Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4392

At the moment when the metal ball appeared, not only the silent swallowing bream and other creatures in the jiluogulian plane felt something wrong, but also the sea of death, which had completely entered the jiluogulian star domain, felt a sign of a great disaster.

The extremely large and repressive body of death elements increased the concentration of death elements in the whole star domain by at least 30% after the sea of death entered the silent bone convergence star domain.

This may also be a sign of Locke\'s judgment of when to start.

Under the deliberate stimulation of Locke\'s dominant power, the metal ball in his hand suddenly burst into an extremely violent spatial fluctuation, and a signal fluctuation with a strong sense of penetration also instantly escaped into the depths of the starry sky.

At the same time, the galent federal conqueror class Titan fleet, which fought far away in the Mesopotamia region.

Due to the sea of death and the withdrawal of a large number of main legions of the dead, the counterattack war in recent decades has been very smooth.

Galent Federation and wizard civilization Corps not only successfully counter attacked the middle of Mesopotamia within the scheduled time, but also created more achievements.

However, in the past two years, what puzzled many middle and low-level wizard civilizations and galent federal Legion was that the orders from the high level made them not continue to expand the war results, but shrink their troops and stay on standby.

"The inducement field has been opened. The forward attack ship applies for jumping first!" In the flagship, a federal officer said to several generals.

The composition of the conqueror Titan fleet is very complex. It is a huge fleet with a total number of ships reaching nearly ten million. Countless types of space warships constitute the conqueror Titan fleet as a whole.

Including the conqueror class Titan ship, which can be comparable to the class 8 combat power. In addition to the contributions of those main output ships, frigates, flagship ships and reconnaissance ships, we can not ignore the role of supply ships, transport ships, medical ships and other ships.

If we use an image metaphor, that is, the conqueror Titan fleet is comparable to level 8 creatures, then these different types of ships can be regarded as cells or blood vessels on this level 8 creature.

They have different functions and responsibilities, which also means that they are separable.

This time, it is not necessary for all federal ships to participate in the implementation of the world destruction plan.

At the moment, the total number of ships belonging to the galent Federation on the battlefield of Mesopotamia has exceeded 100 million, although more than 90% of the ships are cooperating with the Russian lobas war fleet and the conqueror Titan fleet to complete the mass civilization campaign.

But the total number of ships belonging to the battle sequence of the conqueror Titan fleet is also an incomparably large number.

As the four-star general of the Federation and the commander-in-chief of this civilized battlefield, knowing that he would die before his trip, general Rhodes Holman would not let the whole conqueror Titan fleet be buried with him.

"Order Uzbek attack ships, trimlin attack ships and shahua VII attack ships to jump immediately, and oneros class special ships, Ishtar class mother ships and Damus class cruisers to jump together..."

A series of battle orders were issued from the flagship of the conqueror Titan.

These operational orders and the jumping order of the induced force field were studied in advance by the Federal Military Department of galent.

Including those ships that have been damaged or damaged in the previous counterattack, there are also quite perfect backup and replenishment plans.

It is worth noting that, under the command of federal four-star general Roz Holman, only 4 million ships of the conqueror Titan fleet, which was originally nearly 10 million in size, entered the conventional jump procedure.

The remaining more than six million ships are still on standby.

Also, this trip to the silent bone convergence star region is to perform a nearly fatal mission to destroy the world. It\'s OK to go to the main ships that can launch doomsday weapons. There\'s really no need to bury the whole fleet.

For example, the vast majority of those transport ships, supply ships, reconnaissance ships, medical ships and other functional auxiliary warships do not need to go to the lonely bone convergence star region together.

This period also contains another meaning, that is, the federal general represented by Rhodes Holman has been prepared to die for his country.

In addition to those numerous auxiliary warships, it can be seen that there are three heavy formations in the main attack ships, and they have not entered the jump sequence.

One is that in the counterattack war of the previous decades, it was severely damaged by the dead creature legion of the silent and bone gathering civilization. The sea of death of level 8 creatures even set off a wave of death, which seriously damaged two-thirds of the ships of this heavy formation.

As for the other two federal warship formations that did not enter the jump sequence, it was the spark left by general Rhodes Holman, a four-star general, to the conqueror Titan fleet of galent Federation.

Even after the war, the main force of the conqueror Titan fleet lost 70%, and the remaining ships may not be able to release even a doomsday beam comparable to the strike of level 8 creatures, but at least the designation has been retained.

Even if it is not up to the standard of the conqueror Titan fleet, it should not be a problem to use it as an Russian lobas war fleet for the time being.

And for this conqueror Titan fleet, they are heroes to save the union.

If the main fleet led by general Rhodes Holman fails to return to the galent Federation safely, these fires retained in advance will replace them to feel the honor of saving the Federation.

This heroic fleet will certainly have the opportunity to rebuild and rise in the future.

Thousands of warships, in batches, turned into light beams and disappeared into the starry sky.

This unique space technology of the Federation, in the view of magicians in the wizard world, also contains high space mysteries and reference significance.

The jump of more than four million ships is not a troublesome process.

Since most of the auxiliary warships were abandoned and only the core warships went, the overall jump process was faster than expected.

When the main ships of the conqueror Titan fleet disappeared into the sky one after another, hundreds of millions of ships of the galent Federation and tens of millions of legions of wizard civilization also began to retreat orderly.

According to feedback from federal scientists in galent, γ Level crystal detonates in the silent bone convergence star domain. In addition to directly destroying the silent bone convergence star domain, the energy storm swept by it will also have a great impact on the surrounding star domain.

In other words, Mesopotamia is not very safe here. If they don\'t want to be buried with the collapse of civilization, they\'d better run as far as they can.

It was also when the federal ships were running in an orderly manner, four-star general Roz Holman contacted the chief scientist Pavlov and asked the other party again whether they really wanted to go to the silent bone convergence star region with them.