Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4352

It can not be said that the galent Federation has completely abandoned economic development and social operation. It can only be said that compared with the past, the galent Federation has paid too much for the war.

When Locke arrived at the Edison IV life planet at the junction of the Mesopotamia domain and the galent federal parent domain, he met the federal five-star general trichi pan baesa.

The Edison IV life planet with huge buildings gives Locke the first feeling that it is an iron planet.

Countless heavy industrial plants have started here. If it is not really at an extremely critical moment, I believe that the galent Federation will not easily change a life planet with pleasant scenery into an industrial planet with serious pollution.

Locke didn\'t pay attention to what was being produced in those heavy factories. What he was curious about was that when he arrived at the capital of this life planet, he could see a special poster of alternating light and shadow in a large area of the city.

The poster seems to describe a low-level federal sergeant, not five-star general trichi pan baesa.

In front of the meeting with triche pan baesa, Locke asked in surprise the Samsung general Lina next to him.

As the liaison officer specially sent by galent Federation to contact Locke, Samsung general Lina was also transferred here from the front line of the battlefield.

"Saving Private Sean, a very popular film recently, tells the story of a federal hero more than 2000 years ago."

"In addition to the story of the hero, the film also tells the content that the Federation sent several troops to rescue him, which is very helpful for our recruitment and promotion in recent years." Samsung general Lina said.

Perhaps because of her military background, although Lina is a woman, she speaks directly.

This federal style made Locke nod.

Wizard civilization also has heroes, but they will never come from the bottom. Only those who are strong above level 4 can emerge in the civilization war.

It is hard to imagine that soldiers like the galent Federation, who are not even at the first level of life, can become well-known heroes in the whole Federation.

In a tightly sealed military base, Locke met five-star general trichi pan baesa.

This time, the old man arrived on Edison IV life planet alone. At this time, outside the whole life planet, he only had a federal first-class war fleet and a stellar war fortress on standby.

His conqueror class Titans, which are comparable to class 8 combat power, are still fighting in the lonely star domain.

This is also a major feature of the galent Federation. Even without the command of trichi pan baesa, the strength of the conqueror Titan ship will not be damaged.

Needless to say, trichi pan baesa can complete the War deployment of the conqueror Titan fleet through remote command.

When Locke entered the integrated command room of the military base, trichi pan baesa was deploying the federal Legion in the kanaze region.

In the past, there were six star domains in the Federation, one of which is the jinnaze star domain. This is also the area where the galent Federation directly borders the light Protoss.

However, after successively conquering krypton and Mesopotamia, the total number of star domains under the galent Federation increased to nine.

The star domain division of the Federation is not based on the cluster effect of the regular complete potential plane.

Because of mastering the manufacturing technology of life planet, the galent Federation has always been less concerned about the integrity of the rules.

The federal division of star domains is more inclined to be divided directly by area. If you get an internal star domain map of galent Federation, you can find that the border lines between the nine star domains are very smooth and uniform, as if the ruler were cut directly.

The nine star regions are different, and they even use a little different laws.

This has also directly contributed to the different priorities of the federal economy and people\'s livelihood development in different star regions.

As one of the two existing five-star generals in the Federation, trichi pan baesa can not only command the war in the silent bone convergence star domain, but also intervene in the defense deployment of the remote control jinnaze star domain.

It can only be said that with the release of the mobilization order for the full-scale war, the old man\'s power and status in the galent Federation also reached a level unmatched by ordinary people.

Although the rank of another five-star general, Katarina olkat, is the same as that of trichi pan baesa, it is undeniable that as a female general, Katarina olkat has less voice in the military than trichi pan baesa.

Of course, this also involves some federal politics.

With Locke\'s arrival, trichi pan baesa interrupted the communication with the federal command center on the other side of the Kanazawa star domain after arranging the task at hand.

Five star general Katrina olkat has led a conqueror class Titan ship to the front line of the war there, including an Russian lobas class war fleet that is still being repaired and reorganized in the rear base camp. She also had to suspend maintenance ahead of schedule and start to go to the battlefield.

But obviously, a conqueror class Titan fleet and an Russian lobas class war fleet are not enough to resist the threatening light Protoss.

Before Locke arrived at the Federation, nearly one-third of the fleet began to turn to Kanazawa on the battlefield of the lonely bone convergence star domain.

And it seems that there will be more fleets to be transferred in the future.

"Maybe we\'re going to give up our war interests in the silent space, right, Knight Locke." In a side hall of the command center, trichi pan baesa and Locke communicate.

From the fact that Locke did not lead any Legion to the galent Federation, and even his super Saiya kakarot did not show up, trichi pan baesa saw the wizard civilization and Locke\'s attitude.

"Our Wizard civilization has not broken the contract, but the situation has changed too suddenly, and our Wizard civilization is now facing some problems." Locke shook his head and said.

The contract signed between the wizard civilization and the galent Federation shows that there will be two level 8 masters and one level 7 master to support the galent federal battlefield.

Although kakarot is now stranded in the wizard star domain, Lilith and golden monkey Wukong are more on the side of the lonely star domain battlefield.

In terms of the number of dominant creatures, the wizard civilization not only did not break the contract, but gave more federal help to galent.

It is also strange that after Lilith and the golden monkey arrived at the battlefield, the galent Federation was unwilling to re sign the domination contract at a huge cost and employment expenses.

Otherwise, Locke will leave kakarot in the wizard star domain. Even if there are good players such as Douglas and Lilith who play with the rules and contracts, Locke will compensate the galent Federation for a large amount of liquidated damages.