Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4353

At this time, it is meaningless to tangle about whether the wizard civilization is in breach of contract.

Locke can come in person, and now there are more than 10 million wizard civilization legions in the federal battlefield of galent, which is enough to prove Locke\'s and wizard civilization attitude.

The rhetorical question of old man trichi pan baesa is only with some regret and pity, and does not mean to complain about Locke.

If, if Locke can bring two more dominant combat forces and tens of millions of wizard civilization armies, the galent Federation may not be able to fight on two fronts.

However, it is a pity that trichi pan baesa can not control the decision-making of wizard civilization.

And the federal five-star general, at present, does not know that the wizard civilization has launched a full-scale war on the pan star region.

"Tell me about the specific situation of the front on both sides. I heard that moraya, the level 7 reader, and the regiment of readers led by her have returned to the literary star field of the rose Dynasty." Locke said.

Take a deep breath, trichi pan baesa greets the adjutant next to him. On the silver screen in the current side hall, he projects holograms of the silent bone convergence star domain and the kanaze star domain.

It can be seen from the star map that the galent Federation\'s attack on the lonely and bone gathering star field has not been relaxed for hundreds of years since Locke returned to the wizard civilization.

The destruction of nearly a thousand death planets and the promotion of a large area of star territory almost forced the lonely civilization to a corner.

Of course, in just a few hundred years, it detonated nearly a thousand dead planets and conquered a large area of star territory. A large part of the reason is that the silent civilization is consciously closing the defense line.

With the same number of death planets and the same area of Death Star domain, the galent Federation will not achieve its goal in a few hundred years.

Even if the bright Protoss did not suddenly send troops to stir up the situation, according to the conclusions of federal comprehensive computer and countless analysts, it will take at least two thousand years for the galent Federation to gnaw down the remaining territory of the lonely star domain.

Only one-fifth of the space area of the lonely civilization was completely pushed to the edge of the cliff by the galent Federation.

However, it is precisely because of this that the war potential of the silent civilization has been exploited to the extreme.

A staggering number of dead creatures, on the eve of those dead planets being detonated, dragged deeper into the lonely bone convergence star domain.

And after measurement, the concentration of death clouds deeper in the silent bone convergence star domain is even more exaggerated than before the war.

This is the wisdom of the silent civilization to consciously close the defense line.

They are like a tight spring. Although from the appearance, they are forced to the corner by the galent Federation, they may rebound at any time!

One conqueror class Titan fleet and three Russian lobas class war fleets are still on the front line of the battlefield in the star domain.

There is another Russian lobas class war fleet, which has begun to move to the rear. Their destination is the star region of the medium-sized world civilization - the Crimea civilization.

Because there is also a large number of angel legions there, and there is a faint fluctuation of the power of the LORD God of light.

The galent Federation is obliged to provide shelter to other member civilizations of the anti light Protoss alliance, and because the Crimea civilization borders the galent Federation, the Federation obviously cannot sit idly by and watch the collapse of this medium-sized world civilization.

"On the side of the civilization of the rose Dynasty, it has been determined that there is a Lord God of light and nearly 10 million Angel legions."

"The other side is the old opponent of the civilization of the rose Dynasty and the shining Lord."

"We don\'t know whether other lightlord gods will participate in the follow-up war, but we can be sure that even if there is only the power of the shining Lord, the total number of angel legions on the battlefield over there is definitely more than 10 million." Trichi pan baesa pointed to the star map.

The rose Dynasty star field, the Crimea star field and the jinnaze star field of the galent Federation are star field battlefields where a large number of angel legions are found hoarding and there are subtle fluctuations in the power of the LORD God level.

In addition to these three star domains, there are four other star domain battlefields with angel legions, but the number is not as many as the first three, and there is no fluctuation in the power of the LORD God level for the time being.

"If the bright Protoss make every effort, judging from the strength they showed when they destroyed the demon world and hell, only with our current military deployment, it is difficult for our anti bright Protoss alliance to stop each other this time."

"Even if our Federation brings all the fleet groups back to the front line of war with the light Protoss, we can only stick to it."

"This involves another question, whether the silent civilization will fight back." The five-star general trichi pan baesa twisted his eyebrows with a sad face and said in his heart.

Now he has no energy to think about the rich war resources obtained after winning the lonely star domain. All he thinks about is how to get the galent Federation through the crisis.

Of course, with the strength of the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance, even if the next war is extremely difficult, it will not be a crushing situation.

The reason why he showed this emotion to Locke was that he hoped to get more help from Locke and wizard civilization.

"Have you tried to renegotiate with the silent civilization?" Asked Locke.


Silent bone convergence surface.

Level 7 creatures silently swallow bream, which has just swallowed a federal fleet.

The fleet came to present the armistice agreement to the jiluogulian civilization, but it was a pity that the fleet was swallowed by the death giant mouth of the level 7 creature silently swallowing Megalobrama before it came into contact with the sea of death, the real leader of the jiluogulian civilization.

The differences in the positions of many members of the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance have long been known by the silent civilization.

Thanks to the numerous death clouds and countless biochemical crises raging in the hinterland of the anti light Protoss alliance, the silent civilization can know the trend of the light Protoss for the first time.

Even many death creatures came into contact with the light Protoss and were easily purified by the angel legion of the light Protoss.

Compared with the galent Federation, it is obvious that the bright Protoss is more afraid of the lonely civilization.

It seems that the mouse meets the cat, which is a natural restraint. The endless flame of light is enough to purify all evil worship and negative energy factors.

However, for the silent civilization at the moment, the bright Protoss with natural restraint is the savior to save their civilization from danger.

Reconciliation with the galent Federation? How is that possible?

The death masters, taking the silent swallowing bream as an example, have sharpened their knives and are ready to fight back against the galent Federation.

The sufficient population and huge life base of the Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance are the best sacrifice to restore the vitality of a silent civilization.