Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4345

Locke has seen a lot of such hot eyes in recent years.

It contains the worship of the strong and the naked desire to possess the opposite sex.

If it happened to a female Knight of the wizard world, Locke was not surprised. To tell the truth, as Locke represented the knight group, he took the lead in breaking through the dominant realm and leading the wizard civilization to relieve the crisis, he has come to this point today.

He is also almost a popular lover in the eyes of many female Knights above level 4 in the wizard world.

However, Locke did not borrow his high prestige and incomparable power in the knight group to do anything special.

After all, he has enough women. In addition, with the continuous civilization war in recent years, Locke\'s time with his family is becoming increasingly scarce. Where will he have extra energy to flirt.

But to Locke\'s surprise, the source of this hot line of sight is a six level humanoid female creature in the pan star region.

The other party\'s name seems to be Hundred miles of flowers, yes, it should be this.

Bai Lihua is the only level 6 creature among more than 30 foreign creatures above level 4 present. Her female identity and appearance are also very in line with the human aesthetics of the wizard world. Therefore, compared with others, Locke has a deeper impression on her.

At this time, Locke also showed his original appearance as a human knight in the wizard world.

After all, this is the real way he is used to. It often appears in the form of destruction storm or destroyer transformation. Although it will vent Locke\'s power to the greatest extent, it will always happen because Locke\'s life level is too high.

Glancing at the location of the hundred mile flower, I have to say that it may be the reason why I haven\'t done anything for a long time. Locke\'s desire was hooked up by the woman wearing emerald green skirt and armor.

Different from the female knights in the wizard world, Locke will not have any guilt or bear any responsibility.

Like the three goddesses of the Titan world, her existence is at most to become a pet or lover of Locke.


A heavy gasp appeared in a secret room in the space fortress.

Because it is a friendship So Locke didn\'t last long, just three days.

After three days, the body of Bai Li Hua seemed to be immersed in water, and the whole room was filled with a sweet sweat smell with the smell of green bamboo.

The green bamboo breath comes from the life law practiced by the hundred mile dazzling flower, which is a world civilization embarking on a strange practice system.

In Locke\'s view, the way of fighting is somewhat similar to kendo.

But different from the traditional Kendo, the weapon used by Baili dazzling flower is a green bamboo blade, and her law origin also has the meaning of bamboo.

To be able to establish a relationship with a level 8 Knight master is a surprise for bailihua.

But don\'t put too much hope on Locke to treat her like his wife. Some harmless little requests can be made. If they are too much, they will only embarrass her.

Bai Lihua is a shrewd level 6 creature. She doesn\'t know how long her body can attract Locke.

So it\'s violent After the movement, she did not strive for any rights or benefits for herself, but represented the world, hoping to get benefits from some wizard alliances from Locke.

Bai Lihua doesn\'t know enough about the wizard alliance, but through the previous strong wizards in the world, they have repeatedly stressed that they are about to join the alliance, enjoy the rights and interests provided by the alliance, and also fulfill certain obligations.

With a keen sense of smell, bailihua knows that the wizard alliance is the key point for their future prosperity or decline.

Because he didn\'t understand the wizard alliance system, he didn\'t rashly put forward any specific requirements.

She gave her choice to Locke, hoping that Locke could take care of the world in the future.

Seek benefits for the maternal plane without considering itself.

The practice of hundreds of miles of flowers made Locke nod, not to mention the red blood on the bed, which also represented that he was her first man.

This is a woman worthy of investment, and the future wizard alliance really needs a typical example of a hundred miles to dazzle the world if it wants to become famous in that Pan star region.

"The wizard alliance will provide you with a low interest magic currency loan to improve and transform your world. I will inform them to reduce the interest on the original basis."

"The elf world is a medium-sized plane attached to me, and the elf God Elune is also my direct line. Next, you can take the initiative to contact her. Through the smell of the original law emanating from you, you can see that your world will be more consistent with the elf world with lush plant elements." Locke said.

The above two benefits offered by Locke are enough to compensate for the dazzling flowers.

Maybe she can\'t feel anything now, but I believe she will know what she got from Locke in one or two hundred years.

Bai Lihua is not reckless. Although Locke didn\'t directly give her any energy crystal or bulk resources, by observing Locke\'s expression and tone, she knew that she had sold herself at a good price this time.

There is no sorrow of selling himself. After all, Locke is the master of level eight knights, and their status is inherently different.

There are many female knights who like him. If her situation is told, I don\'t know how many female Knights above level 4 and female gods of the alliance will envy her.

When Bai Lihua was considering whether to strike while the iron was hot and continued to deepen her relationship with Locke while her body was still strong.

Locke took the initiative to stand up and walked outside the secret room.

A few days of relaxation is just a small diversion in Locke\'s long life and the tense situation of civilization war. Now it is not enough for him to completely indulge himself.

The situation in the galent Federation is not clear. The opposition between the pan star region and the tower world and other civilizations is a foregone conclusion, and the bright Protoss may intervene at any time.

All these things need Locke to have a headache.

But before leaving the chamber of secrets, Locke threw a golden apple on the bed.

Although Locke could suppress his power fluctuations, he still caused some damage to his body in a few days.

It\'s an outrageous thing to repair these minor injuries with golden apples, but who gives Locke the capital? And it also means that he is more optimistic about bailihua.

Starting with a golden apple, a hundred miles of flowers flashed across his face with a look of joy.

Unlike the golden apple of Titan world, Locke\'s golden apple is more precious.

The white gold veins seem to silently show nobility. In terms of practical value, Locke\'s golden apple is top of two or three ordinary golden apples.

This is also the proof that Locke promoted Paradise Lost and even the golden apple tree was fed back.

Looking at Locke\'s gradually leaving back, Bai Lihua suddenly felt that it was good to be the lover of a dominant strong man.