Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4400

When Locke\'s noumenon and body parts are absorbing extremely strong destruction factors as much as possible, the Eternal Lord who has withdrawn to the rear of keitra\'s star domain received a message that made him frown.

The supreme god returned to the realm of the God of light not long ago. With the Lord of light, there was the Lord of infinity who was seriously injured.

Looking at the domain dominated by the later stage of level 8, the endless Lord is undoubtedly an extremely powerful existence.

Including the sea of death, which has a later life level of level 8, and Locke, the master of the destruction knight, are also slightly worse than the endless Lord in terms of single combat effectiveness.

Of course, if they exist at this level, it is not easy to win or lose.

It can hurt the endless Lord, or even lead to heavy damage. The news is enough to cause great turbulence in the whole light God world.

However, the Eternal Lord did not let this news spread. The message from the Supreme God showed that the top civilization in the desperate world - source energy civilization caused heavy damage to the endless Lord.

As a top civilization that began to explore the desperate world, it is not easy to judge the specific strength of the source energy civilization, but it is certain that this top civilization has come ahead of the bright Protoss in the progress of exploring the desperate world.

From the message from the Supreme God, in addition to sending dominant combat power, the source energy civilization has even begun to consciously infiltrate the middle and bottom combat legions into the desperate world.

Several super large source energy cities have been suspended over the desperate world. This top civilization attempts to unlock the secrets of the desperate world by means of carpet search.

It is also in these years of exploring the desperate world with the endless Lord, the feeling from some kind of darkness has become more and more vigorous in the heart of the Supreme God.

Looking for the clue of the creation God and climbing towards the nine level road may be in the desperate world, and the source energy civilization, which is tit for tat with the light Protoss in the desperate world, is the key to open the door of the unknown.

The Lord of infinity suffered heavy damage this time. In fact, the source energy civilization retaliated against the light Protoss in a planned way.

Don\'t forget, there was a late level 8 master of energy civilization who was seriously wounded by the Supreme God.

As a powerful top civilization, yuanneng civilization naturally has its own eight level peak.

If he was only a level 8 peak creature, the endless Lord with extremely strong passive evolution ability would not be so bleak. What really caused him to suffer heavy losses in a short time was that he fell into the dangerous situation built for him by the source energy civilization.

If the Supreme God in the desperate world didn\'t come to help in time, maybe the bright Protoss might lose this powerful late eighth level Lord God.

It is also the heavy blow of the endless Lord, and the top combat power of the source energy civilization he contacted before, so that the bright Protoss finally have a more intuitive understanding of their fateful opponent.

"Maybe it\'s time to get out of this battlefield. In addition to the fact that the galent Federation and wizard civilization have got rid of the constraints from the silent and bone gathering civilization, the great prophecy is also guiding me to the desperate world." Said the Eternal Lord with a sigh.

"I\'m afraid the Lord of the rising sun will not give up the war easily. In particular, the news came not long ago that the Lord of glory had severely damaged a level 7 thinker of the civilization of the rose Dynasty and won a phased victory in that battlefield." Behind the Eternal Lord, the Yanyang Lord with seven levels of peak strength said.

"Including the charismatic Angel Raphael, the battlefield is also in a good situation. This is really the time for us to solve these stubborn old enemies once and for all."

The Lord of the scorching sun does not know the news that the Lord of the endless has been seriously injured and frustrated in the desperate world.

For the exploration of the desperate world, the Lord of the hot sun is not as enthusiastic as the Supreme God and the Lord of infinity.

This is a god of light born after genesis.

Although he had heard all kinds of myths from the creator God when he was weak, the time when he rose and grew up was just after the creator God left the world of light.

There is not so much longing for the creator God, and because of personality factors, the Lord of Yanyang is not so urgent to pursue the promotion of strength as other gods.

Conforming to nature is a true portrayal of the Lord of Yanyang.

And by observing his position in the bright Protoss, we know that he is a good man with a peaceful personality.

Both the Lord of glory and the Lord of glory have a good relationship with him, and he will never intervene in the dispute between the two seven level gods.

As a loyal supporter of the Eternal Lord, the character and demeanor of the Lord of Yanyang are basically consistent with the Eternal Lord.

This also caused that although the Lord of the hot sun is usually a transparent person in the bright Protoss, his contacts and prestige are not bad.

How did the bright Protoss break out an all-out war with the immortal civilization?

The angel Legion accidentally clashed with the celestial army in Xianyu, which was only the fuse.

What really led the top civilizations of the two sides to devote themselves to the war was that the Lord of the hot sun was wounded by the first emperor of Xianyu, and the LORD God of light was also trapped in the quagmire of the war, which finally led to an all-round war between the two top civilizations.

For the words of the Lord of the scorching sun, the Eternal Lord nodded with approval, which was also the place where he felt incomparable regret.

When there was the best chance to destroy the anti light Protoss alliance, there was no way to root out the alliance, including the Eternal Lord.

However, the source energy civilization hit the endless Lord in the desperate world, as well as not long ago γ He had to make a decision as soon as possible due to the continuous occurrence of events such as the detonation of level 1 crystal in the silent bone convergence star domain.

Looking at the increasingly amazing and terrible source of destruction across the starry battlefield, the Eternal Lord couldn\'t help floating over Locke\'s words not long ago: "our Wizard civilization has always wanted to be friends with the light Protoss."

There was an inexplicable smile on his face. It was a reminder from the great prophecy that the bright Protoss might borrow each other\'s strength in the future.

And from the perspective of facts, there is really no irreconcilable contradiction between the bright Protoss and the wizard world.

What really has a gap with the light Protoss is the anti light Protoss alliance such as the galent Federation.

The wizard world is the wizard world, and the galent Federation is the galent Federation.

Including the wizard alliance and the anti light Protoss alliance, they are also two completely different civilizations.

"Inform Gabriel and the Lord of glory on the star field battlefield of vigwendor that they are ready to withdraw. There are some things in the light divine world that need us to deal with."

"As for the Lord of the rising sun, I will tell him myself." The LORD commanded.

Although the Lord of the hot sun doesn\'t know what it is for the time being, the withdrawal involving the whole bright Protoss will not be a trivial matter.