Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4390

Considering the risks faced and the final actual income, Locke chose a greater income.

A breath of destructive power that only belongs to Locke suddenly appeared on his body surface. Although it was only a brief leakage of energy breath, he believed that the person who should be sensed must be sensed.

It was also the moment when Locke\'s breath appeared at the junction of the Mesopotamian star domain and the silent bone convergence star domain. In the sea of level 8 biological death on the front battlefield of the Mesopotamian star domain, Leng Buding set off a wave of death in his heart.

It finally knew where its recent unease came from. It thought it came from the front battlefield of fierce confrontation, but unexpectedly it came from the rear.

As the master of destruction on this civilized battlefield, the destructive power contained in Locke\'s breath is much stronger and more domineering than the golden monkey Wukong.

This is a very thick foundation from the creatures in the later stage of level 8, and Locke is also the master of a hostile civilization most valued by the sea of death.

Because the actual threat to the sea of death brought by either the dead femton or the conqueror Titan fleet of the galent Federation is not as intuitive as Locke who incarnates the destruction storm.

In the current war situation, Locke\'s breath does not appear in the front battlefield, but fleets in their rear. The sea of death only makes a brief consideration to know what its enemies are doing.

"Their goal is our mother plane, we must stop him!" The roar of the sea of death rolls in the elemental cloud.

The undead masters and lords who heard the voice of the sea of death also contracted their forces at the first time and withdrew in the direction of the parent star domain.

As Locke guessed, no matter how strong the power of death in the starry sky, the lonely bone gathering star field far away from the front line of the battlefield is the root of these dead creatures.

Without the lonely bone gathering star domain, these dead creature legions will become rootless duckweeds.

In addition, the vast majority of high-level undead creatures have a certain native complex. They prefer to sleep in their well-known tombs rather than settle in strange star regions.

Therefore, after being reminded by the roar of the sea of death, the necromancer biological legions on the front battlefield of the whole Mesopotamian region, led by the high-level necromancer Lord, fought with the enemy civilization Legion and retreated orderly.

The fastest running is naturally the sea of death of level 8 creatures.

This elemental Death Master with a huge body, with a strong death tide of the whole star domain, slowly moves forward to the silent bone convergence star domain.

The huge volume also causes the slow action of the sea of death. Moreover, it is a progress across the whole star domain. Rao is the sea of death with level 8 late strength, and it is impossible to appear in front of Locke in the next second.

The changes of the dead creature Legion in the sea of death and the whole civilized battlefield also caused the difference between the galent Federation and the wizard civilization Legion.

In terms of wizard civilization, Wukong, who incarnated the destruction of the giant ape, felt that his master\'s breath flashed away in the depths of the distant stars. Similarly, the conqueror titan of the galent Federation also found that Locke\'s breath had leaked on the screen of the shipborne radar.

This is definitely an unplanned change, but galent\'s federal leaders are not too flustered about it.

"It should be Knight Locke\'s hope to lead more dead creatures and the sea of death back to the silent bone convergence star domain and detonate it γ Class crystal. " Inside the ship, the federal professional analysis team reported to several generals.

The result of Locke\'s doing so will undoubtedly greatly increase the results of the next world destruction plan, but at the same time, it will also bring more unstable factors and more threats.

Four star general Roz Holman is the most calm of all generals. As the battlefield commander in chief, the federal general in the flagship ordered "continue to proceed according to the plan and order the front-line fleet to continue to advance!"

DANGER? There is no danger in a civilized war. It is also called a civilized war.

From the beginning of the extermination plan, general Rhodes Holman prepared for the worst, not to mention that the current practice of different civilizations dominating Locke is still to expand the war results.

General Rhodes Holman would never frown if he could exchange his life and the lives of his fleet for the survival of the whole Federation and the final victory of the civilized war.

This is also the iron blood and uncompromising character of the old federal generals.


Silent bone convergence star domain.

Feeling the overwhelming tide of death force behind him, Locke, who knew that the fish had taken the bait, continued to move towards the depths of the silent bone gathering star domain.

This time, Locke did not choose to detour, but moved in a straight line towards the coordinates of the silent bone convergence plane.

The consequence of going straight ahead is that even though Locke has reopened his self seal, his progress in the silent and bone gathering star domain is still very eye-catching.

As a large-scale death civilization in the period of transformation, although the silent and bone convergence civilization has been deeply created in the civilization war of nearly 10000 years, it still has the inside information of a large-scale world civilization.

Including in the parent star domain, there are also a certain number of level 5 and level 6 creatures.

Most of these level 5 and level 6 undead lords suffered heavy losses in the civilized war and had to return to their home planet to recuperate.

Now, the arrival of Locke has broken the peace that has lasted for nearly a thousand years in the silent bone convergence star domain. Those undead lords who stay in the home star domain can\'t care to continue to recuperate. In the face of the sudden master level separation, they appear one after another to stop it.

At the same time, orders from the sea of death also reached the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain through some special channels.

More and more undead creatures gather from all directions. They appear in front of Locke. They don\'t want to kill Locke. As long as they can slow down Locke\'s progress, they will be successful.

And in the silent bone convergence star domain, there is not no undead master at all.

The level 7 undead creature that suffered a lot in the previous war silently swallowed the Megalobrama. At this time, it recuperated in the face of silent bone convergence.

However, in the face of Locke\'s strong attack, the silent swallowing bream did not rashly leave the mother position. As the dominant combat power, it will be the last barrier to guard the silent bone convergence position.

With the blessing of the regular power of the maternal plane, even if the silent swallow bream is suffering from an old injury, it should not be a problem to try its best to block Locke\'s dominant split.

For those undead creatures left behind in the silent swallow bream and the silent bone convergence star domain, it is a victory to adhere to the return of the sea of death.

"Stupid masters of different civilizations dare to die in the lonely bone gathering star domain. I don\'t know whether the Lord of the sea of death will divide me some of each other\'s body fragments."

The silent swallowing Megalobrama, which is located in the inner layer of the barrier of the plane, stared at a more eye-catching destruction light column in the vast starry sky. The black and red tongue with fangs can\'t help licking its lips.