Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4381

Michael is undoubtedly a powerful angel of the light Protoss. His unique "fighting" function determines his ability and growth limit from the time he was first created by the creator God.

In that year, in the demon world, Locke had a confrontation with the fighting angel. Locke also knew the strength of the other party.

However, unlike Locke, who absorbed a lot of destructive power and achieved the later state of level 8, the combat Angel Michael is still in the early state of level 8.

But don\'t underestimate Michael because of this. In the past growth process of this battle angel, he has also carried out leapfrog challenges, and even completed the example of defeating the strong with the weak.

"The growth rate of the Locke knight is so exaggerated. I hope to compete with the master of wizard civilization alone for a period of time." From the depths of the angel army of the light Protoss, the Fighting Angel Michael preached to the Eternal Lord with the power of faith.

The five generation angels of the bright Protoss, in addition to the suing angel Gabriel, who acted unscrupulously, the other four have extremely strong personality charm and subjective appeal.

Although these generation of angels do not exclude such things as the siege, it is the first battle of the same level that Michael, the fighting angel, participated in after he was promoted to level 8. Therefore, this generation of angels prefer to try their own qualities, or see what the gap is between themselves and the powerful wizard civilization masters in the later stage of level 8.

For the request of the battle Angel Michael, the Eternal Lord nodded slightly.

Although Michael\'s current state is only the early stage of level 8, the Eternal Lord who has personally verified Michael\'s level knows that his strength is no worse than that of himself who has the middle stage of level 8.

Even because of his combat function, Michael was able to draw more rule power from the army of angels.

Therefore, fighting in a small realm is nothing to Michael.

Even if Locke\'s strength is two small realms higher than it, Michael can definitely support the battle even if he can\'t defeat the other side.

And compared with defeating his opponent, Michael\'s request is obviously to sharpen himself in the battle.

For a generation of angels, basically every Lord God of light will give them enough preferential treatment and attention.

It is no exaggeration to say that Michael\'s contribution to the light God family is no lower than that of any light Lord God.

Even if the Supreme God exists like this, he will respect Michael\'s opinion in most cases.

Although, as the famous "Archangel" of the bright Protoss, Michael seldom put forward any special requirements. From beginning to end, he put himself in the angel class to consider problems, and would not make any transcendence to the God class.

With the consent of the Eternal Lord, Michael opened his 14 holy white and gold wings and flew to Locke in the middle of the starry sky.

This is a game between light and destruction.

Obviously, Michael, who has the function of fighting, will be more active than the Eternal Lord who has fought with Locke before.


When Locke and the battle Angel Michael broke out in the front battlefield of ketra, the Lord of glory led his angel Legion to the border of vigwindor.

It has to be said that after learning the "truth" from Locke, the Lord of glory was much better than when she had just left the shadow star region.

The saving grace on the battlefield of hell had to be rewarded by the Lord of glory.

Needless to say, under her matchmaking, the contact and communication between the bright Protoss and the wizard world for nearly 20000 years is also true.

But as I said before, public is public and private is private.

The Lord of glory can\'t hold back the light Protoss at this time, even if she still owes Locke a life-saving favor.

Since he is unwilling to meet Locke in the frontal battlefield of keitra, the Lord of glory naturally has his own choice.

At present, the light Protoss encircles the galent Federation in all aspects. Wars broke out in keitra and kanaze, including the world civilization under the galent Federation in the anti light Protoss alliance. Now, Fierce wars broke out in four or five star regions.

Under this premise, the Lord of glory once again opened up a third main battlefield in the wigwendor domain, which undoubtedly brought heavy pressure to the galent Federation.

Because in this starry battlefield, in addition to dealing with the war threat from the lonely civilization, they now have a group of opponents with three dominant combat forces and tens of millions of angel legions.

Moreover, the reason why the pressure is on the side of the galent Federation is that the angel Legion who moved to wigwendor did not immediately attack the wizard civilization front, but targeted the galent Federation Legion stationed in this region.

The defense forces of wizard civilization account for two-thirds of the deployed Legion and metal front in wigwendor, and only one-third of the defense forces of galent Federation.

Instead of fighting the wizard civilization legion, they only stare at the galent federal fleet and beat it. No wonder the galent Federation will be under great pressure.

And in doing so, the Lord of glory has his own justification.

That is, on the wizard civilization defense front, there is a level 8 creature sitting in the town, and there is also the main battlefield against the silent bone convergence civilization.

The Lord of glory has no reason not to pick up soft persimmons, but to find hard stubble.

And sitting and watching the wizard civilization army fight with the dead creature legion of the silent and bone gathering civilization, the Lord of glory has no psychological pressure. This is that she inherited the kindness that Locke saved her, at least she didn\'t fall into a well.

The only thing that dissatisfied the Lord of glory and the angel Legion in vigwendor is that the tide of death elements in this star battlefield is too strong, which makes the bright Protoss with bright constitution quite uncomfortable.

Even the wigwendor domain is good. If you move towards the Mesopotamia domain, you will go deep into the silent bone convergence domain, where the concentration of death element is extremely viscous.

"I really want to purify these heresies completely." In the starry sky, looking at the strong tide of death elements from afar, the Lord of glory couldn\'t help but say angrily.

In the nearby star battlefield, more than ten light fortresses have successively driven out of the great light array.

These war fortresses with the style of dark and bright Protoss shine brightly in the shadow star domain not long ago. At the request of the oracle of the shining Lord, their faith star domain has begun to plan to produce and build more such war fortresses.

Facing these fortresses of light in the starry sky is the Garrett federal Legion behind the metal front.

It has to be said that after a long time of preparation and construction at no cost, the metal front at the border of the wigwendor star domain is stronger than expected.

Whether it is the bright Protoss or the silent civilization, it is not easy to break through this line of defense.