Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4393

"Yes, general Holman, I have made up my mind."

"I\'m inside the conqueror Titan now. Please give the order to go." In the video communication, Pavlov, dressed in a white coat, stood with his assistant and urged.

The conqueror Titan fleet of galent Federation, in addition to a large number of main ship groups providing attack firepower, as the core and soul of this fleet group, there is the conqueror Titan itself.

More than 60% of the attack means comparable to the full-scale attack of level 8 creatures come from the conqueror Titan itself, and as many as 70% of the level 8 attacks coordinated by the whole fleet can not bypass the conqueror Titan.

Today, the main factor restricting the expansion of more conqueror Titan fleets in the galent Federation is the construction of conqueror Titan ships. It is only a power source problem, which is not so easy to solve.

And those federal scientists worked hard to modify it γ Class crystal weapon launcher, currently installed in the conqueror Titan, and in order to stimulate γ Level crystal weapon devices also need to borrow the energy of the conqueror Titan.

General Roz Holman was stunned by the answer of the scientist Pavlov.

In his opinion, Pavlov\'s value is far greater than that of his federal general.

Because he can only command one conqueror class Titan fleet, but the existence of Pavlov may create more Russian lobas class and even conqueror class Titan Fleets for the Federation in the future.

General Rhodes Holman looked deeper than other federal leaders at the field of science and technology and the cultivation of scientists.

It\'s a pity that general Rhodes Holman can\'t persuade Pavlov\'s stubbornness, and there\'s no spare time to waste now.

"All right." As general Rhodes Holman nodded, the fleet flagship and the conqueror Titan itself entered the jump sequence.


The silence falls outside the bone convergence plane.

From the perspective of the dead creatures on the silent bone convergence surface, the picture in front of them is that when Locke\'s master split took out a huge metal ball from his arms, with bursts of space force and special signal transmission, a large number of galent federal steel fleets appeared outside the silent bone convergence surface one after another.

More than four million ships are not a small number. The average ship length is between hundreds and thousands of meters, including some giant warships with a length of more than 10000.

Such a large number of federal warships suddenly leap across time and space, which has a great impact on the local dead creatures of the silent bone convergence civilization.

There was no need to say hello. When these federal ships appeared, they broke out in a fierce scuffle with the dead creatures who had gathered around Locke.

Those intelligent necromancers knew that Locke was not easy to provoke, but those cold metal warships were not paid attention to by the Necromancers.

Millions of dead creatures continue to rush to the federal fleet, while more dead creatures continue to fly from the silent bone convergence plane.

Similarly, when the federal warship completed the jump of the induced force field, its ship weapon system sent out roaring artillery fire and energy beam.

This is a sudden Star Wars.

The dead creatures of the silent civilization are to stop the incoming enemy, while the fleet of the galent Federation is to clear the starry sky in front of them and clear the obstacles for other ships arriving later, especially the conqueror Titans.

As the initiator of the star wars, Locke looked back into the stars.

The power breath of the sea of death, a level 8 creature, is getting closer and closer. It seems that he has felt the uncontrollable anger of the sea of death and the thickness of the late level 8 terrorist power it has.

"You\'re a little late after all, and this will be where you fall." Locke said, looking at the tide of death deep in the boundless starry sky.

It was also at this time that the flagship of the galent Federation and the conqueror Titans crossed the long void and arrived here.

Not to mention the federal generals in command in the flagship, it is just the conqueror Titan itself, a terrible metal giant with an overall length of more than 100000 meters Things.

It is a larger circle than the Titan ship of the orobas class. What makes people feel more frightened and depressed is that its ships carry a large number of weapons and equipment.

A dark red beam of energy particles is the first gift given to the silent bone convergence surface after the conqueror Titan ship arrived at the silent bone convergence surface.

The terror beam comparable to the full strike of level 8 creatures directly burned a big hole in the gray death barrier on the outer layer of the silent bone convergence surface.

In addition to this amazing beam of crimson energy particles, countless shipborne muzzles protrude from the ships of the conqueror Titan.

After a short gathering of energy, a rain of energy beams covering the whole starry sky in front of us bloomed immediately.

Perhaps these dense beam rain in the single attack area is far from the dark red shaped energy attack just now, but it is more than enough to deal with those medium and low-level dead creatures inside and outside the star sky.

With the saturated firepower coverage of millions of other ships, the whole starry sky will be flattened in just a moment!

Obviously, the conqueror Titan fleet of the galent Federation came prepared. The release of two different doomsday weapons directly threatened the silent civilization.

Although there are still a large number of dead creatures pouring out from the distant starry sky or the silent bone convergence plane, both the speed and the intensity of putting into the battlefield are a little worse than before.

Also at this moment, the battle in the starry sky was in a short vacuum period, and the entire area of the front end of the conqueror Titan ship of galent Federation began to shift to both sides.

This is the original location of the main gun of the conqueror Titan. From the overall translation of the front of the ship to both sides, federal scientists such as Pavlov not only removed the main gun of the conqueror Titan, but also removed the auxiliary guns.

As the front end of the ship moves to both sides as a whole, a huge dark and repressed black hole appears from the center of the ship.

This giant hole is a weapon device for which federal scientists such as Pavlov have studied for nearly a thousand years. At the deepest part of the giant hole, it is connected γ In the crystal energy operation cabin, only through a metal cabin door, is a group of federal scientists represented by Pavlov.

It turns out that Pavlov is not the only madman.

Like Pavlov, these appeared in the conqueror Titan and were observed and studied at close range γ Federal scientists who excited and generated the energy coefficient of grade 1 Crystal came voluntarily.