Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4354

The official collision between the galent Federation and the angel legion of the light Protoss took place in the 23rd year after Locke arrived in the Federation.

To be exact, the bright Protoss should take the lead in launching the attack on the medium-sized world civilization Crimea civilization. It is also on this battlefield that the new Lord of the bright Protoss, the Lord of the twilight, appeared on the anti bright Protoss front for the first time.

It is no longer appropriate to call the Lord of twilight the new Lord God.

Because nearly 20000 years have passed since the LORD God was promoted to the Lord, Locke also went to the God of light to participate in the promotion ceremony of his Lord God.

However, the one-sided relationship in the past is obviously not enough to smooth out the fierce confrontation between the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield.

What\'s more, Locke is not in this battlefield yet.

A war baptized federal Russian lobas war fleet is the main force facing the seven level Lord God Twilight Lord.

The war fleet has just been withdrawn from the silent bone convergence star region. The perennial war has made more than 70% of the ships of the Russian lobas war fleet have obvious wear and depreciation.

However, corresponding to it, this is a strong army that has experienced countless wars.

Although the average life expectancy of federal soldiers is not too high, thousands of years of war has made this Russian lobas class war fleet an unyielding military soul.

This military spirit has been passed on from generation to generation. Although it is not as intuitive as the federal advanced technology on the battlefield, its strength will stand out from other ordinary fleets whenever the war is in the most anxious and intense state.

Needless to say, the Russian lobas class war fleet gathers the most elite ships and soldiers of the Federation.

Even after countless battlefield attrition on the battlefield in the silent bone convergence star domain, the vigor and comprehensive strength of this fleet have not been greatly affected.

The collision in the Crimea domain soon led to a chain reaction.

The outbreak of several battlefield battles, such as galent federal battlefield, rose imperial civilization battlefield, karst star domain battlefield and chaotic asteroid belt battlefield, marks the arrival of the all-round war.

It is also against this background that the galent Federation received a clear will from the silent civilization to refuse reconciliation!

The silent bone gathers the middle abdomen of the star domain.

The federal fleet has begun to withdraw from this Death Star area in a planned way.

If the eight level Lord God, the Lord of the rising sun, the galent federation can also contain it with the conqueror Titan ship.

However, the angel legion, which has a number of more than 20 million and is now close to 30 million, can not be resisted by those troops arranged by the Federation in advance.

On the Kanazawa battleground, the federal front has begun to move back slowly.

After all, the main energy and the most elite fleet of the Federation over the years have been mobilized to the lonely bone convergence star domain.

In the face of the continuous threat of increasing troops of the bright Protoss, it is their only choice to give up the lonely bone and collect the star battlefield.

Up to now, the galent Federation has abandoned nearly a quarter of the occupied territory of the lonely bone convergence star domain.

And the interesting purpose is to make it clear that there are no complete death planets and large-scale regular vortices in the previously occupied star regions.

However, after these star regions returned to the hands of the lonely civilization, they soon burst out a new force of death.

As if these death elements were endless, even the average death concentration of the whole star domain, which had been reduced to the safe limit, appeared to rise again.

The power of any element will not grow for no reason, and there is no out of balance in the star world.

After the adventure and in-depth detection of several reconnaissance fleets of galent Federation and the evaluation of Lilith, the seventh level dark summoner, it is finally concluded that the reason for this situation in the silent bone convergence star domain stems from two points.

First, the sea of death of level 8 creatures is forcibly increasing the death concentration of the silent bone convergence star domain in the way of wasting their origin, so as to pave the way for the counterattack of the next undead army.

Second, the large-scale world silent bone convergence plane also began to send out a strong death tide synchronously. A large-scale death storm that is about to sweep the whole star domain is brewing in this large-scale plane.

"It seems that the silent civilization does not know the strength of the light Protoss. If the galent Federation really collapses, I can guarantee that they will be the next unlucky." Deep in the starry sky full of the power of death, Locke said to Lilith beside him.

"Aren\'t you going to talk to it? If you come forward in person, clarify the advantages and disadvantages..." Said Lilith.

Locke shook his head and sighed, "the sea of death has expressed its attitude with action."

"It doesn\'t believe in us, or it only believes in itself and absolute strength."

"The galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance are a big cake. If they swallow them and rely on the technology mastered by the silent bone convergence civilization in the field of white bone tower, it is also possible for them to directly set foot on the top civilization."

"Do you think the sea of death has been knocked down by femton and the federal conqueror Titans in the previous war?"

"No, in fact, we don\'t do much real damage to it. Even this guy has begun to climb to the top of level 8." Locke sighed.

Locke constantly improves with the power of destruction, and the sea of death completes the accumulation of quantitative change to qualitative change by absorbing the power of death.

From a certain point of view, they seem to be one kind of creatures, at least in the way of promotion and the way they go, they are relatively close.

And if the same decision was put in front of Locke, he would certainly make the same decision as the sea of death.

The result of the peace talks with the galent federation can only be the bitter fruit of the silent civilization swallowing nearly four fifths of the home star domain.

Even if the Federation may give some compensation to the isolated civilization, it will never make up for the loss of the isolated civilization, and even the road of civilization development may be cut off.

Under this premise, we might as well give it a go.

Don\'t mention that the silent civilization doesn\'t know the details of the light Protoss. Even if it is clear, there is only this way in front of the sea of death and the masters of the dead.

Either rush through, or wait for future liquidation from the galent federation or the light Protoss.

After so long contact, Locke still appreciates the level 8 creature of the sea of death.

The strength and depth of the other party make Locke look sideways. Similarly, its principle and determination are much stronger than the guy who is the king of the world of the iron tower.

"Order all knights and magicians to prepare to retreat. Since the galent Federation has arranged the latest defense line in the crevice zone, it is unnecessary for our Wizard civilization to stand on the front line and fight with the undead anti attack army of the silent and bone gathering civilization." Locke said to Lilith.