Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4370

When the destructive forces of the body condensed into storms, released all these destructive storms, and rolled over towards the tide of the elements in the sea of death, Locke took advantage of the gap between the two forces to greet femton, a dead descendant on the other side of the battlefield.

The huge dead descendant femton was entangled with the two seven level peak undead masters at this time.

As Locke reminded him, femton threw his body and drove back the two undead masters. At the same time, his huge body flew to the rear of the front.

Locke and the dead femton are basically the last to withdraw from the Mesopotamian border battlefield. Before them, a conqueror Titan fleet and an Russian lobas Titan fleet have escorted the main force to withdraw.

The last Russian lobas class war fleet left on the battlefield also sprayed countless energy beams at this time, and the afterglow of doomsday weapons rippled on this fierce battlefield.

After a long time.

The withdrawal of Locke and others finally reduced the intensity of the war on this front battlefield by several energy levels.

Although there are still a large number of UAVs and ships on the battlefield, including defensive fortresses, which are also operating according to the inherent procedures, the trauma to the Legion of dead souls of the silent civilization is far less exaggerated than before.

On the starry battlefield covered with layers of corpses, there was devastation at this time.

Twisted and ugly necromancers account for the vast majority, ranking among the malignant creatures such as crossing and forced entry in a large range When it happens, that\'s the big trouble.

"What\'s the matter? Does galent have any statement from the federal side?" After meeting with the wizard civilization Legion deployed here in advance, Locke scolded.

"The Federation has sent a special team to solve the problem here, but at present, it has little effect." In the heart of cold ice, which is known as a \'think tank\' in the abbalut Empire and even the whole wizard world, volpoche said.

Galent Federation is a scientific and technological civilization that stresses equality for all. Although this so-called "equality" must also have a lot of fishiness, no politician or high-level military dare to start indiscriminately in the face of hundreds of billions of federal citizens and countless resources and wealth.

The galent Union did not dare to cut the mess quickly, but Locke would not take these into account.

Even he suspected that the federal high-level officials could not solve the problem for a long time in order to give this hot potato to Locke, an "outsider".

"I must see our combat Corps stationed in this defense line within ten years, and I don\'t want to see any non federal ships outside the defense line, let alone hundreds of billions of federal humans finally become the food for nourishing the silent civilization!" Locke looked at the heart of cold ice, walborch and the flame queen Gary around him, word by word.

The heart of cold ice, walborch and the queen of fire, Gary, naturally know what Locke\'s words mean.

As the strong wizard civilization, they have no special feelings for these alien creatures in the galent Federation, but when they think of the fate and outcome involving hundreds of billions of creatures, as long as they are mentally normal, they will feel a certain pressure.