Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4403

"What are the notes?" Trichi pan baesa asked with a frown.

At his level, any strange and extraordinary phenomenon could not shake the heart of the first person in the Federal Military.

Even the conqueror class Titan ship was buried in the silent bone convergence star domain. The five-star general did not think that Pavlov, who was weak and insisted on asking his peers, could survive the explosion at that level.

But now there is a message sent by Pavlov himself in the federal central system, which should not be ignored by trich pan baesa.

"Remarks are the domain of God, and the content is a lot of lengthy parameters and formulas."

"These parameters and formulas have attracted the attention of personnel in the central system. Many scientists have been transferred, but now the decryption progress is still relatively slow." The adjutant replied.

"God\'s field..." Trichi pan baesa pondered for a moment and then ordered the adjutant to send some more military scientists to participate in the decryption process.

Trichi pan baesa doesn\'t know much about the field of God. After all, he is a soldier, not a federal scientist.

However, when commenting on the implementation of the plan to destroy the world, the five-star general saw from the experimental report submitted by Pavlov that Pavlov called the nine level force "the field of God".

There is no doubt that the field of God represents the scientific and technological barriers that the galent Federation has just contacted but has not yet deeply understood.

Overcoming such a scientific and technological barrier means the qualitative transformation of the galent Federation from a large-scale world civilization to a top civilization.

There are indeed hundreds of thousands of top federal scientists in the recent γ He died in an accident at the first-class crystal research base.

But the death of those top federal scientists does not mean that the Federation has no scientists.

There is no top-level group, but the galent federation can still grasp a large number of middle and high-level scientists.

And for these scientists, what they need to do is not to innovate and make breakthroughs, but to decrypt the valuable information sent back by Pavlov and apply this part of scientific and technological knowledge in the field of God to practice.

And scientists are not immutable in the galent Federation.

With the development of time and the recuperation of the Federation, more cutting-edge and outstanding scientists will naturally appear one after another.

In the technological civilization of galent Federation, what is missing here is never genius, but capital and opportunity.

Trichi pan baesa didn\'t think it was a prank.

Since the remark came from Pavlov and attracted the attention of the central system, it shows that it contains the symplectic information in the field of God, which is definitely not simple.

In addition to sending military scientists to participate in the decryption in the past, trichi pan baesa also contacted the federal president and asked that part of the funds be allocated to the research on that information and the field of God in the next federal reconstruction plan.

It is a "request" rather than a suggestion, which is enough to prove how the war of civilization that has lasted for nearly 10000 years has brought trichi pan baesa, a five-star general, to a towering position in the power of the galent Federation.

Of course, Mr. President did not hesitate in this regard because trichi pan baesa\'s request was very reasonable, and the absolute strength was the capital for the Federation to stand on the top of the nearby star domain again after the war.

As for the parliament, with the death of the speaker mobat before 1376, no one dares to challenge the authority of trichi pan baesa.

Like Locke, a civilization leader born in the wizard world in the current era, trichi pan baesa and Pavlov are federal leaders in a sense.

But trichi pan baesa mastered the military, while Pavlov drove and prized federal technology.

"By the way, about the emergence of this information and the next research plan in the field of God, you must keep the wizard civilization secret!"

"Security level is SSS level!" Trichi pan baesa ordered.


Katra domain.

The angel army of the bright Protoss has already withdrawn from here, but the storm of terror and destruction outside the star border has not weakened because of the departure of the angel army.

The destruction storm that lasted for 200 years is becoming more and more intense here. No one knows when it will end.

In the center of the destruction storm, Locke, who stepped on the twelve grade destruction Black Lotus and turned on the transformation posture of the destroyer, is condensing one lacquer black crystal after another on his painted black bone armor.

I didn\'t expect that the situation that happened to the dead femton in the past would reappear in Locke at the moment.

There is no mistake. Those painted black crystals are the purest condensation of destructive power.

It can also be seen as a "stone" that Locke absorbed too much but failed to completely transform into his own force.

At this time, there are dark painted springs surging in the twelve Black Lotus. These springs are the springs of destruction.

In addition, behind Locke, the golden monkey who turned on the transformation posture of the destruction giant ape is also absorbing the strong destructive power from Locke in the way of meditation.

But unfortunately, their absorption speed is far less than Locke\'s release of destructive power.

It is also enough to see how exaggerated the destructive power Locke has obtained from his separation, and how amazing the destructive factor in the center of the silent bone convergence star domain is.

"How much is there? I can\'t breathe any more..." The sound of the fountain of destruction came from the twelve Black Lotus.

This is a sound of happiness with distress, and the power level of the fountain of destruction is about to touch the peak level of despair.

The fountain of destruction is the galent federal battlefield that arrived with the support corps of the wizard alliance thousands of years ago. Many family legions of Wanquan world also appeared here at the same time.

Different from the distressed sound of the fountain of destruction, the apprentice Wukong behind Locke dutifully continued to help Locke share the strong destruction factor from the silent bone convergence star domain.

The power essence of the dominant creatures makes the golden monkey Wukong have stronger heritage and greater appetite than the spring of destruction.

But up to now, even the golden monkey Wukong has some food support at this time. The destructive power of its body surface is constantly surging, including its power breath, and is also firmly moving towards the middle of level 7.

The faltering feeling from the separation indicates that the dominant separation can\'t last too long.

The angel army of the light Protoss has completely evacuated from ketra and vigwendor. Sensing that there is no breath of the LORD God of light, Locke immediately called out hundreds of thousands of destruction angels and more destruction legions in the paradise lost.

The storm of destruction is stronger than before.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans.