Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4389

At first, the sea of death attributed this source of unease to the counterattack of the galent Federation and wizard civilization at any cost.

Because in such an exaggerated counterattack and the wave of attack regardless of the results of subsequent development, it is difficult not to doubt whether its opponents are brewing any conspiracy.

According to the war experience of the past thousands of years, the galent Federation and wizard civilization are not reckless enemies.

There must be some reasons and special demands for them to do so.

But unfortunately, the sea of death can\'t guess what its opponents\' goals are. After all, it\'s like γ Level crystal is a big killing device, not to mention a relatively closed and short-sighted silent bone convergence civilization. Even the well-informed and war experienced bright Protoss can\'t think of it for a moment.

And here, it is necessary to mention why the goal of the galent Federation and wizard civilization plan is to silence and collect civilization, rather than the more powerful light Protoss.

The reason is simple, one γ Level 1 crystal can bury the silent bone convergence civilization, but it can never defeat the powerful light Protoss.

The star domain ruled by the bright Protoss is too broad. There are more than 20000 regular complete planes, and there are few large, medium and small star domains involved.

Even that one γ Level 1 crystal has been moved outside the light divine world. I\'m afraid it won\'t hit the light divine family too much.

First of all, the strength of the top civilization plane is definitely stronger than the large plane, not to mention whether there are any hidden means in the light divine world.

Second, even if γ Level 1 crystal can engulf the star field near the light God world. How many planes can the light Protoss lose? Five thousand to the sky.

Since then, the wizard civilization and the galent Federation must be ready for the endless and uncompromising war Revenge of the light Protoss.

And to be honest, it is two levels of difficulty to sneak into the depths of the silent bone convergence text star domain and into the hinterland of the bright Protoss belief star domain.

The former Locke\'s separation is about 60% or 70% sure, while the latter may not even have one Chengdu, because the great prophecy of the bright Protoss is not vegetarian.

Such as this is likely to destroy most of the plane of the parent star domain and cause heavy damage and turbulence to the whole civilization, the eight level main gods of the bright Protoss must be able to feel in advance.

The glorious Lord with the prophecy is hard to deal with, and the Supreme God who controls the advanced version of revelation will not sit back and watch his mother face fall into crisis.

The higher the level of creatures, the more they will be able to respond in advance to some important events that are about to happen. Even before that, he did not master the means of prophecy or have props similar to the ancient tree of the moon.

This is the power in the field of rules, even related to the composition of the whole star world and the operation of the stars. It goes directly to the most secret part of the star world.

Whether it is astrology in the wizard world, the great prophecy of the light Protoss, or the exploration of false words and civilization, tracing the origin is actually the context of pursuing the power of these rules.

At this moment, the faint uneasiness in the deep heart of the sea of death in the later stage of level 8 comes from this.

However, it analyzed in the wrong direction and thought that the source of this danger came from the counterattack wave of wizard civilization and galent Federation, so it would try its best to extinguish its opponents.

"Keep moving! Our goal is to reach the d105.v1344.l9877 coordinate of Akram star domain and stand by!" At the forefront of the civilized battlefield, in the flagship of the conqueror Titan fleet, general Rhodes Holman, then the four-star general and commander in chief of the battlefield, issued a cold and firm command.

The coordinates proposed by general Holman are probably located in the middle of the Mesopotamia region, which is a long distance. The consensus reached between the galent Federation and the wizard civilization is that they must arrive there at any cost within 75 years.

As for how much losses they will suffer during this period, they will not be considered for the time being.


30 years later, after making a big circle, Locke finally reached the boundary between the Mesopotamia star domain and the jiluogulian star domain.

This is the place where the two armies faced off in those years. From a floating metal ruins in the starry sky, we can roughly see the outline of a star war fortress.

The hatred of the silent civilization towards the galent Federation is undoubtedly evident on the wreckage of this star war fortress. Countless wounds and corrosion spots are enough to show how hard those dead creatures have made to catch the federal humans hidden in the star war fortress.

Detonating this war fortress directly is not enough to vent the anger of the dead creatures. They must pull the weak federal humans out of the iron shell and chew their soft food in their mouth Tender and delicious.

Arriving here, Locke\'s sneaking trip was half completed.

After sparing half a circle of Mesopotamia, Locke once again felt the huge physique of the eighth level creature of the sea of death.

If the spring ancestor dominated by the seventh level elements is a Wang Qingquan, then the sea of death of the eighth level creatures is really an ocean.

More than three-quarters of the whole Mesopotamia star domain is covered by death clouds, and there are fluctuations in the breath of the sea of death, that is, the body area of the sea of death can be regarded as an exaggeration of three-quarters of the large star domains.

Of course, this is not the original appearance of the sea of death. Just as Locke mastered the transformation of the destroyer into a destruction storm, the sea of death\'s exaggeration of dispersing its body power into three-quarters of the star domain is also its special application in the field of rules and energy.

In essence, this is not much different from Locke\'s Avatar destruction storm, but the power it can borrow and the death tide it affects have increased it dozens of times.

Seeing such an exaggerated volume of the sea of death, Locke had some doubts γ If the level-8 crystal detonates outside the silent bone convergence plane, can it annihilate the level-8 creature of the sea of death.

The heavy damage is certain. With the disintegration of the jiluogulian position surface, the death force of the whole jiluogulian star domain is bound to drop suddenly.

For the Legion of dead creatures on the battlefield of Mesopotamia, the tide of death force they rely on will also become rootless duckweed.

Level 8 creatures, the sea of death, become the power of death, and lose the power of death.

The power of death in the whole silent bone convergence star domain will be emptied, and the strength of the sea of death will be reduced by at least 70%, including its original power.

At that time, there is no need for wizard civilization and galent federal corps to take the initiative. Those nearly 10 billion dead creature legions on the front line of the battlefield will become accomplices attached to the sea of death and suck up its last strength.

After all, for those billions of dead creatures, they also need to absorb the power of death.

I\'m afraid it will take a long time to drain the sea of death.

Moreover, compared with hundreds of millions of dead creatures sucking up the sea of death, Locke believes that it is more likely that the sea of death will wipe out nearly half of dead creatures with supreme power, so as to obtain enough power of death to complete its own strength and will not decline.

At that time, it will not be too late for the sea of death to seek escape or to lead the remaining dead to make plans again.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Locke thought that their plan should be changed slightly. If they could lead the body of the sea of death back to the silent bone convergence star domain and detonate it γ Grade crystal, I\'m not sure it will work better.

Of course, there is also a certain risk, that is, his dominant part and galent federal conqueror Titan fleet, which may not be easy to leave at that time.


Do you want to see the outside of Knight\'s journey? I have uploaded several chapters on the public slave number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the public slave number of Huixin and paying attention to Xiaodou.