Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4367

Katra domain.

This is the most militarized area of the galent Federation.

If we say that in the wigwendor domain, there are the largest number of research institutes and heavy industry laboratories in the Federation.

In ketra, there are the most comprehensive arsenal and warship manufacturing center in the Federation.

Of the hundreds of millions of warships in the Federation, nearly five are from the keitra star region, including the only secret military base in the Federation that has the ability to manufacture Russian lobas class Titans, and one is in the keitra star region.

As for another place, it is in the birthplace of galent federal civilization and the source star system of floodlight where the first star is located.

Because of its extremely important position, especially in the military field, keitra\'s star domain ranks second in the current nine star domains of galent Federation in terms of importance and index in all aspects.

The federal high-level can give up the Akram and badron domains in the Mesopotamia domain without changing their face, but they can never give up the ketra domain.

Unless those federal leaders are ready to wander the star world.

It is also such a highly valued star region. Not long ago, two groups of "guests" were welcomed.

One wave is the seven level undead master of the silent bone convergence civilization, death measure, and the undead Legion under his command.

The pursuit of Lilith and the endless encirclement and suppression of gallent federal warships made the death of the seventh level undead master not much better after arriving in the wigwendor domain.

It didn\'t even taste the rich flesh and blood energy factors of vigwendor domain, nor did it have time to display the undead storm in that domain. Like a mouse, it was chased by Lilith and fled to keitra domain.

Fleeing to keitra is not the original intention of the seventh level undead to dominate death.

Because according to the support of the galent federal fleet, it is obvious that the danger here in the ketra domain is not inferior to that in the vigwindor domain.

But just as it was hunted down here, in choosing the escape route, it can not be executed according to the original intention of death.

It wants to go to the federal Harling domain, everhill domain and krypton domain, but its opponents have to give it this opportunity.

In the original plan, keitra had a large network surrounded by the galent Federation.

The high-end combat power of three first-class war fleets and a star class war fortress obviously can\'t kill the death of the seventh class master, but it can definitely drag the other party and create conditions for Lilith and others who pursue behind.

Not surprisingly, the border position of keitra is the falling place arranged by the galent Federation for the death of the seventh level undead master.

It\'s time for this guy to stop jumping up and down the federal territory of galent for so long.

But what many parties did not expect was that the accident happened.

Keitra\'s realm welcomed his second wave of guests, and these visitors were clearly prepared.


The boundless and deep starry sky brings a deep sense of emptiness and coldness to the master of the seven level undead.

This is the 467th year that death has fled in the astral world.

The idea of trying to kill in the hinterland of the federal star domain and seek huge death force in an attempt to climb a higher level is now a joke.

It\'s reasonable that this guy was seriously wounded at the beginning of the civilization war. He claims to be smart, but the really smart undead masters should be the seven level undead masters of silent swallowing bream and Jing Ning.

They are not as powerful as the emperor of the dead and the Lord of the dark, but they live to the end, which is the place that can best reflect their intelligence.

In the end, death order is just a guy being used. With the chaos it caused in the hinterland of the galent Federation, I don\'t know how much pressure it has reduced for the front-line dead Legion.

But he didn\'t want to admit defeat, or he didn\'t want to die.

Even if the total number of dead creatures around them is less than 300000, including the soul of the master, there is little left. Its attitude towards life is its continuous desperate escape.

How can you give up before the last minute!

Because of the exhaustion of strength, he was forced to show the death of his body, clenched his teeth and continued to move deeper into the starry sky.

There are fewer and fewer necromancers around. These straggling necromancers have only one ending to wait for them, and are blasted into slag by the federal fleet.

The breath of the terrible woman behind him was getting closer and closer, and he seemed to feel every cell in his body trembling.

The call from the blood field told him that the other half of his body was behind him.

But at this moment, he didn\'t want to find his body at all, because the half body almost ate it not long ago.

Lilith\'s amazing achievements in the field of corpse training synthetic animals are enough to make her hold the top position in this field, and will not be shaken for a long time.

It is a twisted monster composed of countless powerful creatures, including an arm of the first apostle Kahn, a level 7 creature picked up by Locke in the Tara battlefield, which makes Lilith\'s new corpse training synthetic beast have level 7 initial power once it is born.

But this did not satisfy Lilith. Only by installing the other half of the dead body can this ferocious corpse training synthetic animal achieve "perfection".

The sense of threat from behind is getting stronger and stronger, so that he doubts whether he will fall here in the next moment.

It is also because he has put too much attention behind him, so that he ignores its front. In the depths of the starry sky, an ugly light spot quietly appears.

The light spot quickly grew into a light wheel. The abundant light divine power and the restraint of innate attributes raised white smoke on the body surface of death measure, including death measure himself.

The house leak happened to rain at night. The sudden emergence of the divine power of light obviously made death measure\'s already bad situation worse.

However, it is more than that that that makes death shudder. With the gradual expansion of the light wheel, it easily grows from hundreds of meters to hundreds of thousands of meters away, and a neat and well-trained Angel Legion appears in front of it.

Behind the huge light wheel, there are many Angel legions in a square array, and they can\'t see the end at a glance.

Just a rough calculation, I\'m afraid it\'s more than a million, and it seems far more than that.

At the front of the angel legion, a twelve winged Archangel holding a white holy sword looked at the ugly and deformed dead Master and other remnants in front of him.

The innate attribute opposition makes Gabriel, the suing angel who just appeared here, obviously have no good impression on the dead Master in front of him.

In his hand, the long sword of the world secret guard waved forward and wrapped the incomparably turbulent holy flame, and Gabriel\'s cold voice came out immediately.

"God says that evil heresy will be purified by the flame of light!"