Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4369

Kenesen planetary belt.

It is located at the border of the wigwendor domain.

The long planetary belt is a defensive front that is easy to defend and difficult to attack in the starry sky. In addition, the galent Federation has not slackened its efforts to build various fortifications and bunker fortresses in the past 100000 years, making this planetary belt across more than half of the star region an iron wall.

At present, there are seven large-scale operation intervals in the kenesen planetary belt. Hundreds of millions of federal humans who have retreated and transferred from the Akram and badron domains are taking refuge in the deeper federal domain.

Why only seven operation sections are set instead of fully opening the entrances and exits.

That\'s because the union avoids being infiltrated by the dead creatures of the silent civilization. In addition, countless fortifications and war instruments are still being arranged on other fronts.

Operation zone 1, as the earliest and largest operation zone of the kenesen planetary belt, has successively passed 400 billion federal citizens in the past 100 years.

A steady stream of transport fleets passed through the huge steel gate and entered the federal hinterland after hundreds of inspection and disinfection processes.

The krypton and haling domains are the main places for these federal refugees.

As for the source galaxy of floodlight and the everhill region, because they are too close to the first star of the Federation, and the total federal population of those two regions itself ranks first and second, unless they are the top rich or political dignitaries, ordinary people are not eligible to take refuge there.

Lieutenant general ovizi Yale is the principal director of operation area 1 at the border of the wigwendor domain.

It has to be said that with the full outbreak of the war of civilization and the fierce war, the power of the federal soldiers and the military has been promoted indefinitely.

Those politicians have long hid in the "command" of the first federal star, including the federal president who liked to "show off" thousands of years ago. Under the pressure of successive wars and life threats, they chose to stay away from the front line of the battlefield.

Lieutenant general ovizi Yale is a responsible federal general with a bottom line. Although he has become the "uncrowned king" of operation zone 1, the federal general has not made any personal profits during his term of office, but has tried his best to speed up the efficiency of the operation zone and send more federal citizens back to the depths of the home planet.

The only thing that has been criticized by lieutenant general ovizi Yale in recent years is that the final withdrawal time given by the federal leadership is only 25 years.

What can you do in 25 years?!

In the view of lieutenant general ovizi Yale, it will take at least 50 years to complete the operation of the federal transport ships currently stationed outside the kenesen planetary belt and the remaining non transferred population.

The evacuation of two complete star regions is not so easy to complete.

In addition to the most basic population transfer, the transfer of material wealth also accounts for a great proportion.

For example, among the seven large operation zones in operation, only operation zone 1, operation zone 3 and operation zone 4 are mainly engaged in population transfer. Although the other four operation zones also undertake part of population transfer, they are more involved in the transportation of federal equipment and material wealth.

On that day, lieutenant general ovizi Yale, who came to inspect the outermost steel fort in operation area 1 as usual, suddenly received double instructions from senior military officials at the front and rear.

"Operation area 1 must complete the remaining operation work within the next three years and transfer control to the wizard civilization after three years." Lieutenant general ovizi Yale\'s old boss told him.

Before lieutenant general ovizi Yale could refute anything, the communication channel from the federal first star had hung up.

In fact, if lieutenant general ovizi Yale can communicate with his colleagues in the other six operation areas, he will find that not only operation area 1, but also operation areas 2, 3 and 4, will follow the same instructions.

Crisis, faster than expected!


Compared with the past, the vast Mesopotamia region is a little more silent and empty.

The whole star field is dark, and even the brilliance of those stars is weak.

In the great retreat plan for the past 200 years, the galent Federation not only took away the federal human and material wealth of these two star regions, but also dealt with the local resources of these two doomed star regions.

Take what you can take away, and destroy what you can\'t take away.

Thousands of planets were destroyed, including not only regular complete planes, but also those half planes and broken planes.

"The galent Federation is really cruel, but we in the wizard world also need to learn from this level of search and utilization of resources." Flying in the boundless starry sky, Jiali, a level 6 magician of the abbalut Empire, said to his husband next to him.

"In fact, the time is too urgent, otherwise the galent Federation will do better."

"Thousands of planets only account for one-fifth of the total number of planets in these two star regions. So far, the Federation has only destroyed those planets of great value, which still leaves a lot of heritage to the lonely civilization." The heart of ice replied volpoche.

The retreat of the wizard civilization and the federal fleet from the front line has begun since the emergence of the light Protoss in the ketra domain.

This is more than 20 years earlier than the original plan. There is no way. The sudden emergence of the bright Protoss broke the rhythm of wizard civilization and galent Federation.

In order to avoid the deterioration of the war, they must gain a foothold in the second line of defense as soon as possible.

Including the first transfer legions led by the queen of fire Gary and the heart of ice volpoche, they are likely to take a break at the border of the wigwendor domain and then go to the keitra domain for help.

"There are still a large number of federal humans and intelligent creatures in this star field. They have not been transferred, and I don\'t know what the galent Federation plans to do with them." Looking at the depths of the boundless starry sky and feeling the flame from hidden heat sources in different directions, the queen Jiali said.

"It should not be handled. The Federation has done its best, and we have done our best." The heart of cold ice sighed volpoche.

It is not realistic to empty a large star domain in 200 years. Up to now, nearly a quarter of federal citizens are still stranded in Mesopotamia for various reasons.

It is worth mentioning that only federal "citizens" are favored by the Federal Military and policies.

There are also a large number of non citizens in the Federation.

These creatures are either from the anti light Protoss alliance or from the weak world civilization once conquered by the galent Federation.

Since they do not have federal citizenship, the galent Federation is naturally not responsible for them.

No one knows what the outcome of these intelligent creatures is. Maybe someone has guessed it, but he is unwilling to say it.