Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4342

After listening to Locke\'s inquiry, the shining Lord\'s face showed such an expression.

She expected that Locke would raise this question to herself, and some channel information collected by the light Protoss showed that the wizard civilization seemed to be very close to the galent Federation in recent years.

The relationship between civilizations is so impermanent.

It is true that the bright Protoss and the galent Federation are hostile to each other, but the two world civilizations have a certain connection with the wizard world.

In a sense, the wizard world acts as an intermediary between the galent Federation and the light Protoss.

While the two sides make friends, neither side offends.

However, in terms of specific relations, the wizard world may be closer to the galent Federation. So far, Locke has only made friends with the Lord of glory.

This depends on the different dimensions of the two world civilizations.

Because the light Protoss obviously don\'t like the little brother of the wizard world. Making friends with the light Protoss only stems from Locke\'s saving grace to the shining Lord.

Moreover, due to the outbreak of real civilization wars in the past, there are several main gods in the wizard world who are not pleasing to the eyes of the bright Protoss.

Instead of keeping Locke waiting, the Lord of glory immediately said, "he is the Lord of the rising sun."

"He found the current situation facing the galent Federation, so he proposed to restart the clearance war against the anti light Protoss alliance."

"At present, although this matter has not been voted by the LORD God in the great bright temple, two Lord gods have expressed their support for it." Said the Lord of glory.

"Which two gods?" Locke asked.

"Lord of glory and Lord of twilight." Replied the Lord of glory.

The Lord of glory is now the late strength of level 7, and the Lord of twilight is the early strength of level 7.

The attitude of one level eight and two level seven Lord gods will undoubtedly bring great variables to the federal battlefield of galent.

Guangming Protoss is still relatively democratic. Generally, many main gods will vote before a major civilization war.

Locke couldn\'t help asking, "what do you think, Lord of glory?"

As the most popular of the seven main gods of the light Protoss, the attitude of the Lord of glory will undoubtedly occupy a great proportion in the light Protoss.

Not to mention anything else, at least another seven level Lord, the Lord of eternal glory, has always been the same way as the Lord of glory.

Not counting, there are seven angels like the blood angel shalil under the Lord of glory.

In the face of Locke\'s question, the Lord of glory couldn\'t help falling into a moment of meditation.

For the anti light Protoss alliance, the Lord of glory has never had much contact with each other, because her focus in the past has always been on the battlefield of hell and elsewhere.

That is, during the war to destroy the burning civilization of sanolas, the Lord of glory invested great efforts and obtained rich war returns.

Now the strength of the light Protoss is different from that in the past. Maybe the alien masters like Locke don\'t know yet.

But the Lord of glory knows that with the battle Angel Michael breaking through level 8, the charismatic Angel Raphael rising to level 7, and another new Lord God about to break through, the attitude of the Lord gods within the light Protoss towards the anti light Protoss alliance has also changed.

In the previous 100000 years, the light Protoss thought it was a hard bone, so after killing the sanolas combustor civilization, they pointed the spearhead at the demon world, hell and other star battlefields.

But now, the once hard bones seem to have the possibility of re conquest.

With the lobbying of the rising sun Lord and the shining Lord, perhaps more gods will agree to join the war.

Looking up at Locke in front of her, it is an option for the Lord of glory, whether it is against the galent federation or continuing to work on the heretical civilization she has conquered.

Galent Federation and anti light Protoss alliance are powerful, which means that while the war is more difficult, there are enough benefits after the victory of civilization war.

The heretical civilization she has conquered is weak. It may not take long to win, but the return may not be too much.

However, after conquering this heretical civilization, the Lord of glory can lead his angel Legion to move deeper into the starry sky.

The boundless and deep starry sky contains all kinds of possibilities. There are still a few powerful alliances like the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance.

One is high risk and high return.

One is low risk and medium return.

The Lord of glory is also in a dilemma.

"What do you think I should choose?" Asked the Lord of glory.

Locke sighed and said, "if the light Protoss choose to attack the galent Federation, perhaps the peaceful relationship between our Wizard civilization and you will be suspended."

"As a developing large-scale world civilization, our wizard world cannot sit back and watch the galent Federation be destroyed by the light Protoss." Locke replied honestly.

This is based on the consideration of civilization, leaving aside the personal feelings of Locke and the Lord of glory.

Therefore, after saying this answer, neither the Lord of glory nor Locke himself had much emotional fluctuation.

The wizard world and the galent Federation stand together, which is definitely not good news for the light Protoss.

It would be better if it was a wizard world with only one or two level 7 creatures in the past, but now the wizard world has a level 8 late master like Locke.

The Lord of glory doesn\'t know yet. At present, the wizard world still has new masters such as golden monkey Wukong and dragon mother danilis.

However, judging from the strength of the wizard world in the past, if Locke is determined to stand with the anti light Protoss alliance such as the galent Federation, the light Protoss may have to do their best to defeat each other.

And you have to be prepared to bear a huge price.

"I will carefully consider this matter with other gods. Of course, as a friend, I naturally don\'t want to meet you on the battlefield." Said the Lord of glory solemnly.

Although the Lord of glory said it very gently, Locke also heard that most of the other party would not participate in the war against the galent Federation.

Therefore, Locke breathed a long sigh of relief and sincerely said "thank you" to the Lord of glory

"Don\'t hurry to thank me. Not long ago, the supreme god returned to the light world, and he seems to have found something from that strange world."

"Soon, I also need to return to the light God world. It seems that there is something to be announced."

"If the Supreme God also chooses to fight against the anti light Protoss alliance such as the galent Federation, it will not help even if I object." The Lord of glory said to Locke.

The news of the return of the Supreme God is another bad news that Locke heard from the Lord of glory.

This is a terrible existence that can confront Daozu Hongjun head-on and finally get away.

If the Supreme God had not left the battlefield of hell, I\'m afraid there would be no Locke and femton.

They all have to explain where they are.