Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4398

The amazing explosion and energy shock wave in the silent bone convergence star domain were also sensed by the belligerents in the vigwendor star domain battlefield and ketra star domain battlefield for the first time.

After all, it is a turbulent scene comparable to the full attack of level 9 creatures, which also indicates the disintegration of the silent bone convergence surface. Those middle and low-level creatures may not feel so intuitive, but the dominant creatures found the difference for the first time.

At this time, the galent Federation and the wizard civilization corps had already been pushed to the border of wigwendor.

Fortunately, in the decades when they took the initiative, the angel legion of the bright Protoss represented by the Lord of glory did not dig their ass.

Whether it is the hundreds of millions of federal ships or tens of millions of wizard civilization legions, they open the energy position and magic barrier to provide protection at the first time when they enter the border defense line of wigwendor.

Facts have proved that the galent Federation and the wizard civilization corps are very wise.

Although the place of destruction explosion is far away in the deep of the silent bone convergence star domain, we must not underestimate the power afterwave spread by the force of level 9.

At this time, the massive dead creatures still stranded in the Mesopotamia region are the first batch of cannon fodder to meet the aftereffects of this extinction.

Even the sea of death of creatures in the later stage of level 8 can\'t protect themselves in such explosions, not to mention the legions of dead creatures with low wisdom.

The explosion in the silent bone convergence star domain also caused a great shock among the top civilized bright Protoss.

As a top civilization and even the Eternal Lord, he once contacted the creator God who was promoted to level 9. The LORD God in the middle of level 8 knows the horror and greatness of level 9.

Just now, the Eternal Lord, who was fighting with Locke, suddenly felt the explosive waves that shocked him and looked sideways from the distant lonely bone convergence star field.

At the same time with the Eternal Lord, the Fighting Angel Michael nearby felt great shock and fear.

Michael, who has the function of fighting, also has a dignified face at this time, because with the power level just erupted in the star domain, Rao has absolutely no possibility of surviving because of his physical strength and strength.

It was also when Michael and the Eternal Lord were afraid that Locke\'s body on the battlefield in front of him was an instant body that inspired an extremely amazing destructive force.

The original high and violent destructive power began to climb continuously.

As the destroyer turned into an enemy of two, Locke also swept a more violent destruction storm inside and outside his body.

In fact, in the previous battle, Locke had a hard time against the Eternal Lord and Michael.

On the one hand, he separated a lot of power, which condensed a dominant power.

On the other hand, as the master of the light Protoss, whether Michael or the Eternal Lord, is not a soft persimmon that can be kneaded arbitrarily.

The power of destruction from his separation has enabled Locke to obtain rich returns on his early investment.

The continuous improvement of power and breath also shifted the focus of the Eternal Lord\'s attention from the distant lonely and astringent star domain to Locke in front of him.

"This should be your pen?" The Eternal Lord\'s expression is condensed at this time.

"You" refers to the wizard civilization represented by Locke and the large world galent Federation.

As two large worlds, the Eternal Lord can\'t imagine why they can master level 9 power.

This power is enough to destroy an entire star field, and can also inflict heavy damage or death on any level 8 creature.

If the galent Federation and wizard civilization can regularize this means of power The gravity of the face of the Eternal Lord is deeper.

"Why not use this method on our light Protoss?" In addition to the dignified face and psychological fear, the judgment of the Eternal Lord has not been greatly affected. In fact, his inquiry is also testing Locke.

"Because our Wizard civilization has always wanted to be friends with the light Protoss." In the destruction storm, layers of destruction force spread out to both sides, revealing a painted black face of destruction element, and smiled at the Eternal Lord.

One moment he was beaten to death, but the next moment he showed goodwill to his opponent.

Not that Locke was insane, but that he had to.

In the face of Locke\'s kindness, the Eternal Lord did not express anything at the first time.

He first took a deep look at Locke, then glanced at the direction of the silent bone convergence star domain, and then said, "you can only use this method comparable to the full force attack of level 9 creatures once?"

The Eternal Lord is worthy of being the housekeeper and think tank of the bright Protoss. It is no doubt with the facts just a tentative inquiry.

However, in the face of the Eternal Lord\'s rhetorical question, Locke also made no expression.

The smile on his face didn\'t go away, but his dark eyes continued to bring heavy pressure to people.

Locke\'s indifference did not affect the Eternal Lord\'s next judgment.

He then said, "also, it is impossible for such a nine level force to vent unrestricted in the star world, because it will break the balance."

"Including the level-9 creature in the immortal civilization, although I don\'t know how he has been stuck in the star world, through the information described to me by the Supreme God, even the level-9 creature generally shows only the level-8 peak power in the combat state."

"As for the power of level 9, although the level 9 creature in the immortal domain can also be used, it can\'t be released wantonly." The Eternal Lord said to himself.

As a top civilization, the understanding of Guangming Protoss on level 9 creatures and level 9 forces has undoubtedly reached the forefront of most world civilizations.

Some of these Xinmi information about level 9 is mastered by the light Protoss themselves through the creation God, and others are speculated by exploring other top civilization relics and literature.

Moreover, as the main god of the eighth level peak, he is also very close to the Ninth level. The Supreme God himself can feel the binding force of the rules from the whole star world on him in previous wars.

This may also be one of the reasons why the supreme god rarely participated in the civil war in recent hundreds of thousands of years.

In the face of the constant temptation of the Eternal Lord, Locke never said anything. On the contrary, the destructive force roaring around him became more and more amazing!

The temptation of the Eternal Lord is only a temptation after all.

He can\'t confirm what he said, because it involves the power of nine levels. Even if he borrows the revelation from the Supreme God, he can\'t predict any detailed answer.

On the contrary, what is more likely to happen is that the Eternal Lord himself is swallowed by the power of astral rules.

Because level 9 itself has touched the rules of the whole star world.