Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4399

Meaningless exploration does not yield much.

What is actually happening now is that while Locke\'s breath is rising, the war between the next door and the silent civilization is coming to an end.

Without the restriction from the Legion of undead creatures, the light Protoss is about to face the full resistance of the wizard alliance and the anti light Protoss alliance.

At that time, the bright Protoss will obviously be very reluctant to continue their previous rapid progress.

Not to mention, the Eternal Lord has to worry about whether the wizard civilization and the galent Federation have special means similar to the previous nine levels of power.

Looking at Locke with deep meaning, the Eternal Lord raised his hand and signaled that the angel Legion on on the current battlefield could retreat temporarily.

The retreat of the angel Legion is not only because of the terrorist explosion in the star field next door, but also because of the soaring atmosphere of Locke at the moment.

It is not a simple journey from the late stage of level 8 to the peak of level 8.

It is obviously not wise to fight against Locke, a master of destruction, against the background of destruction.

When the nearly 100 million Angel legions in keitra star domain began to withdraw slowly, the shining Lord on the battlefield of vigwendor star domain also stared at the amazing wave of destruction in the silent bone convergence star domain.

Because the vigwendor domain is closer to the silent bone convergence domain, the Lord of glory feels the wave of the destructive explosion a little deeper than the level 8 Eternal Lord.

Under the command of the oracle of the Lord of glory, more than 20 million Angel legions formed a golden curtain of light to block wave after wave of energy impact transmitted from the silent bone convergence star domain.

This also resulted in a funny and strange picture on the battlefield of wigwendor star domain.

On one side is the light Protoss holding up the light curtain, on the other side is the energy shield held up by the galent Federation and the magic shield held up by the magicians in the wizard world.

Previously, both sides, as hostile forces, were resisting the shock wave from the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain.

The only mess in this wave tide of annihilation and energy tide is the Legion of dead creatures left behind by the silent bone convergence civilization.

Countless dead creatures begin to die out in a large area, and the closer they are to the dead creature Legion in the silent bone convergence star domain, the faster they die.

Naturally, there are some lucky people who are far away from the wave of explosion, but they are headless and in a state of chaos. It is obvious that they can no longer bring too many threats to the galent Federation and wizard civilization Corps on the vergwendor front.

"What power is this?" Beside the Lord of glory, the Lord of Yonghui stared at the lonely bone convergence star field and asked.


In the center of the star domain.

γ The wave tide of the first-class crystal self explosion swallowed up the silent bone convergence surface in the disintegration state at the first time.

The destruction factor released by the large-scale plane destruction soon filled Locke\'s dominant body.

Needless to say, in addition to the destruction of the silent bone convergence plane, there are thousands of regular complete planes in this star domain and billions of dead creatures annihilated.

The extremely exaggerated power of destruction, just a wave, exceeded Locke\'s gain in the battlefield of hell.

What is more exaggerated is that the subsequent continuous destructive forces are pouring into Locke\'s separation.

Not only are you full, but you may also be full.

If not more than 70% of the destructive power is continuously transported to the noumenon by his dominant body, I\'m afraid his dominant body will inevitably end up exploding.

The sea of death of level 8 creatures is still struggling with such destructive tides and energy shocks. It is also the only living creature in the nearby starry sky that is still "alive" like Locke\'s body.

Level 7 undead master silent swallowing bream, has long wondered when it turned into dust particles.

Maybe it was the time when the plane collapsed and destroyed, because the amazing destruction factor from the moment of plane destruction made Locke aftertaste it.

In fact, Locke\'s separation can exist temporarily in this starry sky, which mainly comes from Locke\'s own attribute, namely destruction.

He is more adaptable to the destructive environment than other masters of the same level, and while bearing the erosion of the surrounding harsh environment, he can feed himself back from the destructive power absorbed.

In the past, on the battlefield of hell, Locke was more able to die in the destruction of the world than the Lord of light, and finally found the Lord of light.

Of course, as the master of destruction, Locke\'s bearing of the power of destruction also has its limit.

The continuous wave of destruction from all directions made Locke\'s master happy, but also vaguely worried.

He was not sure how long his master could survive the tide of destruction brought by the nine level power.

But to let Locke\'s master separate, Locke is absolutely unwilling. He would rather die than be a full ghost.

If you can take this to the top of level 8, Locke doesn\'t mind losing his part.

If Locke was able to survive in this magnificent scene of destruction by virtue of his own attributes and rules, the sea of death of level 8 creatures has not been destroyed so far, which is due to his exaggerated life thickness and abundant eternal soul.

At this time, the sea of death did not completely give up its struggle. While bearing the extremely turbulent and fierce energy impact, this behemoth was slowly flying out of the silent bone convergence star domain.

The direction of the sea of death is the Mesopotamia region, where there are billions of dead creatures and a fairly good death environment.

It doesn\'t know whether it can survive until it leaves the lonely bone convergence star domain, but it knows that if it wants to live, it must reach there.

For the struggle of the sea of death, Locke\'s seven level master can do very limited things.

He needs to absorb the destruction factors contained in the surrounding space as much as possible. As for the sea of death, Locke doesn\'t think it can or leave the lonely bone and convergence star domain.

From the beginning of the explosion to the present, the volume of the sea of death has shrunk at an alarming rate.

The massive force of death has been completely annihilated and evaporated, and the energy elements of riots are eroding the body of the sea of death all the time.

Even if the eternal soul of the sea of death is extremely abundant, this level 8 later creature is also seriously injured and dying.

In Locke\'s view, its flight to Mesopotamia was just a meaningless struggle.

Even Locke judged that the sea of death was likely to dissipate and annihilate completely before completing one third of the journey, and become the most basic dust particles in the starry sky like the galent federal conqueror Titan fleet.