Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4357

γ The first-class crystal is the key to the achievement of the top civilization.

According to Locke\'s information in the relic of the holy city, the power contained in this crystal is enough to destroy an entire star field.

Like the bright Protoss, the top civilization with tens of thousands of belief planes is naturally not easy to destroy.

Because the belief plane of the bright Protoss is not a certain star domain, but more than ten large star domains and hundreds of medium and small star domains.

The huge star area and vast belief pastoral area give the bright Protoss amazing volume and carrying capacity.

However, for the isolated civilizations that still remain at the large-scale world level, this ugly crystal is enough to destroy their whole civilization.

"The divine city control center said that ordinary means could not be activated at all γ Even master Douglas hasn\'t worked out anything before. "

"Do I really have to bombard the crystal surface with my own dominant power and detonate it?" Locke couldn\'t help thinking.

Also want to reach this point, Locke can\'t help feeling a little numb on his scalp.

Locke is not sure whether he can survive an explosion of this scale.

And the city of Atlantis was in γ Under the action of the first-class crystal, it finally came to a fragmented end.

Locke\'s passive evolution ability is really strong, but there is still some gap compared with the top level and essence of Atlantis.

to use γ The only way to break the situation that Locke thought of at this stage is to destroy the silent bone and convergence civilization with level 1 crystal.

But obviously, γ Grade crystal is not so easy to use.

Locke has no idea of devoting himself to the Federation of galent. When taking out this crystal, Locke first thought of whether the corpse training synthetic beast of Lilith, a level 7 dark summoner, has the ability to detonate γ Grade crystal.

Because Lilith\'s corpse training synthetic beast can also have dominant combat power in a short time.

Locke has seen the battle picture of the ugly guy. The overall level is only at the beginning of level 7, but if he gathers all his strength to release a blow, the blow should be able to barely reach the level of the middle of level 7.


After telling Lilith what she thought, sure enough, the woman who was still seriously injured burst out amazing enthusiasm and action for it at the first time.

Regardless of his physical injury, Locke\'s γ After the first-class crystal was taken away, Lilith entered a closed research state.

"With such a good thing, you should sue me earlier." Before entering the laboratory, Lilith didn\'t forget to complain to Locke.

"Remember, don\'t bombard the crystal surface with the power of dominance. It will kill us." Locke told Lilith again and again.

Locke has γ Before that, only Douglas knew about the first-class crystal in the whole wizard world.

Locke was relieved that the old man\'s character and character were reliable.

Only Lilith is a crazy woman. Locke is really afraid of what happens to her.

In the tens of thousands of years of living together in the desperate world, Locke has seen Lilith inside and outside.

In order to explore her so-called truth, the woman can really do anything.

"I know, I know. And what happened to you in the city of Atlantis. I\'m not sure there will be any additional clues." Lilith waved her hand. After saying this to Locke, she couldn\'t wait to enter the laboratory.

Looking at the level-7 magician who has entered a crazy state, Locke can\'t help shaking his head, and some doubt that he put γ Take the first-class crystal to her to study whether it\'s too hasty.


Although Lilith has entered the laboratory in an attempt to study γ The secret of level 1 crystal, and explore whether her corpse training synthetic beast detonated γ The ability of level crystal.

But the operation of the complex and complicated magic array in the super large interstellar station did not stop because of Lilith\'s absence.

Dead femton still dragged his huge body and lay in the interstellar station, shouting in pain

The heterogeneous regular energy that appears inside and outside its body is still eroding its body.

It must be written by the sea of death of level 8 creatures that can cause such injuries to femton.

It\'s also a pity. Before, on the battlefield, this guy kept wooing Locke in the open, trying to pull the wizard civilization to the chariot of silent civilization. But who would have thought that behind his back, it had made such a big deal on the dead femton.

It was also the heavy blow of femton, a dead descendant, which completely cut off the possibility of Locke\'s alliance with the sea of death, and the two world civilizations were still in the opposite after all.

Perhaps the sea of death recognized this from Locke\'s attitude, and then detonated the hidden dangers in femton\'s body at one fell swoop.

This is an owl. If there are no other abnormal numbers, the silent and restrained civilization may really be taken to the road of top civilization by it. Locke can\'t help sighing.

"Father, femton, can he recover from his injury?" Next to Locke, Lisa, the second daughter who has been here, couldn\'t help asking.

Since Locke brought femton back from the battlefield of hell, more than 20000 years of living together day and night and in-depth transformation have already made lisa have some feelings for this big guy who doesn\'t have too much wisdom.

This is the profound feeling between the master and the mount. Although with femton\'s Micro wisdom and delayed perception, it does not necessarily have any feeling about the millions of Zerg living and inhabiting in its own body.

For femton, there is no difference between these Zerg and the parasites that lived in it before.

The only difference is that Locke\'s majesty makes him afraid to swallow and damage the Zerg at will. Sometimes he even has to listen to Lisa\'s "little one".

"With femton\'s level 8 biological essence, although these injuries are difficult to deal with, they are not fatal, but the recovery time is longer, and they will be accompanied by permanent losses of some dominant souls." Locke said to Lisa.

Touching Lisa\'s head, Locke saw that his daughter, who already had the strength of the later stage of level 6, was a touch of sadness in his heart.

Today, Lisa has begun to move towards the peak of level 6. She should be the most potential existence in cultivating talents among Locke\'s three children.

Even Odin, who has the whole Titan Protoss as his endorsement, is a little worse than his sister Lisa in this regard.

Opposite Locke and Lisa, the huge body of dead femton not only recovers slowly under the action of the complex magic array, but also has thousands of undead magicians above the semi God level who work all over its body.

The recovery plan Lilith studied for femton, in addition to radiation warming in the magic array, also includes "surgical operations" that the Necromancers need to operate with their own hands.

Cutting off areas that are heavily affected by the power of heterogeneous rules can not only alleviate femton\'s pain, but also speed up his recovery.

For example, the level 6 necromancer Rogge, this fat man is now like a hard-working little bee, constantly rolling and dancing around femton\'s body.