Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4368

Gabriel, the dead angel of the light Protoss, led millions of angel legions to appear in the kaitra star domain, which is definitely a great impact and threat to the galent Federation.

To this day, the Federation does not know how this angel Legion crossed the front line and reached the hinterland of the Federation.

However, the appearance of the suicidal angel Gabriel also represents another problem, that is, the eighth level Lord of the bright Protoss, the Lord of eternity, has shifted its focus to the side of the galent federal battlefield.

Therefore, not only the suing angel Gabriel, the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance may face in the future, but also the dominant combat power of the light Protoss, including the Eternal Lord himself, the Lord of the sun and the charming Angel Raphael.


"The seven level undead master was killed?" Quietly falling on the front line of the star field battlefield, Locke looked at the three-star general Lina in front of him in surprise.

"Yes, he was killed by the twelve winged archangel of the light Protoss."

"Fortunately, master Lilith arrived at that battlefield soon. Otherwise, I really don\'t know how much damage such an angel Legion would cause to the Federation if it appeared in keitra." Samsung general Lina said with lingering fear.

It was just a coincidence that such an angel army, which was deeply penetrated by the bright Protoss at a great cost, happened to meet with the galent federal pursuit fleet led by Lilith.

This also made the twelve winged Archangel Gabriel fight Lilith and others again after killing him.

For death, it is very oppressive. It took a lot of hard work to escape here. She didn\'t die in the hands of Lilith and others, but died in the hands of the bright Protoss for some reason.

For Lilith, she was also oppressed. The top master material she was about to get was cut off by the twelve winged Archangel Gabriel. Lilith was a little crazy when she watched the death of her body burned by the flame of light.

For the twelve winged Archangel Gabriel, he was also very oppressed. It is not easy to kill a master creature. Although there is only one breath left after death, Gabriel still paid a lot of light power and a little master soul in order to kill each other.

However, before the death angel Gabriel could breathe, Lilith, the level 7 dark Summoner who came later, gave him a head-on blow.

It\'s stronger than death measure, and there are two corpse training synthetic animals with great strength to help. With the current state of Gabriel, it\'s obviously impossible to win each other like killing measure. Even in the follow-up war, Gabriel has always been a passive party.

With such a strange situation, Gabriel naturally could not successfully complete the task assigned to him by the Eternal Lord before he left.

Therefore, the occurrence of this accident is not good for the three parties!

I\'m afraid the only benefit is the galent Federation.

Because they not only completely eliminated the hidden danger of the seven level undead dominating the death order, but also put an end to a cross time and space sneak attack that the bright Protoss may have planned for a long time.

"General Katarina olkat, the five-star general, has ordered the fleet to strengthen the space-time blockade on the federal border, but the light Protoss seems to have arranged a transmission array outside the ketra domain."

"Therefore, in addition to the Kanazawa domain, the keitra domain will also become the front battlefield of the Federation and the protoss of light." Samsung general Lina said in a deep voice.

This is the disadvantage of having a vast star territory. How many star territories are divided in the Federation?


Except for the nine star regions where the abdominal core is wrapped, the other star regions may have a war.

On the premise of abandoning the Akram domain and the badron domain, the other star domains in which the Federation is still at war include the wigwendor domain, the kanaze domain and the ketra domain.

In other words, the Federation is still relatively stable and stable, leaving only the source galaxy of floodlight, the everhill domain, the Harring domain and the krypton domain.

Of the nine star regions, five are about to fall, or fierce war breaks out on the border.

It is enough to see the heavy pressure and great losses borne by the Federation in this civilized war.

In comparison, although the wizard civilization army led by Locke lost a lot, it was much better than the galent Federation.

The 20 million war damaged knights and magicians seem to have an amazing number, but we need to consider that this is a rotation war, and most of them are medium and low-level knights and magicians.

The war of civilization lasted for thousands of years, and the average life span of first-class knights and magicians was only 1000 years. The average life span of second-class knights and magicians was about 3000 years, that of third-class knights and magicians was 5000 years, and that of semi divine knights and magicians was 10000 years.

Even if there is no war loss, there will not be too few primary and secondary creatures that die naturally in the wizard world.

After all, not every low-level knight or magician has the potential to move forward to the demigod level or even level 4 or above.

If there is such a thing, I\'m afraid Locke will be happy, and then consider whether the existing resources of wizard civilization can support the emergence of so many creatures above level 4.

Therefore, the war damage of wizard civilization in galent Federation, at least in Locke\'s view, is tolerable.

Otherwise, the local aspect of wizard civilization will not continue to increase troops here.

On the intensity of the war, it is more cruel than the forces invested by the wizard civilization in the pan star battlefield, which also makes the galent federal battlefield the best training place for the wizard civilization.

It\'s better to invest military forces and fight in the galent Federation than one day these battlefields will take place in the native land of wizard civilization.

Locke knows this, as do other high-level knights and magicians of wizard civilization.

Therefore, Locke and other powerful wizards in the world are surprisingly consistent in their attitude towards the federal war in galent. They will not withdraw their troops, but will continue to increase the total number of troops invested here.

"We hope, Knight Locke, you can speed up the transfer to the battle line of vigwindor and provide some support to keitra when necessary." Sanxing general Lina bowed her head and said sincerely to Locke.

The vigwendor domain borders the keitra domain, so once the light Protoss moves there, Locke may not be able to support the more distant kanaze domain, but the nearby keitra domain can help.

There is also an advantage of the border between the vigwendor domain and the ketra domain, that is, when the galent Federation and the wizard civilization face the two legions of the light Protoss and the silent bone convergence civilization at the same time, the two world civilizations with opposite attributes will not get along smoothly.

This is one of the few factors that can comfort yourself in a series of bad news.