Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4343

"I see. Even if we really stand on the opposite side in the end, we are still friends." Locke said with a heavy heart.

After chatting with the Lord of glory for a while, Locke casually asked what alien regions the other party was fighting now.

"This is a large star field called Youying star field. The strength of this world civilization is not strong."

"There is no other dominant level combat power except for the king of Youying who has a medium-term strength of level 7."

"This time, the Lord of Yonghui will help me. It\'s no problem to win this star domain. The only difficult thing is that the king of the shadow is not easy to catch and block." Said the Lord of glory.

Now the Lord of glory led the angel army to conquer the shadow star domain, which has completed two-thirds and almost entered the final stage.

A large number of shadow legions were purified by the powerful Angel Legion. The only dominant creature, the king of shadow, played hide and seek with the Lord of glory and others.

However, the Lord of glory and will not be restrained by a mere seven level medium-term master. As more and more planes are occupied, the king of the shadow can only have two choices.

First, take the initiative to show up and fight with the Lord of glory and others.

The second is to continue to hide and witness the burial of their mother civilization.

It\'s a pity that the shadow star field is too far away from the anti light Protoss alliance front. This large world civilization has never contacted the anti light Protoss alliance in the past.

Otherwise, it would be better to join them and seek asylum than to use the mantis as a cart now.

"King of shadows." When Locke heard it, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

He seems to have heard of the name somewhere, but it took too long to forget it.

"What, Knight Locke, do you have anything else?" The brilliant master asked Locke because of his different complexion.

Locke shook his head and replied, "it\'s all right. Since you\'re busy now, Lord of glory, let\'s meet again next time."

After hanging up with the Lord of glory, Locke immediately left the traken faith pastoral area.

The only good news of this trip is that there are only three main gods of light against the alliance of anti light Protoss such as galent Federation. For the time being, the light Protoss is not attacking with all their strength.

Once the bright Protoss makes every effort to attack, it will inevitably break the existing pattern of the nearby star domain and bring unpredictable changes to the civilized battlefield participated by the wizard civilization in that year.

Therefore, Locke needs to return to the wizard civilization and make some deployment in advance.


Wizard realm.

When Locke had just returned to his home planet, a message came from the dragon mother who was sitting in the purple chayan soul world group.

The tower world officially united with the false word civilization, widely absorbed and accepted the small and medium-sized world civilization in the pan star region, and joined the camp of resisting wizard civilization.

Due to the battle of the central master of the pan star region, which has just passed, it is very eye-catching.

Therefore, the vast majority of level 5 and level 6 creatures with certain wisdom know that great changes sweeping many nearby star regions are coming.

Under the lobbying of the king of the iron tower world and the ancestor of the illusory civilization, a large number of medium, small and even micro worlds joined their camp, and the limelight was immeasurable for a time.

But what is surprising is that the work of the wizard world in that Pan star domain is not as much as that of the tower world and the false word civilization. Similarly, the foundation and reputation in that Pan star domain are not comparable to them.

However, under this premise, some world civilizations choose to join the wizard alliance camp.

Among them, there are even several leaders of world civilization who hope to see Locke, the most powerful knight who bluntly killed a master of the iron tower world on the starry battlefield not long ago.

"Well, I can arrange a time to see you."

"Pulling the creatures above level 4 of this pan star domain into the wizard alliance will help us conquer and control that Pan star domain next."

"And to set an example, it can also give those world civilizations who are still in a neutral and swing attitude to see what a civilized and friendly world our wizard world is." Locke nodded.

It was also Locke who conveyed this attitude. For the first time, a meeting between leaders of small and medium-sized world civilizations and high-level wizards in the pan star region was put on the agenda.

Seventy six years later, the brain eater\'s face.

The reason why he chose the brain eater plane as the meeting place between Locke and the leaders of these small and medium-sized world civilizations, rather than the purple chayan soul world closer to the pan star domain, is mainly to highlight the strength of wizard civilization.

Even one large plane was occupied and conquered by the powerful wizard civilization, and it is said that the large world conquered by the wizard civilization is far more than this.

Such naked power and pressure, supplemented by certain benefits and sweet dates, can make it easier for wizard civilization to recover the hearts of these weak world civilizations.

Sure enough, just after passing through the purple chayan soul world group and reaching the brain eater level, these more than 30 creatures above level 4 from different world civilizations are deeply convinced by the breadth and power of wizard civilization.

For most of them, this should be the first time they have set foot on a large plane.

Although the development of brain eater plane has become lower and lower in recent years, even many magicians predict that this large plane will eventually fall back to the medium plane level.

But at least at this time, it has large-scale plane information, which is enough to shock these alien visitors.

Moreover, the oppressive atmosphere of brain eaters and the sinister rule environment have gradually made these leaders of small and medium-sized world civilizations who do not know much about wizard civilization know how to conquer the wizard world.

In the Space Fortress hovering and floating in the center of the brain eater plane, these creatures above level 4 from the pan star domain have seen the supreme Knight master of the wizard world.

Bailihua, a level 6 creature, was one of them. She thought she was one of the few "smart people" in the pan star region, but the facts showed that she was not the only smart one.

Why did these creatures above level 4 from the pan star domain choose to lead their mother civilization to the wizard world?

What wizard civilization is more friendly and peace loving, don\'t mention these empty things.

The real pragmatic place is that the wizard civilization is more powerful. Not long ago, Locke and kakarot personally killed a world Master of the iron tower, right in front of these creatures above level 4.

This is the important reason why these world civilizations finally choose to turn to the wizard world.

Indeed, the strength of two large world civilizations such as the iron tower world is not weak, but many leaders of small and medium-sized world civilizations can\'t see that far.

They don\'t know the difference between the wizard world and the tower world and the difference in strength. They only see that the wizard civilization has taken the lead and killed a master of the tower world.

This is the most real place!