Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4377

The most common way for these dead servants, the dead creatures who have lost their bones and civilization, is to devour them after the war.

The rich flesh and blood factors and the power of death accumulated in the dead servant are the favorite of those dead creatures.

Many undead creatures benefit even more from devouring dead minions than directly devouring galent federal humans and other flesh and blood creatures.

The only difference is that the taste of the dead servant is very poor, and because there are too many impurities in the body and the relationship between heterogeneous energy, the power gained by swallowing the dead servant is far from pure by virtue of self-cultivation and absorbing the power of death.

For example, on the eve of the breakthrough, the new Dead Skeleton dragon, in addition to receiving additional care from the sea of death, was only a level 6 dead spirit servant, and was swallowed up by it.

In fact, the Dead Skeleton dragon could swallow more, but it didn\'t.

On the one hand, the number of level 6 necromancer servants is not much. He can get five heads. Thanks to the favor of the sea of death, after all, other necromancer masters also need rations.

On the other hand, swallowing too many dead minions will not do it much good, but may affect its future promotion.

The sea of death was silent for a moment and agreed to the suggestion made by the dead emperor.

It had no feelings for the dead servants, just as Locke didn\'t care much about the cannon fodder of his slave creatures.

Countless dead minions will constitute the first wave of death wave that the silent civilization will impact the front of wigwendor star domain.

The undead masters, including the sea of death, do not expect these large number of undead servants to be of great use.

Perhaps their generally humble life level plays the greatest role in this civilized battlefield, which is to contribute to the improvement of the concentration of death elements on the whole battlefield.

The battlefield is not their final destination for those dead minions who have reached a higher level, especially those above level 4. The Lords of the dead, who are silent and civilized, will swallow them and integrate them with themselves.

This barbaric, cruel and bloody model of civilization development is the basis for the silent civilization to impact the top civilization in a short time.

The issuance of a series of orders marked that the lonely civilization, which had been silent for hundreds of years, finally began to continue to attack the galent Federation.

The powerful civilization turned into a weapon of war and began to operate efficiently. Each dead Master and dead Lord performed their own duties.

When other undead masters took orders to leave one after another, the mood of the sea of death in the endless tide of death was a little lower.

After integrating the power of the perfect sobtami star domain, it is a great pity that the strength failed to break through to the peak of level 8.

Although it has felt very close to that step, it is still a little short.

And the reason why it is so poor is that it is very likely that it comes from the loss of fighting with Locke in the previous war and the whale swallowing and absorption of extremely rich death elements in the nearby star domain by the dead femton.

In addition, what worries the sea of death is the goodwill conveyed by the light Protoss, which has not been expressed so far.

In other words, there is also the expression of the light Protoss, that is, to "purify" all the dead creatures close to themselves.

"What\'s the matter with this uneasiness in my heart? Does it really come from the light Protoss? Or..." In the endless tide of death, two gray eyes couldn\'t help looking at the distant star domain of galent Federation.


The light world.

Michael, the battle angel who just returned from heaven mountain, came to the ancestral land of light.

Guangming ancestral land, which is regarded as a holy land by hundreds of millions of Guangming Protoss, is actually quite common.

This is the former residence of the creator God, who obviously didn\'t like to enjoy.

There is not much special power of rules, nor many natural materials and earth treasures. Even the concentration of light power here is not much different from that in other parts of the light divine world.

However, for several bright Lord gods who have witnessed the powerful creation God and the five generation angels personally created by the creation God, the ancestral land of light has extremely special significance.

This is also why the Fallen Angel Lucifer, after being pressed back to the light God world by the Supreme God, did not choose to stay in the heaven mountain with stronger light power, but asked the Supreme God to imprison himself in the light ancestral land.

The arrival of Michael, the battle angel, untied the power of rules in the ancestral land of light.

The power of these rules is not the original power of the light ancestral land, but the power of the Supreme God to stay here to suppress and seal Lucifer.

Come to the deepest place of Guangming ancestral land, where there is a more ordinary, even mediocre temple.

This temple is not as magnificent as other temples of the LORD God of light, but it has its own unique charm, peaceful and inviolable.

There are no angels inside or outside the temple. It seems that it has been empty for a long time.

With his wings folded, the battle Angel Michael stepped into the temple.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the number of wings of Michael, the fighting angel, is not twelve, but fourteen.

This represents Michael\'s qualitative transformation after crossing the eighth level of life.

The angel family has always used the number of wings as the standard to judge their strength. Michael is almost the only fourteen winged angel in the light Protoss at present.

In the center of the temple, a black winged angel tightly wrapped in twelve regular chains stood quietly. It seemed that there was no psychological change due to Michael\'s appearance.

"The Supreme God found clues about the father in a special space called the world of despair, and the endless Lord went there not long ago." As the voice of Michael, the battle angel, fell, the black winged angel imprisoned in the center of the temple obviously trembled.

The meaning of the creation God to the five generation angels is too heavy. Because the creation God disappeared too suddenly, the five generation angels worked hard to find the creation God at the beginning.

Even the Fallen Angel Lucifer, who betrayed the light Protoss and did not repent, had an extremely important position in his mind.

Otherwise he would not let the supreme god imprison himself in the land of the light.

"Do you remember where we were born?" The battle Angel Michael pointed to a white jade bed hovering above the temple.

The Five Angels of the first generation were originally created there by the creator God.

The Fallen Angel Lucifer remained unmoved, and Michael did not care. Instead, he continued, "I intend to go to the federal battlefield of galent. The Lord of eternity called me not long ago."

"With your strength, I think you can easily break free from these twelve chains. At the beginning, the supreme god imprisoned you here. It is also bounded by level 8. As long as you break through level 8, you will no longer restrict your freedom."

"I\'m about to leave the light God world, but I hope you don\'t do stupid things and despair over the world... It\'s estimated that your strength will be used at that time. The Supreme God has found a top civilization." The battle Angel Michael turned and said.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love adzuki beans and include figures, times and so on.