Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4379

It\'s embarrassing to see old friends on the battlefield.

At least at this time, standing in the starry sky, looking at the shining Lord coming out of the brilliant Angel Legion in front of him, Locke\'s face was a little stiff.

In addition to the Lord of glory, the Lord of eternal glory and the twelve winged blood angel shalil are now on the battlefield.

The emergence of several light masters has increased the criticality of the battlefield in the star region of keitra by more than a few chips compared with the past.

The Federation has considered sending another Russian lobas class war fleet from the vigwindor domain.

Up to now, the galent Federation has shown the high-level strength of two conqueror Titan fleets and six Russian lobas war fleets.

However, considering that two of the Russian lobas class war fleets are almost completely destroyed, there is only one designation left. The main attack fleet, flagship, frigate and other core ships can not be supplemented in just a few decades or hundreds of years.

Therefore, although the number of middle and low-level federal fleets is still exaggerated, they are somewhat clumsy in dealing with the field of dominant organisms.

The Russian lobas war fleet originally dispatched was also recruited back by the Federal Military at the first time when the bright Protoss increased troops.

For the galent Federation at this time, it is the most critical to keep the home star domain. As for the life and death of the civilization of those members of the anti light Protoss alliance, the galent federation can\'t care about it.

The decision of the galent Federation is currently centered on preserving the home star domain.

In fact, it is not just the galent Federation. With the light Protoss continuing to exert pressure on many star domains of the anti light Protoss alliance, another large world civilization, the rose Dynasty, also withdrew from the vassal star domain one after another not long ago and shifted its defense focus to the parent star domain.

There are two large world civilizations like this, and the other medium-sized world naturally began to follow suit.

It can be said that the war of the galent Federation and other world civilizations against the silent civilization was a failure. At a huge cost, they failed to swallow the other party, and the various consequences caused by this are now reflected one by one.

In other words, the light Protoss seized the opportunity too appropriately. They gave each other a heavy back stab at the weakest moment of the anti light Protoss alliance.

And throughout the war history of the past hundreds of thousands of years, this is indeed the most likely opportunity for the bright Protoss to solve the problem once and for all.

When the Lord of glory appeared on the battlefield, at the moment, the dominant combat power in ketra\'s star domain is only Locke, Lilith and an Russian lobas war fleet.

The absolute weakness has cast a shadow on the whole starry battlefield.

Perhaps the federal soldiers inside the galent federal ship didn\'t feel anything, but I believe the federal high-level officials who have been paying attention to the war here have pinched a cold sweat.

After all, it was an old friend who met. After the Lord of glory appeared on the battlefield, he didn\'t fight with Locke for the first time.

Moreover, with the seven level peak strength of the Lord of glory, she has no ability to threaten Locke in the later level of level 8 for the time being.

Not everyone is as strong as kakarot, and not everyone is as obsessed with fighting as kakarot.

The bright Protoss naturally has the existence to deal with Locke, but the one hasn\'t arrived yet.

"The death that appeared on the battlefield of hell is a level 8 creature. It\'s not dead, is it?" The Lord of glory stood in the starry sky at a relatively safe distance from Locke.

Locke naturally knew that the other party was referring to dead femton, so that Locke\'s scalp was tight at this time.

He nodded slowly. Locke didn\'t hide anything in this regard.

Femton, the dead descendant, is now on the front line of the battle field in the wigwendor star domain. With the ability and skill of the Lord of glory, we can easily explore this situation.

But what makes Locke feel a little tricky is the following questions raised by the Lord of glory.

"I heard that level 8 dead creature is still accepted by you now? When was this?" Asked the Lord of glory.

"Shortly after the end of the hell war, I harvested half of its head at that time."

"It was just a booty. I thought it was dead. Unexpectedly, I saved the guy by mistake and recovered him." Locke replied with half truth.

To tell the truth, Locke does not want to fight with the Lord of light and other Lord of light gods in keitra.

In fact, the factor of "friends" is still secondary. The main reason is that the strength of the bright Protoss is too strong.

Up to now, except that the endless Lord has not been seen for the time being, almost all the main gods he contacted in the light God world last time have now joined the anti light Protoss alliance battlefield.

Considering the three twelve winged archangels who appeared on the battlefield, it is enough to prove that the bright Protoss is fighting with all their strength this time.

If then the endless Lord and the supreme god join the battlefield Locke has almost been able to sentence the death penalty of world civilizations such as the galent Federation in advance.

At that time, what Locke needs to do is to draw troops away from the federal battlefield of galent as soon as possible and contact Xianyu immediately.

There is an important premise to get in touch with Xianyu, that is, after the death of Tongtian cult leader, Locke is not sure whether Xianyu civilization will sell him this face.

In other words, he is not sure whether the immortal civilization will take greater risks and lower returns, choose to support the wizard civilization from a long distance, and go to war with the light Protoss on the battlefield of alien regions.

After all, the immortal realm now is different from the past. The coexistence of many saints will inevitably lead to the fact that the discourse power of the immortal realm is not as unified as in the past.

Locke may be able to get the help of several saints, but he will never let the civilization of Xianyu pour out.

However, the good fortune left by Zu Hongjun in the aisle should enable Locke to get the other party\'s support. However, Hongjun could not leave Xianyu. How much help he could get at that time remains to be discussed.

When the Lord of glory appeared on the battlefield, Locke had this series of information in his mind. He had even roughly planned the withdrawal of troops and the deployment of defense at the border of wizard civilization.

And according to the trend of the surrounding civilization and the strength gap between the enemy and ourselves, Locke even felt that the wizard civilization might perish soon.

This is a very pessimistic thing. Weakness is the original sin.

At this time, the threat of the bright Protoss to the wizard world and other civilizations is not the threat of the wizard world to the medium and small world civilizations in the pan star region.

Come out and pay it back sooner or later.

The Lord of glory did not know that the bad guy in front of him had divergent thinking to that extent when talking to himself.

Taking a deep look at Locke in the middle of the deep destruction storm, the shining Lord Leng Buding asked, "where\'s the eye of the blood curse Montana, is she dead?"