Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4405

"Knight Locke, congratulations." When meeting with trichi pan baesa, the five-star federal general first said to Locke.

"Oh? Congratulations, too." Locke replied with a smile.

Trichi pan baesa\'s congratulations represent that Locke\'s strength and breath have soared, and is expected to enter the top of level 8 next.

Locke\'s congratulations represent that the galent Federation is about to completely end its campaign against the silent bone convergence civilization, and the withdrawal of the bright Protoss is a foregone conclusion.

The conversation place of the two civilization leaders is located in an open starry sky in the middle of keitra\'s star domain.

Trichi pan baesa is in a stellar war fortress, while Locke stands in the starry sky and continues to show himself in the form of a destructive storm.

As Locke\'s trip to the lonely bone convergence star region has not been closed for a long time, many matters about the wizard civilization and the next alliance between the two sides need to be agreed in advance.

The meeting, which took place in the starry sky, lasted three months.

Although we did not fully reach consensus with trichi pan baesa on all issues, in general, the results of the meeting and discussion were satisfactory to both sides.

According to the discussion results of this meeting, the wizard civilization represented by Locke basically determined their ultimate benefits in this civilization war, including how much war remuneration the galent Federation will pay to the wizard civilization and how many years it will be paid within.

Similarly, the galent Federation will also receive assistance for the post-war reconstruction of wizard civilization.

It may be that they have experienced a protracted civilization war together. At least for now, the galent Federation is still in the honeymoon with the wizard civilization.

As for the previous war estrangements and cracks, they were temporarily suppressed during the high-level meeting between Locke and trichi pan baesa.

In a word, the wizard civilization that has just ended a protracted war and the galent Federation are unlikely to fight in the short term, or even within 100000 years.

There are still a lot of mess to clean up in the galent Federation. The wizard civilization also has to deal with the troubles brought by civilizations such as the tower world and false words.

The alliance of one or two large world civilizations is still reliable.


After the meeting with old man trichi pan baesa, Locke led his destruction Legion and some wizard civilization legions to go straight to wigwendor.

From old man trich pan baesa, Locke got more detailed information about the kanaze domain and the anti light Protoss alliance front.

Most of the statements made by the sixth level Knight Lancey Mordor to Locke are true. The attack of the light Protoss on the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance has become weak in recent 100 years.

Today, rather than the Federation of galent and other worlds are still facing the light gods, they are actually facing four light gods, including the Lord of the rising sun, the Lord of the shining, the Lord of the twilight and the Lord of the dawn.

Only the four main gods of light, the galent Federation and the rose imperial civilization can survive.

Moreover, through the mouth of trichi pan baesa, Locke also learned that the rose imperial civilization, in addition to the two level-7 thinkers, also showed a level-7 fighter armor in this civilization war.

This should be a power hidden by the rose imperial civilization for a long time. It was not until moraya, a level-7 reader, was seriously damaged in the war that this mecha with level-7 combat power was pushed to the stage by the rose imperial civilization.

As for the hidden strength of the rose imperial civilization, it is not authentic from the perspective of the anti light Protoss alliance.

In the words of trichi pan baesa, the rose Dynasty civilization has always received more and unfair assistance from the anti light Protoss alliance by showing weakness.

Therefore, according to the tone of trichi pan baesari, it seems that it is necessary to give a certain degree of sanctions to the rose imperial civilization in terms of war benefits and expenses after the war is over.

Locke did not express much about the housework of the anti light Protoss alliance.

But he didn\'t express his attitude, in fact, it was already an attitude.

The conflicts and disputes between the rose Dynasty civilization and the galent Federation obviously have a higher priority than the wizard civilization and the galent Federation.

From the perspective of wizard civilization, Locke naturally does not want harmony within the anti light Protoss alliance.

In addition, at the beginning of the war in the silent bone convergence star region, moraya, a level 7 reader, represented the rose imperial civilization and tried to reach some private cooperation with the wizard civilization.

From this point of view, it is in the war interests of wizard civilization to let the two large world civilizations continue to fight.

What the wizard world needs to do is arch fire on both sides and not help each other.

In fact, the contradiction between the rose Dynasty civilization and the galent Federation broke out so early, which was not caused by the emergence of a simple level 7 mecha.

The galent Federation has suffered such great losses this time. Although some of these losses can be recovered from the remnant of dead creatures of the lonely civilization, other losses inevitably need to be borne by the large collective of the anti light Protoss alliance.

As the "second brother" of the anti light Protoss alliance, the rose imperial civilization was obviously unwilling to share the losses of the galent Federation.

Needless to say, the civilization of the rose Dynasty has also suffered a lot this time. If they were not forced to do so, I\'m afraid they wouldn\'t expose the fact that they have a level 7 mecha.

Not only unwilling to share the losses of the galent Federation, the rose imperial civilization also needs those weak alliance member civilizations to share the pressure.

This is an irreconcilable contradiction. I also believe that the civilizations of those alliance members are not willing to be bullied by their "big brother" and "second brother".

Therefore, although the war is coming to an end, the game between disputes and civilizations will not stop.


Wigwendor domain.

When Locke arrived here, the border of the wigwendor region, which used to be in a state of fierce fighting, was calm.

The angel army of the bright Protoss has long been evacuated from this star field battlefield, and the dead creature legion of the lonely civilization has also been driven to Mesopotamia by the powerful wizard civilization Legion and the galent federal fleet.

"Prepare millions of Zerg cannon fodder for me, including to the Titan world and the orc world, and then recruit some giant legions and orc legions. I need to destroy and transform them." After arriving in the wigwendor domain, Locke said to his daughter Lisa, who was stationed here.

Zerg are the most numerous. Titans and orcs absorb the power of destruction, second only to angels.

Locke needs so many arms, which is also to facilitate him to reach the silent bone convergence star domain and absorb the power of destruction. Some creatures can help him share some excessive destruction factors.

In addition, Locke can also create a group of powerful destruction legions that are completely loyal to him.