Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4356

The retreat of the wizard civilization army and the federal fleet marks the complete recovery of their home planet by the silent civilization.

Of course, for the blank space where all death planets have been destroyed and more than 90% of large and medium-sized death nodes have been wiped out, the significance of recovering them by silent civilization is not as big as expected.

If the Garrett federal fleet retreated, it came from the factors such as too long front to defend, the threat of the bright Protoss army and so on.

Then the retreat of the wizard civilization Legion comes from the trauma of Lilith and the injury of the dead femton.

Lilith suffered from the premeditated attack of two seven level peak creatures, the Lord of darkness and the emperor of the dead.

This is also the drawback of Locke\'s leaving kakarot in the wizard civilization.

In the past, kakarot restrained one of the two seven level peak death masters, coupled with the absolute dominant combat power of the federal fleet and moraya, including the seven level Nian, can naturally realize the comprehensive rolling over of the silent civilization from the high-level combat power to the low-end Legion.

But now, as the advantages of the low-end Legion are no longer, there are accidents in the game in the field of high-level combat power, which really means that the buildings are going to collapse and the wind and rain are shaking.

Femton, a level 8 creature, suffered a lot of damage because he was too good at eating in the past and seemed to eat something he shouldn\'t eat.


"It has the power of the laws of bone decay, fragmentation, annihilation, nothingness and so on. It seems that the plot of the silent bone convergence civilization against femton is not a day or two, cough." In the super large interstellar station, the pale Lilith coughed softly and tested the diminutive femton in front of her.

This super large interstellar station was originally used by the galent Federation to maintain a stellar war fortress or an Russian lobas class Titan ship.

However, with the entry of the army of wizard civilization, this super large star station and many nearby star fortresses were temporarily requisitioned by Wizard civilization.

The huge magic array covers the whole star station.

Only Lilith and Douglas have the ability to draw such a large magic array alone.

Although daenerys, the dragon mother, has also been promoted to level 7, blood warlocks specialize in different fields from traditional casters.

In the middle of the magic array, femton, whose body is one circle larger than the constant star war fortress, is whispering and roaring at this time.

Although the big guy\'s wisdom is not high, Locke can clearly feel his pain.

The astral world is balanced. While dead femton has incomparably strong strength and vitality, its biggest defect is its weakness in wisdom and self judgment.

During Locke\'s return to the wizard civilization, no one noticed the difference between those forces of death and the past when femton, a dead descendant, swallowed the tide of death elements in the dead star domain.

The galent Federation is eager to take femton, a dead American, as a "vacuum cleaner". It almost sends it wherever the element of death is too strong.

On the side of wizard civilization, Lilith, a level 7 dark summoner, may be able to find these fishy things. But Lilith also has her own things to do. Even her obsession and investment in experimental research won\'t let Lilith pay attention to other things.

Therefore, when Locke left the lonely bone convergence star domain at the beginning, he would rather hand over the wizard civilization Legion under his command to those level 6 knights and magicians respectively, rather than consider handing over this burden to commander Lilith.

Because Locke knows that Lilith is unreliable.

Looking at the woman who was seriously injured, Locke sighed and said, "don\'t participate in the next war of civilization in the short term. It\'s still important to recover."

"When necessary, you can return to the wizard civilization. Master Douglas has made great progress in their research on the new holy tower, which may speed up the recovery of your master soul." Locke said.

Hearing this, Lilith shook her head. "Compared with wizard civilization, this death battlefield is more suitable for me. Most of my new corpse training synthetic beast has been completed. It can replace me."

"As for the new holy tower you mentioned, the technology is not mature enough and has not been fully promoted in the wizard world for the time being. It is of little significance for me to return to the wizard civilization."

Although Lilith has not been in the wizard civilization these years, she knows more about the new Santa tower studied by Douglas than Locke.

And what she said is also true. From the perspective of benefits and results, Lilith is more interested in the exploration of the knowledge field of synthetic animals of death and corpse training than the recovery of the tiny master soul.

Lilith\'s answer attracted a moment of silence from Locke.

She did not realize that the very familiar knight in front of her had the idea of escaping from the war quagmire of the galent Federation.

There is no war of civilizations. It is said that as long as it is a war, there will be dead and there will be losses.

Even in the past 3000 years, the wizard world Legion led by Locke has indeed obtained an amazing number of war returns in the silent bone convergence star domain and the galent Federation.

Lilith was only one of them. In fact, including the golden monkey Wukong, the loss over the years is not small.

But both Lilith and golden monkey are much better off than dead femton.

What\'s the situation of dead femton? It was on the battlefield of hell, but only half of its head was found by Locke.

Being able to hang a life is that femton\'s vitality is strong enough, and it is also related to its later absorption of a large number of death elements in the silent starfish domain.

Eating Hesse in the silent starfish domain is the result of the tacit consent of the desperate spider mother.

But obviously, in the silent bone convergence star domain, the local undead masters here are not so easy to talk.

Femton\'s super-high life level and terrible strength make it difficult for those undead masters to cause any damage to it on the front battlefield, but femton is not invincible.

This time, for example, this guy was seriously injured.

So that femton\'s insufficient eternal soul suffered loss again.

The idea of withdrawing troops was only fleeting in Locke\'s mind and did not become a reality.

Locke is still a rational eight level master with an overall view. Once he leads the wizard civilization Legion to withdraw from the galent Federation, there is no need to say what will happen to the Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance.

And a short retreat will bring greater hidden dangers in the future.

So Locke must stay here!

Looking at the vast starry sky in front of Locke with deep and dignified eyes, a crystal appeared in his hand.

Atlantis civilization γ Grade crystal.