Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4339

Taking over the rule contract does not mean that the king of steel must sign the contract.

If it is such an extremely unequal treaty, the king of steel will be angry and dissatisfied, and even break with the wizard civilization on the spot.

Although iron creatures are not common in the star world, they don\'t give people the first feeling that they are violent and impatient element creatures.

But iron creatures are also the hardest tempered of all elemental creatures.

It is also the king of steel who lives the longest. Compared with other iron creatures, it has a layer of stability and reason.

If the black iron king who broke through the level 7 realm soon appeared here, in the face of Locke\'s aggressive attitude, it is uncertain that this iron element with only the initial strength of level 7, dare to turn over with Locke, and call its signature iron element arm on Locke\'s face.

Whether it can cause actual damage to Locke or not is mainly due to the momentum.

This is also a common problem of the vast majority of new masters. They are arrogant and have no fear of the star world. They think that hundreds of millions of planes can go.

This situation is most common among the strong at level 1, level 4 and level 7.

They thought they had crossed a mountain and stood at the top of the world.

As everyone knows, in addition to this mountain, there is a more towering and endless Qingfeng ahead.

The calm and forbearance of the king of steel made Locke look at it more.

Like this dominant creature, Locke both appreciates and repels it.

He appreciates each other because he knows that with the current witch civilization\'s suppression of the world group of iron castle, the king of steel will probably not make any reckless moves.

He rejected each other because it was easier to control the seven level masters such as the king of steel than the master of fire and the mother of gold and jade.

Not to mention Locke\'s two extreme evaluations of the king of steel, on the other hand, the king of steel who got the rule contract also reviewed and read all the contents contained in the contract.

If at the beginning, the king of steel was examining the rule contract with resentment and resentment.

Then, as the king of steel saw the last clause of the contract, the master\'s mood gradually changed from being angry to being normal.

Are the rules of wizard civilization strict?

Of course not!

Not only is it not even strict, but the multiple provisions in this rule contract are also beneficial to the world group of steel castle.

Only from the content of the contract, this is indeed a rule contract to promote mutual benefit and win-win. Especially in the field of economy and trade, the wizard civilization also made some concessions to the element spar that the iron Castle World Group attaches great importance to.

If this is the case, it is natural that Locke and Douglas do not have to pay a certain price to make such a contract.

What makes the king of iron and steel dignified and hesitant is that there is a strict requirement in the contract, that is, the world group of iron and steel castle and wizard civilization shall not infringe upon each other, let alone do anything detrimental to each other\'s interests during the validity of the contract.

The duration of this rule contract is 100000 years.

In Yan Zu\'s plot with the king of steel hundreds of years ago, the world group of steel castle is definitely an important part of the plan for the wizard world.

With the steel Castle world group, the iron tower world and the false word civilization can have the strength to break with the increasingly powerful wizard civilization.

And with many small and medium-sized world civilizations in the pan star region joining the camp against the wizard world, it can be predicted that in the near future, an organization similar to the anti light Protoss alliance will appear around the wizard civilization.

But what people oppose is not the light Protoss, but the wizard world.

The wizard world naturally has no ability to compete with the light Protoss.

Similarly, the iron tower world, the false word civilization and many uncertain small and medium-sized world civilization alliances can not be compared with the anti light Protoss alliance.

But what makes the wizard world have to be careful is that this situation is likely to become a reality in the future.

No matter how strong Locke is, he can\'t lead the wizard civilization to fight so many world civilizations alone.

Indeed, from the inside information of wizard civilization and the overall strength of the current wizard alliance, even if these world civilizations form an alliance, the wizard world also has the power of World War I.

However, what needs to be considered is that Locke hopes to lead the wizard civilization to a stronger future, rather than completely bring down the family background of the wizard civilization in endless wars.

Locke is more inclined to fight against the small with the big than against the opponents of the same magnitude.

The reason why the galent Federation is in danger now is not that they rashly start to fight against the lonely civilization whose strength is not inferior to their own.

It may also be that Locke\'s character tends to be cautious, which makes the wizard civilization often choose to win over and suppress a group in the war and game of foreign civilization in recent years.

If you change a stronger and more belligerent civilization leader, maybe the wizard civilization doesn\'t need to talk nonsense with the iron Castle world group now.

Locke\'s waiting didn\'t last long. When he drank the seventh Cup of "iron juice", the king of steel finally gave him a positive reply.

Containing the dominant mark of the king of steel, it immediately appeared on this rule contract.

If it defaults, in addition to bearing the destructive power left by Locke in the rule contract, the whole steel Castle World Group will also suffer a certain degree of destruction.

Just like the suffering of the dark star domain and astral spiritual civilization.

"Now that everyone is here, I think the king of molten iron has signed it together." Locke said with a smile.

Although he was laughing, Locke\'s attitude was somewhat indisputable.

He looked at the king of steel, and then the king of molten iron came forward and engraved his master mark in the rule contract.

The task of this trip was basically completed, and Locke\'s shoulder also felt a burst of relaxation.

This time, Locke reached out to the king of steel from his heart and said, "I hope we can cooperate happily!"

"Happy cooperation!" The king of steel also stretched out his elemental hand and said.


In the steel Castle world group, Locke didn\'t stay long.

He still has a lot of things to deal with next, including the bright Protoss. He will go there later.

After watching Locke and others leave and promising to give a steel fortress to the wizard civilization as a gift, the look of the king of steel soon came down.

Cold and stiff, this is the true face of the king of steel.

Only because of the burden of civilization prosperity, the king of steel changed its original appearance.

"Do you really want to form an alliance with the wizard civilization? From the past history of this civilization and the attitude of the level 8 knight, the wizard civilization is not a world civilization that is easy to get along with." The king of molten iron sighed.