Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4406

Femton, a dead descendant, has really had a good life in recent years. The absorption of a large amount of death force has made his body more than two or three times fatter than in the past.

The absorption of these death forces also makes femton\'s biological quality reach an extremely exaggerated situation.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the sea of death, compared with ordinary level 8 creatures, femton\'s physique and quality are there.

If we face the endless Lord of the light Protoss again, femton, who wants to die, will be much more relaxed.

Seeing Locke again, there was a sense of closeness in femton\'s shallow will.

This is a special fetter between Paradise Lost and femton, which also means that Locke has not fed femton for so many years.

Close to close, but femton didn\'t want to be too close to Locke.

Locke was subjected to an extremely fierce destruction storm, which would indiscriminately hurt femton\'s body.

Under the governance of Locke\'s daughter, this big guy\'s health is at least hundreds of times better than in the past.

Originally, those rotten meat full of stench and strong death factors were replaced by gray skin, and those countless meat umbilicus are now also used as part of the effect of transporting the Zerg Legion in the body.

For Locke\'s request, Lisa immediately said to do it, including the Titan Legion and the orc legion, which will soon be transferred here through the wizard alliance.

After spending some time at the border of the wigwendor domain and replenishing the destruction corps, Locke went straight to the silent bone convergence domain.

Also in the process of passing through Mesopotamia, Locke met the last undead master.

Level 7 peak undead master - the emperor of the dead, should be the last undead master.

On the premise that the seven level white bone masters are frightened and disappeared, and several other dead masters have successively determined to fall, the dead emperor is the last backbone of the silent bone convergence civilization.

Originally this head was in γ The level-7 crystal detonated the level-7 peak creature badly hit in the tide. After a little cultivation, he immediately led his army to flee the nearby star battlefield.

But unfortunately, the pursuit of Lilith, the seventh level dark Summoner of wizard civilization, and the encirclement and suppression of countless ships by the galent Federation made the escape intention of the dead emperor come to naught.

When Locke reached the middle of Mesopotamia, the fierce battle of domination was still going on.

As one of the belligerents, there is naturally Lilith, the seventh level dark Summoner of the wizard world.

Even in addition to Lilith, there were two galent federal Russian lobas war fleets.

With one against three, there is no doubt about the super strength of the dead emperor.

The only criticism is that this seventh level peak dead spirit dominates the extremely weak body status and one-third of its head melted by strong energy.

The situation of the dead emperor is so miserable because it has suffered from γ Some powers detonated by level 1 crystal.

The master of the seven level peak necromancer still had some luck. Instead of falling directly like the sea of death and the Lord of darkness, he melted one-third of his head in exchange for his own life.

The golden crown on the forehead of the dead emperor was melted at the same time as a third of his head, and two of the five gemstones were completely dissipated.

This imperial crown should be the most precious treasure of the dead emperor. It also welcomed Lilith\'s eyes as early as the eve of the war.

Not to mention the emperor\'s crown itself, just the five gemstones have the level of low-level world-class secret treasures.

The five gemstones are combined into a crown. The overall value and strength of this imperial crown is no less than Locke\'s twelve products, such as destroying heilian and killing God gun.

The dissipation of the two gemstones means that the emperor of the dead wears the crown of the emperor, which is greatly reduced in value.

Although it still has the level of world-class secret treasure, its product level has been reduced from advanced world-class secret treasure to intermediate.

Although she had some regrets, Lilith was not too depressed.

Because in addition to the crown, the dead Emperor himself attracted Lilith\'s great interest.

If you can, Lilith hopes that this undead creature with level 7 peak level can become her first master summoner.

Unfortunately, as the emperor of hundreds of millions of dead creatures in the civilization, the dead emperor has stronger bones and a stronger sense of honor than other dead masters.

Perhaps other undead creatures will bow their heads to Lilith in exchange for a way to live, but this definitely does not include the emperor of the dead himself.

When Lilith and two Russian lobas war fleets encircled it, the proud and profound Death Master chose war death as the end of his life.

For such a long time, Lilith didn\'t ask the dead femton to suppress and kill him, just to wear the will of the dead emperor and force him to obey.

Unfortunately, there are only two-thirds of the death masters left in this head, and she is unwilling to become the slaves of others. Even if Lilith swears with the soul of the master, she will try her best to give fair treatment to the dead emperor.

The arrival of the destruction storm coerced by Locke forced the war of domination to stop for a moment.

The two federal Russian lobas war fleets deliberately avoided Locke\'s destruction storm, while Lilith was very curious about Locke in the period of depression and qualitative change.

"Can I help you?" In the storm of destruction, Locke\'s low voice came.

At this time, his excess destructive power was too strong. Locke even had a feeling that he wouldn\'t spend much effort to kill the seven level peak undead master who was seriously injured.

The bullying from Locke not only posed a great threat to the dead emperor on the battlefield, but also made Lilith feel a certain pressure.

It is very difficult to subdue such a master of the necromancer system with an ignorant brute force.

"No, you go to your business first. I\'ll deal with this guy myself." Lilith replied.

She was extremely keen on the power of elements, and saw that Locke was not right at this time. She didn\'t delay Locke too much effort. Lilith motioned him to go to the lonely bone gathering star region as soon as possible to do his own business.

"Well, if you need anything, call me anytime. You can ask it to help, including dead femton." Locke nodded to Lilith, then the destruction storm passed, left the dominant battlefield directly, and advanced towards the lonely star field in the depths of the starry sky.

It seems that she suddenly remembered something. Lilith shouted at the destruction storm of Locke\'s Avatar that was gradually going away, "there should be something left in the silent bone convergence star domain. If there is any unexpected discovery, remember to bring it back to me for research!"

"I see." Locke\'s voice immediately echoed in the starry sky.


I wanted to add more time, but my body can\'t stand it. Let\'s resume the third shift. I\'m sorry.