Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4355

Kerr fracture zone.

In addition to the regular and complete potential planes, as well as various half potential planes, broken potential planes, meteorite belts and so on, there are also such and such strange places in the star world.

Most of these strange places have special rules that are very different from the ordinary star world. They are not only wonders in the boundless starry sky, but also places containing dangers and opportunities.

One of them is the kloer fracture zone, which is located in the middle and periphery of the jingluogulian star domain.

The reason why we chose this place as the front line of war against the lonely civilization is that this crack zone is filled with countless space cracks and strange black holes.

In the past conquest wars, the galent Federation did a lot of articles here in order to reduce the average death concentration in the silent bone convergence star domain.

A large number of dead element tides, through these cracks and strange black holes, do not know where they are rolled up.

This is one of the special landscapes of the lonely bone convergence star domain. It can be seen that the dead creatures sealed it completely in the past, but the arrival of the galent Federation reopened the sealed gaps.

However, the advantage brought by geographical advantage alone is not enough for the galent Federation to withstand the counterattack of silent civilization.

As the bright Protoss continued to increase troops on the front battlefield, more and more fleet groups were transferred from the silent bone convergence star domain.

Therefore, in the Anti Japanese war against jiluogulian civilization, some wizard civilization legions led by Locke had to assume greater responsibilities, especially in the field of high-level combat power.

Unfortunately, sometimes civilization wars are not just the stage of high-level creatures.

Two hundred years later, the crevasse is still under the control of the wizard civilization and part of the galent federal fleet.

However, the defense line on the battlefield of the whole silent bone convergence star domain was broken through by the ferocious army of dead creatures one after another.

The crevicular fracture zone is only one place in the boundless starry sky. No matter how long its front is, it can not cover the whole border line of the lonely bone convergence star domain.

Locke and the wizard civilization Legion he led are indeed the hard stubble among the hard stubble.

But for those death masters of the lonely civilization, wouldn\'t it be better to avoid the past directly in the face of the strength of Locke and others.

The full retreat of the galent Federation and the gradual shift of the war focus to the bright Protoss will inevitably lead to major problems in their deployment.

After all, no matter how strong the galent Federation is, it can not resist the attack of a large world and a top civilization.

It is also in the context of such civilized wars that the crevice zone, like a reef in the turbulent wave, has withstood the impact from the ocean of dead creatures of the silent and restrained civilization.

Even in order to take care of other war zones in the whole star battlefield, the wizard civilization Legion in the crevice zone battlefield also took limited initiative to support other war zones.

However, a mere 10 million wizard civilization legions, no matter how elite, will still feel bursts of despair and powerlessness in the face of hundreds of millions or even billions of cold dead biological legions.

The silent civilization bet right. Their forbearance and unwillingness to give up in the previous war enabled them to successfully retain the strongest Jedi strike against the galent Federation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Legion of dead creatures on the battlefield today is the last family of the lonely civilization.

If you can go through layers of battlefields and reach the deepest hinterland of the silent bone convergence star domain, you can see that the wave of undead that once crowded with dead creatures has disappeared.

This is the desperate counterattack of all civilization on the sea of death. If you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent.

If we can\'t force the front back to the star domain of galent Federation, we even have to hit the middle abdomen of galent Federation at least, so as to obtain a large number of bodies, souls and flesh and blood energy of the Federation.

Otherwise, even if they recover their home planet, they will suffer unbearable damage.

This is why it is impossible for the sea of death to reconcile with the galent Federation.

In addition to the crevice zone, the loss of many star battlefields indicates that the retreat of the overall front of the garrent Federation and the wizard civilization alliance has become inevitable.

It was also in the crevice zone that the wizard civilization Corps represented by Lilith finally withdrew to the rear of the federal star domain together with other galent federal fleets.

"Forcibly change the battlefield pattern of civilization with the power of low-level creatures. I\'ve only seen it in the bright Protoss in the past. I didn\'t expect you to achieve the same results in your lonely civilization." In the starry sky, looking at the surging sea of death in front of him, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

Facing the sea of death again, it is not Locke who takes the initiative to find each other\'s trouble, but the sea of death who takes the initiative to entangle Locke.

As for the reason, it should be that Locke\'s incarnation destroyed the storm in the previous hundreds of years, swallowing and annihilating about 2 billion dead spirit biological legions.

These necromancer biological legions are not weak people with no strength to bind chickens. If Locke can keep an eye on them, they will not be weak.

Rao was a lonely civilization. Before that, he could not bear to accumulate a lot of money, nor could he withstand the wanton bite of the moon dominated by Locke in the later stage of level 8.

Therefore, two hundred and eighty-seven years ago, the sea of death found Locke and limited Locke\'s ability in this battlefield with the power of special rules.

"If you are willing to form an alliance with us, we can even put down those grievances." The sea of death of level 8 creatures persuades Locke again.

"Oh? Two successive death masters have fallen directly or indirectly into the hands of our Wizard civilization. Are you still willing to form an alliance with us?" Locke was surprised.

"Their sacrifice is to contribute to the rise of the lonely civilization. If you and the wizard civilization behind you are willing to stand with us, I can let bygones be bygones." The sea of death said without emotion.

This rational and emotionally cold guy is the quality that a civilized leader should have.

If Locke were to replace the two masters of wizard civilization, he would not calmly talk about cooperation with each other.

So, Locke is more like the sea of death, it\'s just like it. They\'re not the same person after all.

The sea of death is a cold, ruthless and rational death element.

Locke is a wizard and an eighth class knight in the world.

With a slight shake of his head, Locke once again rejected the solicitation of the sea of death.

Countless tides of destruction are pounding the endless tide of death around, but unfortunately, in this battle between destruction and death, because of their close strength and similar details, they can\'t compete.

In this battle between destruction and death, there is also the roar and pain of a terrible beast, which is the voice from femton.