Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4378

Galent federal battlefield.

The fierce war atmosphere has turned this place into a flesh and blood mill. The frequent reinforcements from the bright protoss have increased the intensity of the war in the jinnaze and keitra domains of the galent Federation.

Locke\'s current battle situation in the keitra domain is still within control, but the Kanazawa domain where the federal main fleet is located shrinks the defense line again.

At present, in the Kanazawa domain, which belongs to the position of the galent Federation, only the meteorite belt between the Kanazawa domain and the everhill domain is left.

However, the resilience of the galent federal fleet was also evident in this war. No matter how powerful the light Protoss launched next, it could always be blocked out of the meteorite belt by the galent federal fleet.

And with the passage of time and countless fierce exchanges between the two sides, the meteorite belt, which was originally unknown in the middle of the galent Federation, gradually became famous in the Federation.

The Dala 4 meteorite belt was named by the galent Federation in the past.

However, as the war progressed, the titles "morondi meteorite belt", "iron blood meteorite belt" and "iron will meteorite belt" gradually replaced its original name.

It was named "morondi meteorite belt" in memory of the four-star general morondi who died on this meteorite belt.

After six months in the Dala 4 meteorite belt, only one transport ship, two frigates and an almost completely abandoned attack ship survived the whole fleet, which won enough time for other federal fleets to support here later.

Until the end of the most difficult war during that period, the galent Federation failed to find general molondi\'s flagship in the meteorite belt full of metal ruins, let alone recover his body.

The terms "iron blood meteorite belt" and "iron will meteorite belt" are used by the galent Federation to praise other federal soldiers who threw their heads and shed blood on this meteorite belt.

It is not general molondi\'s credit to be able to hold this meteorite belt, but the credit of tens of thousands of federal soldiers like him. They are all heroes.

It has to be said that over the past ten thousand years, the extremely fierce war experienced by the galent Federation has qualitatively refined and strengthened the overall quality of this scientific and technological civilization and its ability to meet the challenge.

It is said that another Russian lobas class war fleet is about to leave the heavy cosmic factory in the source galaxy of floodlight. Their task is to replace a Russian lobas class war fleet that has almost completely disappeared in the battlefield of kanaze star domain.

With the tenacity and super war ability of the galent Federation, Locke, as the master of wizard civilization, felt it from a close distance this time.

As a large world civilization, the galent Federation has indeed reached its limit.

However, as the master of the war, Locke still felt that it was not enough, at least not enough to solve the war crisis currently encountered by the galent Federation.

The Legion of dead creatures of jingluogulian civilization from vigwendor has been pounding the border for nearly a century.

Even if the galent Federation has set up a metal defense line here, and the continuous increase of wizard civilization has reached nearly 80 million (PS: including slave creatures), it is extremely reluctant to block the army of 10 billion dead creatures.

According to the galent Federation\'s investigation of the concentration of death elements on the front line of the wigwendor domain, according to the current rising rate of the concentration of death elements, the next full-scale attack of jingluogulian civilization is expected to be 70-130 years later.

In such a short period of time, it is difficult for the galent Federation to do anything targeted.

Including the wizard civilization, there is not much successor force to send more reinforcements to the galent Federation.

Perhaps the wizard civilization still has this power, but the 80 million combat Corps is Locke\'s last concern to the galent Federation.

If we still can\'t stop it this time, the army of wizard civilization represented by Locke will consider withdrawing.

Helping to defend the federal battlefield of galent is only a major policy and strategy carried out by the wizard world from the height of civilization.

However, this does not mean that the wizard civilization will take their valuable Legion and be buried with the galent Federation.

Today, Lilith, golden monkey, femton and other masters who participated in the war have suffered a lot of losses in the galent federal battlefield. Indeed, they have made a lot in the galent federal battlefield, but no amount of resources are more important than their own lives. Locke doesn\'t want the wizard Wenming master to fall here.

This is why, on the premise that two Russian lobas class fleets have been almost completely destroyed and one Russian lobas class fleet has been seriously damaged in the galent Federation, the master of wizard civilization has no actual falling loss.

On the one hand, Locke took care of them. On the other hand, it can be seen that the wizard world has always kept a hand.

After all, the masters of wizard civilization and the strong above level 4 do not need to fight like the galent Federation.

The increasingly tense war situation in the vigwendor domain gave Locke a headache on the battlefield of the keitra domain.

Separation and lack of skills refers to Locke at this time. He wants to watch the wizard civilization Legion in vigwendor, but the battlefield in keitra is inseparable from himself for the time being.

Not to mention anything else, just the Lord of eternity, the eighth level light Lord God, needs Locke\'s hand to deal with it.

However, there was good news not long ago that millions of bright Protoss Angel legions in the hinterland of keitra were finally forced to withdraw under the encirclement and suppression of Lilith and dozens of federal fleets.

Lilith, who fought at the same level and was promoted to level 7 earlier, was obviously better than Gabriel, the angel of death.

Although they are in the same realm, Lilith has two new corpse training synthetic beasts comparable to level 7 combat power.

Comparable to level 7 combat power is not equivalent to being regarded as a master.

The average service life of Lilith\'s two corpse training synthetic animals is between 200 and 300 years. Because there is no dominant soul, Lilith needs to spend a huge price to repair each injury.

After hundreds of years of confrontation, after the loss of a corpse training synthetic beast and a heavy blow to the other party\'s arm, the suing angel Gabriel finally led the army to withdraw.

The withdrawal of the suing angel Gabriel does not mean that the crisis is over.

This is only a trivial victory during the current civilization war.

I believe that with the passage of time and the repair of the injury, the twelve winged Archangel will sweep again.

If the suing angel Gabriel was beaten back by Lilith and others, it is one of the few good news Locke has received in recent years, then the light Protoss Angel legion, which continued to increase troops in keitra, immediately poured a basin of cold water on Locke.

And in this troop increase of the angel legion, Locke also met an old acquaintance - the Lord of glory.