Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4344

There are more than 30 strong people who have reached the level 4 or above of brain eaters, but in fact, they represent only 17 world civilizations.

Three of them are medium-sized world and 14 are small world.

"Some of your world civilizations have come into contact with our wizard world, and others have come into contact with us for the first time."

"Although the propaganda from the tower world may make you misunderstand the wizard civilization."

"But I believe that with the passage of time and the deepening of contact with us, you will eliminate the misunderstanding of our Wizard civilization."

"After all, our wizard world is not an evil civilization." In the Space Fortress, Locke deliberately restrained his breath and said to the four, five and six level creatures in front of him.

The gap above the level of sexual life makes Locke and these weak creatures not a class at all.

In addition to the three level 6 creatures who can withstand Locke\'s breath and pressure, the other level 4 and level 5 creatures are difficult to straighten up.

This is also the first impression Locke gave them, strong and inviolable.

Among the 17 world civilizations present, eight of them had contact with wizard civilization in the past.

This is the initial result of the wizard world\'s conquest of the pan star region. Although they are small civilizations, they have great significance and far-reaching impact.

It is worth mentioning that only those who are qualified to meet Locke in the iron tower world this time can reach the level of low-level civilization or above.

If it\'s those micro worlds that join the wizard alliance, it\'s not included.

After all, demigods I\'m afraid it\'s even difficult to get close to Locke.

The pressure brought by breath and life level makes Locke easily control the situation on the current scene.

Those leaders from the weak world civilization have only the right to listen, not to speak.

However, this is also the bearing and heritage that a top large-scale world civilization should have. If Locke really communicates with them almost equally, these world civilizations may have to doubt whether there is any conspiracy behind Locke\'s smile that makes them tremble.

Proper deterrence, on the contrary, makes these creatures above level 4 of the weak world civilization feel more comfortable.

And Locke came forward only to express the attitude of wizard civilization, not that he really wanted to discuss with these weak world civilizations.

Those responsible for contacting these weak world civilizations are the strong people of level 5 and 6 in the wizard world.

In the second half of the meeting, Locke just needs to calm his face and look at everything in front of him.

Sure enough, after Locke spoke first and reassured the leaders of these small and medium-sized world civilizations with a more peaceful tone, the subsequent exchanges between the two sides were much more harmonious.

Dussel, the Obsidian General of the Belem Empire, sarafa of the Mamet alliance, and walpoche, the ice heart of the abalute Empire, made a special trip from the wizard world to be responsible for the actual contact with these small and medium-sized world civilizations.

As the first wave, he made friends with wizard civilization and personally saw the existence of the supreme Knight dominating Locke.

In the future, these world civilizations will inevitably enjoy better treatment and benefits within the wizard alliance.

Although it may not be comparable to the Titan world, Norman Federation and other civilizations that have contributed a lot to the wizard civilization, it can at least ensure that once they join the wizard alliance, they can stand in the middle and upper level of the alliance.

This is only one chance. In the future, the wizard civilization will completely conquer and attack the pan star region, and then fight a decisive battle with civilizations such as the tower world.

At that time, even if the world civilization wakes up and wants to join the wizard alliance, let alone whether the wizard world will give them this opportunity, even if it will, it must be at the lowest end of the alliance.

Being at the lowest end of the wizard alliance is not much different from being directly occupied and conquered by the wizard civilization.

But one is a more civilized plunder, the other is a more barbaric plunder process.

To be honest, if you want to get some benefits from the wizard alliance and maintain the mother civilization in a benign and healthy development state, they must at least stand in the middle and high-level position of the alliance.

If they can\'t improve their voice in the wizard alliance, their final outcome is just chronic death.

The powerful wizard alliance and the terrible wizard world will suck up the last drop of blood on them like a greedy blood sucking machine without a bottom line.

The wizard alliance is not a salvation organization like the Church of Enze mainland. I believe that as these small and medium-sized world civilizations have more contact with the wizard alliance in the future, they will gradually understand what kind of system the wizard alliance is.

In the second half of the meeting, which was also the stage when sharafa and others explained the benefits of the alliance to these small and medium-sized world civilization leaders, Locke, sitting on the high platform, immediately added.

"If you can join the wizard alliance with a world civilization of the same level or weaker than yourself, the alliance will also give you more concessions and benefits on the original basis." Locke said.

The wizard world offers these small and medium-sized world civilizations a lot of conditions. If they are given more treatment, it is to push them to the upper level of the wizard alliance and make them stand close to the Titan Protoss, Zerg, Norman Federation, etc.

This is definitely a rare treatment in the world in recent tens of thousands of years.

Titan Protoss, what are they? They share weal and woe with the wizard civilization and have experienced the hard work and high achievements of the mother civilization almost destroyed by the underworld and other worlds.

Of course, it is not easy for these world civilizations to reach this height.

Only a few small or micro planes are pulled together, which is not enough to reach that height.

Take the world of medium-sized planes as an example. If they want to achieve the same level of treatment as the Titan Protoss in the wizard alliance, they must at least pull in three medium-sized planes for the wizard civilization.

Locke\'s promise did not cause much movement to those creatures above level 4 in the conference room.

After all, they don\'t know enough about the wizard alliance, including now that they have decided to completely switch to the wizard civilization, but the various mechanisms of the wizard alliance also make many level 4 and level 5 creatures who have never been in contact with this system dizzy.

Including the addition of magic currency system, it didn\'t make them feel any different.

Only when they really integrate into the alliance and really feel the benefits and disadvantages of the wizard alliance will they understand how precious Locke\'s promise is today.

Not to mention the inner thoughts of those creatures above level 4 in the Space Fortress, Locke, sitting on the throne, found an unusual look.

It was a hot look from a level 6 female creature in the pan star domain.


I can\'t stand it. I\'m starting to resume the third watch today. I hope Haihan.