of the silent bone convergence star domain, Locke still made some unexpected discoveries.

The strong will to dominate and the subtle perception of the surrounding destruction environment make Locke find some master remains at a turbulent destruction node of the power of rules.

This is an aggregate of rich dark energy and death energy, some of which are like viscous water elements, but under the baptism of destructive force and energy wave tide, these aggregates have a tendency to evolve into solid spar gradually.

Locke has been in contact with the several masters of the dead of the lonely civilization for so many years, and he basically knows something about them.

The residue of dark and death energy elements in front of us should be the remains of the seven level peak Dark Lord.

"Unfortunately, if this guy works harder or has more profound information, he should be able to escape." Looking at the residue in front of him, Locke sighed.

As the master of the seventh level peak, the Lord of the dark ghost, like the emperor of the dead, is a powerful existence that is expected to move towards the eighth level.

However, such a powerful master did not die in the battle on the front battlefield, but was killed by one γ It must be said that it was a tragedy to kill the first-class crystal.

Of course, what is more sad than the outcome of the Lord of darkness is the sea of death in the later stage of level 8.

The tide of destruction in his hand gathered into a stream, and Locke put away the remains of the Dark Lord in front of him.

The material that can be preserved in the aftermath of this extinction will never be ordinary.

The laws of darkness and death coincide with Lilith. In addition, Locke plans to give some to his wife Ashar.

With the passage of time, among many women of Locke, Ashar has gradually surpassed sarafa and become the woman with the highest realm and the greatest potential in Locke\'s harem.

If Sara\'s method is only 40% likely to be promoted to the peak of level 6, and has to be supplemented by a long time of fighting, then assar\'s probability of reaching the peak of level 6 is as high as 60%.

Even in the realm of domination, she has a possibility of 10 to 20%, which is a very high probability.

Unfortunately, except Ashar, few of Locke\'s other women are expected to enter the realm of domination.

Sure enough, resources and wealth are not omnipotent. The spirit God of the spirit world is far less than those women of Locke in the field of resource acquisition, but Locke has to admit that the spirit God is expected to enter the realm of domination in the future.

This may also be the reason why Locke has taken a lot of photos of the elf world in recent years.

Even more than Elune, the elf God, even campas, the stupid and muscular Orc God, has a certain chance to enter the realm of domination.

These ectopic gods can stand out from the hundreds of millions of people in their original position and become the leaders of the whole world and civilization.

Now in the environment provided by the wizard alliance and supported by Locke, the supreme knight, they can go further than before.

Of course, there are still a few exotic gods with great potential, such as Elune, the God of elves, and campas, the God of orcs.

The dominant territory is not Chinese cabbage. Resources, potential and opportunities are indispensable.

Elune, the God of elves, and campas, the God of orcs, will not necessarily enter the realm of domination in the future. They just have more opportunities and good potential than other alliance level 6 gods.

Although Locke\'s women have average potential, it has to be said that Locke\'s three children have inherited Locke\'s bonus from the field of blood and rules.

Odin and Lisa should have the greatest potential. Locke even thinks they have a chance to move towards level 8 in the future, but he doesn\'t know if he can see it.

On the contrary, Bev, Locke\'s eldest daughter, may be because Locke and Keira had only one or two life levels when they gave birth to her, so her potential was not as exaggerated as her brother and sister.

However, as the purest human beings in the wizard world, if anyone can inherit Locke\'s most heritage after he leaves, it is naturally Bev.

Odin has Titan Protoss, Lisa has star Zerg, and most of Locke\'s future possessions in the wizard world will be handed over to bev, not to mention that Bev is already the next leader of the planned Mamet alliance.

The potential of level 8 is somewhat reluctant, but Locke thinks Bev is still expected to enter level 7 in the future.

His children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Locke\'s three children have the potential to enter the dominant creature. He should be satisfied.

The only thing that sometimes leads Locke to some criticism is that he doesn\'t know when he can have a grandson.

Bev and Lisa don\'t have to think about it. So far, neither of them has found the opposite sex.

On the contrary, Locke\'s son Odin has been married to the half dragon ander for a long time, not to mention that Locke also knows that this boy has an affair with many young goddesses in the Titan world.

But he hasn\'t created a grandson for himself for such a long time. Locke even thought it was better to let Hera flank and urge him.

The thoughts in his mind, as well as the sudden longing for the wives and children of the wizard world, made Locke in the center of the destruction storm smile.

The smile of the destroyer\'s transformed form is very terrible and ferocious.

But the client Locke didn\'t realize it. He even felt a touch of warmth.

"When this breakthrough is over, go back and have a rest." Locke whispered to himself. After collecting the remains of the master in front of him, Locke continued to move straight to the depths of the lonely bone convergence star domain.