Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4391

It is not easy to incarnate and destroy the light column and move forward in the silent bone convergence star domain.

Every minute, countless dead creatures come from all directions in an attempt to stop and delay Locke\'s progress.

Most of those low-level dead cannon fodder were annihilated into the most basic particles by the destruction energy of Locke before they got close to Locke.

However, for those undead lords who have reached the level of life above level 4, although Locke can easily crush them, it will eventually take Locke a little time.

This is only a dominant part of Locke, not his eight level noumenon.

Being able to do this is a proof of Locke\'s strength.

Fortunately, the circuitous concealment in the early stage has played its due role.

After avoiding the main force of the necromancer Legion in the Mesopotamian domain, it is not enough to delay Locke for too long by only relying on the high-level necromancer creatures left in the space.

Therefore, from the overall progress, Locke is still firmly and quickly moving towards the silent bone convergence surface.

Of course, the approaching threat from the sea of death behind us is becoming more and more urgent.

When Locke was about to reach beyond the silent bone convergence plane, the main body of the sea of death had also crossed the border of the Mesopotamian star domain, and most of his body squeezed into the silent bone convergence star domain.

The sea of death is moving faster than expected.

But it doesn\'t matter. Everything is still under control.


The silence falls outside the bone convergence plane.

The strong death factor condenses a thick gray barrier outside the plane of this large death class.

This is a death barrier formed by absorbing one-third of the elements of the silent bone convergence surface. As the creator of the barrier, it is a level 6 ghost like undead creature around the level 7 master silent swallow bream.

This level-6 ghost is the guardian of jingluogulian position. The guardian of jingluogulian civilization has always been an extremely low-key existence.

However, including the silent swallow bream, which is most trusted by the sea of death, usually gives this level 6 ghost enough respect.

"I think you\'re still too cautious. It\'s not the noumenon dominated by level 8 Knights of wizard civilization, it\'s just a part of him."

"I stopped it myself, and the Lord of the sea of death intercepted it in the rear. It is impossible for him to threaten us." The light ball in front of the forehead of the silent swallowing bream emits a gray cold light. It only says to the guardian who appears next to it.

"What if the master split explodes out of the plane at close range?" The ghost Guardian ignored the arrogance of the silent swallow bream, but asked instead.

"Self... Self explosion? It should be impossible." The silent swallow bream shook his big head, and the light ball on his head also swayed twice.

Few dominant creatures choose to explode unless they are pushed to the limit.

They have lived for more than 100000 years or even longer. No one will think they live longer.

And even if it is a split of the level 8 knight who dominates Locke this time, from the point of view that the dominant split reaches the level of level 7 power, detonating such a split will undoubtedly bring great impact and trauma to Locke\'s noumenon.

At least that part of the soul of the master, which is not cheap, has been completely lost.

Silent swallowing bream can\'t think of the reason why Locke did this, but since the guardian said so, silent swallowing bream still shut up just in case.

After all, if Locke\'s dominant separation really can\'t think of exploding, it must be the first to be unlucky. It has such a death barrier and the rule blessing provided by the local plane. At least it can hide in the parent plane in time before the crisis comes.

At this time, the power source of the gray barriers condensed outside the jiluogu convergence plane is naturally the death factors of the jiluogu convergence plane, and as the carrier of these death factors, it is the few more than 20 white bone towers in the jiluogu convergence plane.

Due to the needs of the front-line war, most of the white bone towers were brought to Mesopotamia by undead masters such as the sea of death.

These more than 20 white bone towers are the only inventory in the area of bone collection, and even most of them are "new goods" that have just been manufactured.

The incomparably tall and straight white bone tower, like more than 20 sky columns, stands at the nodes of the silent bone convergence plane. They communicate with the world, absorb the power of death in the plane, and supply the gray barrier in the sky.

The establishment of level barrier, grey barrier and seven level master silent swallowing bream, and three insurance measures are the measures to deal with the arrival of Locke.


When Locke arrived outside the silent bone convergence plane, he saw the silent swallowing Megalobrama with his own eyes, without his previous arrogance and arrogance.

Even if it\'s just a split, Locke\'s split strength is absolutely comparable to that of the later stage of level 7. As the master of the destruction department, Locke\'s bonus in the battle field is higher than that of other department masters.

However, what makes the silent swallow bream curious is that Locke, who appears in the starry sky and is only a short distance from the silent bone convergence surface barrier, stopped his progress.

He seems to be waiting for something.

Or do you think the defense coefficient of the silent bone convergence surface is too high and give up the idea of trying to break through?

After a long time of waiting and stagnation, millions of different level dead creatures gathered around the master level split Locke.

And these dead creatures emitting a strong negative and death stench have more and more trends over time.

The silent swallow bream didn\'t know what Locke wanted to do, but the suppression from the strength level made the seven level undead master not choose to attack actively, but continue to stay in the mother\'s plane and confront Locke.

Anyway, with the passage of time, the balance of victory is on its side, because it is getting closer and closer to the sea of death and the return of the army of the dead.

Just as the silent swallow bream continued to consider the second possibility it had imagined before, Locke suddenly took out a huge metal ball from his arms.

It is not easy to provide the galent federal conqueror Titan with the coordinates of the induced force field at a long distance in the silent and convergent star domain.

In addition to the distance factor, the lonely bone convergence star domain and the rich death tide and death cloud on the front battlefield of civilization will also play a great interference role.

Therefore, the metal globe hidden in sub space by Locke is a high-power sensor specially designed by the galent Federation for this operation.

In terms of the effort invested in this metal ball, the cost spent by the federal military is no higher than that in the United States γ There is too much difference in grade crystal research.

The appearance of the metal ball and the fluctuation of its hidden space force in all directions made the level 7 master silent swallow bream and the level 6 Guardian ghost feel uneasy.

They feel they hold something and seem to miss something.

What you hold is danger, what you miss is vitality.