Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4404

After Locke and the legions of destruction absorbed another 20 years, the power of energy from the center of the destruction storm was suddenly reduced.

Locke\'s dominant separation finally completed his mission.

The incomparably turbulent power of destruction destroyed his dominant part. If Locke wants to continue to absorb the power of destruction and achieve qualitative change with quantitative change, he must go to the silent bone convergence star domain in person.

At this moment, Locke\'s energy and rule fluctuations are extremely suppressed, a large amount of destructive power is concentrated inside and outside Locke\'s body, and a trace of black regular lightning appears on the surface of Locke\'s destroyer.

Level 8 peak is not so easy to break through. Although Locke has absorbed the power of destruction for up to 200 years, this time is not much for the transformation of dominant creatures.

Level 8 peak, the limit of individual strength that the star world can bear.

If this realm can be broken through so easily, the endless Lord of the bright Protoss will not be stuck here for more than 200000 years.

Like Locke\'s obvious sense of fullness at this time, the destruction Legion who absorbed the power of destruction with him also had a very powerful breath and momentum at this time.

Among the millions of destruction legions, the most outstanding is the destruction Angel army led by the winged angel safiros.

The angel of destruction is the individual with the strongest ability to absorb and carry the power of destruction among all the destructive arms.

If it were not for the number that limited the development of the destruction Angel army, Locke really wanted to make this angel army his trump card.

In addition to the destruction Angel forces, the absorption ability of other forces such as orcs and Titans to destruction factors is barely satisfactory.

The efficiency of Zerg and other slave creatures\' cannon fodder absorbing the power of destruction is slightly mediocre, but the advantage of Zerg lies in their amazing reproductive ability and exaggerated quantity.

"How was the battle between kinnazar and wigwendor?" The destructive factor from the separation suddenly stopped. Locke, who suspended his cultivation, sent a message to some powerful wizards in the world on the battle line of keitra star domain.

Although Lilith left here to hunt in Mesopotamia, there are still some strong wizard civilizations in ketra.

"The war is still fierce in jinnaze, and there is no sign of the light Protoss withdrawing for the time being."

"The battle of vigwendor has basically ended. Now the galent Federation and our Wizard civilization corps have pushed the front line to Mesopotamia." A level six Knight replied respectfully.

This sixth level knight, named Lancey modo, is a new sixth level Knight of the Mamet alliance.

Locke had no impression of the young level 6 knight with white hair. In fact, Lancey Mordor had just finished the promotion in the battle field of keitra hundreds of years ago.

The sixth level Knight named Lancey modo was obviously excited to talk to the supreme Knight master of the wizard world.

And this is also a level 6 Knight walking the path of pure passive evolution. Although he looks handsome, his weapon is a pair of silver sledgehammers with ferocious barbs.

"Oh? Haven\'t you retired yet?"

"What about the anti light Protoss alliance front recently?" Locke hesitated for a moment and then asked.

"The anti light Protoss alliance has greatly reduced the pressure of war since a hundred years ago."

"Although wars still broke out in places such as the civilization of the rose Dynasty, on the whole, the most difficult time has passed."

"And the twelve winged Archangel Raphael, who continued to advance in the depths of the anti light Protoss alliance, led the angel Legion to withdraw from the front battlefield 78 years ago." Lancey modo replied.

As a knight, Lancey Mordor did not stick to the battle field of keitra star domain in front of him, but could cast his eyes on other star domains and give his own opinions, which is enough to show that this new kid who broke through level 6 is really good.

A little surprised, he looked at Lancey Mordor. He didn\'t expect that the level 6 knight could answer in such detail. Locke, who raised some interest, then asked him a few more questions, and Lanxi answered them one by one.

In the middle of the destruction storm, Locke, who was in the transformation posture of the destroyer, nodded at Lancey\'s performance.

A pure destruction crystal was thrown out by Locke and thrown in front of Lancey. This crystal is the "stones" condensed on Locke\'s body surface when Locke absorbed the power of destruction.

As a dominating \'stone\' infinitely close to the peak of level 8, the energy contained in this pure destruction spar is the second, and more importantly, it contains some of Locke\'s dominating power and some destruction rules.

The power of domination and the rules of destruction were enough to benefit Lancey, who had just broken through level 6. He nodded at the level 6 knight, and Locke immediately flew to the depths of keitra\'s star domain with the power of destruction.

With Locke leaving at the same time, there are millions of huge legions of destruction.


Facts have proved that when the individual strength is strong to the limit, his every move will have a great impact and impact on the weak creatures in the starry sky.

Level 9 creatures can\'t exist in the star world, perhaps because they have too much power.

Just as he advanced to the middle of keitra, Locke was stopped by the fleet sent by the galent Federation.

Locke originally intended to go directly to everhill to find five-star general trichi pan baesa, but because the destructive power he coerced in the process of moving forward is too strong, it has had a great impact on hundreds of life planets in keitra.

This is the result of Locke\'s unconscious. The galent Federation did not tell Locke that his destructive power even accidentally involved and detonated two man-made planets, which is the interstellar base used by the galent Federation to repair warships.

Locke\'s performance can also be seen as a substantial increase in strength and energy, making it difficult for him to completely control his destructive power for the time being.

Like a fat man who is about to burst his belly, he will inevitably walk a little shaky.

The best way to solve this problem is for Locke to immediately enter the state of closed cultivation and absorb the excessive destructive factors he has absorbed in the past 200 years.

But Locke does not intend to do so. Locke is more greedy than what he has got so far.

He did not "eat enough", at least more than 200 years of absorption of destruction factors, and did not meet Locke\'s expectations.

Separate damage is nothing. Locke will go to the silent bone gathering star region next to absorb and digest the destructive power there.

However, before going to the silent bone convergence star domain, Lockheed had to talk with the galent Federation and discuss with trich pan baesa the general pace of war between the Federation and wizard civilization during his absence from the front battlefield.