Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4382

γ Level crystal research base.

As the Lord of glory led his troops to the border of vigwendor domain, and the war situation in ketra domain and kanaze domain became more and more anxious, not only the front-line federal soldiers, including those federal scientists at the experimental research base behind the front line, also felt the increasing pressure and an invisible sense of urgency approaching.

There\'s not much time left for the galent Federation.

At this time, it has been 200 years since the Lord of glory led his army to the wigwendor domain. Let alone the increasingly fierce front-line war with the bright Protoss, including the silent bone convergence civilization, finally launched a fierce attack on the wigwendor domain 130 years ago.

Because of this γ The first-class crystal research base is behind the front of wizard civilization, so those federal scientists bear the brunt of the thick war threat from the silent and bone gathering civilization.

And on the harmfulness of the bright Protoss and the silent bone convergence civilization, federal scientists can know that compared with the bright Protoss, the silent bone convergence civilization is the great enemy they must destroy.

Because what the light Protoss want is only their faith, while those dead creatures who have lost their civilization want their lives!

"How\'s the research going?" In the ninth experimental area of the experimental base, Pavlov, the chief federal scientist, raised his holographic glasses wearily and asked.

In order to hurry, but also to maximize and maximize efficiency γ The secret of class crystal, this base was divided into nine experimental areas hundreds of years ago.

The research direction and focus are slightly different in different experimental areas. Even if Pavlov, as the chief scientist of the Federation and the founder of the conqueror Titan ship, his energy is limited.

Among the nine experimental areas, only six of them are really in the charge of Pavlov.

"Compared with the new progress made six months ago, Professor Smith of the outer space United mining group put forward an improvement proposal on the propeller, which may help us make the conqueror Titan withstand γ The amazing reaction power released by level 1 crystal energy. " Said a federal scientist in a white coat in front of Pavlov.

At present, seven of the nine experimental areas are studying how to γ Level crystal is used in actual combat.

After all, the complexity of galent federal ships far exceeds the cognition of general civilization and individual strong men.

Maybe for an eight level existence like Locke, he just needs to crush it with all his strength γ Level crystal can detonate all its power.

But the galent federation can\'t, because apart from the most basic release γ In addition to the first-class crystal energy, these federal scientists have to study what kind of ships can adapt γ The energy of level 1 crystal and what kind of weapons must be carried on the ship.

And the weapon system is the top priority if it cannot be released smoothly γ What is the purpose of all the energy in the first-class crystal for which these federal scientists have spent hundreds or thousands of years.

As for the improvement of thrusters in the ninth test area, it is not so important to look at a number of research projects in the whole base.

in fact, γ The division of the nine test areas in the level-1 crystal research base itself is to arrange their importance with numbers.

The ninth test area is the least important, and the first test area is the highest.

After several days in the ninth test area and finally understanding and recognizing the recent research results of nearly 10000 federal scientists in the test area, Pavlov paced back to the first test area.

The scale of the first experimental area is almost several times that of the ninth experimental area. Only the area, total number of personnel, experimental funds and other fields of this experimental area have opened a significant gap with the ninth experimental area.

After Pavlov returned, his assistant handed him an energy drink at the first time.

Although Pavlov has also been genetically modified, his life span and physical strength have increased significantly, and even has a life span of more than 200000 years, his body is still too weak compared with those real creatures above level 4.

Nearly a thousand years of continuous research has made Pavlov\'s body almost reach its limit.

However, although his body was extremely tired, in fact, the old man\'s spirit was extremely excited, because he finally touched the field he had dreamed of many years ago, which he had always been unable to explore.

For this field, Pavlov named it the \'field of God\'.

In the history of the Federation, there was also a period of technological ignorance and darkness. That was the period when various myths and legends of the Federation were the most frequent. At that time, "God" was the mythical figure who had the highest power and communication power in the Federation.

As one of the greatest scientists in the history of the Federation and the most famous leader of science and technology in modern times, Pavlov used the word "God\'s field" to describe his γ I\'m afraid that the scientific and technological mysteries explored in the first-class crystal will cause an uproar among more than 90% of federal scholars.

However, as a close friend and assistant of Pavlov, the neutral looking federal woman in front of her is also one of the top scientists in the Federation, because she participated in the investigation with Pavlov γ In-depth study of the first-class crystal, so she knows very well why Pavlov calls it γ The mystery contained in the first-class crystal is the \'realm of God\'.

Because that is an area beyond the reach of human beings, even the most superficial one currently mastered by the galent Federation γ They can\'t explain the principle and various mysteries of the first-class crystal detonation scheme.

Not even the galent Federation, including γ The creator of the first-class crystal, the Atlantis civilization, and federal scientists can also find some clues through the process of reverse pushing, that is, I\'m afraid the Atlantis civilization has not been mastered γ All the mysteries of level 1 crystal.

Everyone knows a little about the world behind the door. The only difference is that the Atlantis civilization opened the door and took two steps behind it, while the galent Federation only opened a crack in the door.

"Smith of United Mining Group is a capable man. He has solved several disadvantages in propeller."

"Although I have always disdained these federal scholars corrupted by money, I have to admit that since we received the full assistance of the top ten federal chaebols, we have made significant progress in all aspects of research." Pavlov took a sip of the energy drink handed by his assistant and sighed.

In the galent Federation, this is a world where capital and wealth come first.

Whether it is a top scientist like Pavlov, or the previous presidents of the galent Federation, there are no small and large chaebols and oligarchs behind it.

The only difference is that Pavlov still has his own bottom line compared with those federal scientists who are completely humbled by wealth.

Moreover, because he has great authority in the design and maintenance of the conqueror Titan ship, Pavlov does not need to hold the smelly feet of capital like most federal scientists. He can directly enjoy the financial subsidies given by the Parliament and the inclination of various resources.

Unfortunately, scientists like Pavlov are still a minority in the galent Federation.

Those members of Parliament dare to use the money paid by federal citizens to support Pavlov because Pavlov has this ability and qualification.

Other federal scientists, no matter how excellent the papers he wrote, did not see real objects, and the president did not dare to grant him money.