Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4380

"Montana? Is that the hell demon?"

"How do I know, but it should be dead. After all, in the tide of destruction of that degree, even level 8 femton was melted, leaving only half of his head. I don\'t think that level 7 demon will survive." Locke said without changing his face.

Lying is nothing for dominant creatures such as Locke. As early as Locke\'s first and second level knights, he rubbed his face as thick as a city wall.

However, if you lie in front of creatures above level 4, sometimes you must pay attention to one thing, that is to ensure that the other party does not master any means of prophecy or divination, and you can\'t easily sign a rule contract with the other party.

Unfortunately, the bright Protoss is a top civilization that has a powerful means of prophecy.

Great prophecy, a special ability, can not only make the bright Protoss turn bad luck into good luck in the process of its development and growth, but also serve as a valuable power bonus on the battlefield.

The ability to follow the word allows every Lord God of light to take the lead in the confrontation at the same level, not counting the blessing of those Angel legions and the power of faith on the LORD God of light.

Therefore, the strength of a top civilization is not limited to the number and individual strength of dominant creatures. It is often manifested in all aspects.

Lying to the Lord of light undoubtedly requires high technical content, because in addition to strong strength and great prophecy means, the Lord of light also has a world-class secret treasure called prophecy in her hand.

At this time, the glorious Lord\'s beautiful eyes stared at the prophecy that made a "clatter" turn the pages in his hand, showing a certain hesitation.

Because the prophecy did not detect any sign of Locke lying, and this world-class secret treasure did not sense the presence of blood curse eye Montana in the nearby battlefield.

While the eyes of the shining Lord were hesitating, the ancient trees of the moon in Locke\'s Paradise Lost suddenly made waves of falling leaves.

A large number of leaves of the ancient moon tree withered from the branches. We can see what price this strange ancient tree paid just now in order to resist the means of the prophecy and the glorious Lord.

The consumption of a lot of life power has made the overall flavor of the ancient moon tree wither a lot. Fortunately, the ancient soul tree next door and the golden apple tree in the center of Paradise Lost urgently transferred a force to make the ancient moon tree glow with vitality again.

When the ancient tree of the moon changed, Montana, who was far away in the blood curse eye of the ten thousand flowers psychic world, shivered at this time.

The sensing of dominant creatures is omni-directional, especially for the main gods who master a lot of faith means and have a large number of believers.

Sometimes godly believers call the name of the LORD God. These dominant creatures can feel it no matter how far away they are.

Blood curse eye Montana is not a powerful master, especially after there are few of her omnipotent soul left.

But the eye of blood curse Montana is definitely a well-informed seven level master. At the first time, she found that the feeling of uneasiness and palpitation came from her old enemy, the shining Lord.

It is different from the glorious Lord who has seven levels of peak strength and is expected to climb to the eighth level. Since Locke picked it up from the hell battlefield, the promotion of blood curse eye Montana has completely stalled.

In the more peaceful wizard realm, there is no abyss blood war to sharpen her, and Montana has no redundant master soul.

Almost eating and waiting for death is all Montana has for the rest of her life.

Of course, the emergence of level 7 master Golden Jade mother flower makes Montana seize an opportunity to recover and rise again.

But in her current situation, if she wants to restore the master soul to more than 10%, I don\'t know it will take years and months to achieve it.

Montana, who was lying on the petals of the Golden Jade mother flower one second ago, turned over one second later and hid at the root of the Golden Jade mother flower.

Montana\'s sudden action frightened the Golden Jade mother flower, which was originally in a state of tranquility and dormancy.

Jinyu mother flower is undoubtedly a seven level master with excellent personality. Influenced by the character of Jinyu mother flower and the power of peace and rules, Montana has also changed a lot of the hostility and bad habits brought by hell in recent years.

Even because Montana, the dominant companion, is always talking with her, the Golden Jade mother flower has a lot of friendship with the hell female devil who occupies her petals all the year round.

For the golden and jade mother flower who can\'t leave the mother plane as a guardian, the infinite and magnificent star world is the place she is curious and yearning for.

Moreover, due to the general unwillingness to move out of the flora, the Golden Jade mother flower has achieved today\'s dominant level. It has not even left the ten thousand flower psychic star domain.

The blood curse eye Montana from hell civilization has undoubtedly broadened many horizons of jinyumu flower in recent tens of thousands of years, and also gave her a general understanding of the grandeur and brilliance of the star world.

Therefore, after noticing Montana\'s abnormal behavior, Jinyu mother flower asked softly, "what happened?"

Montana, hiding at the root of the Golden Jade mother flower, couldn\'t tell what the situation was. She felt the Lord of glory\'s passing peeping at her, but the peeping left soon.

Even she felt that the Lord of glory should not find herself here.

However, due to her innate cautious character, Montana did not act rashly. The Golden Jade mother flower on the punch top said hello and said, "cover the surroundings with your life system rules. One of my sworn enemies seems to be investigating my whereabouts by means of prophecy."

As Montana\'s voice fell, the crimson power of life from the golden mother flower poured down like a waterfall. This is the real "rain of life".

In addition, the golden and jade mother flower also mobilized the power of the plane rules of the ten thousand flower psychic world to provide cover. This time, not to mention the level 7 shining Lord, that is, the level 8 Eternal Lord, personally performed the great prophecy, and it is estimated that there is no trace of Montana.


Locke naturally didn\'t know what happened in the Wanhua psychic world.

However, with the ancient tree of the moon successfully resisting the great prophecy of the Lord of light, Locke clearly found that the face of the Lord of light looked much better in front of him.

In the final analysis, Montana, not femton, is the enemy of the Lord of glory.

Therefore, the Lord of glory was not as angry as she had shown before about Locke\'s acceptance of femton.

But the Lord of glory came and led hundreds or tens of millions of legions to this place. Naturally, it is impossible to withdraw because of his personal relationship with Locke.

What is private and what is public, whether the Lord of glory or Locke, are clearly divided.

Therefore, after his face was a little pale, the Lord of glory turned and waved his hand and said, "my war mission is not here, but another place called... Well, it should be the wigwendor star domain. It is said that there are many legions of your wizard civilization stationed there."

Before Locke could say anything, the Lord of glory continued, "your opponent has arrived. Good luck."

After saying that, the Lord of glory turned and left. Correspondingly, at this time, in the depths of the angel army of the bright Protoss, an angel with 14 wings appeared - the battle Angel Michael.

The battle Angel Michael appeared together with the eighth level Eternal Lord who had fought with Locke several times before.