Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4338

The bone chilling chill from Locke and the eager eyes of super Saiya kakarot made the king of steel feel uncomfortable.

It has not experienced this feeling for a long time, and it never thought that Locke, the supreme Knight of wizard civilization, could grow to such a height only after about 100000 years.

It is more terrible than the underworld, which used to be more enthusiastic about waging war.

Obviously, wizard civilization is indeed the difficult evil neighbor in Yanzu\'s mouth.

For Locke\'s inquiry, after a moment of silence, the king of steel honestly replied, "yes, Yanzu did come to me 457 years ago."

Since Locke already knows the fact that Yanzu found it, the king of steel doesn\'t have to support anything in this matter.

Sure enough, after listening to the answer of the king of steel, the expression on Locke\'s face did not change much. Instead, the super Saiya kakarot in the hall was frozen.

Looking at the field dominated by level 7, the king of steel is definitely the best in the same level.

And it is about to enter the peak of level 7. It should be an invincible hand below level 8.

But the breath threat from the super Saiya man kakarot covered the heart of the king of steel.

Obviously, this is an existence that can face the king of steel and even have a great probability of defeating it.

But what makes the king of iron and steel feel strange is that the breath of kakarot is only in the late stage of level 7, which is far from reaching the peak of level 7.

On the other hand, Locke is still tasting the special food and drinks of the steel Castle world group as usual.

It has to be said that this strange iron drink named "iron juice" in Locke\'s heart did taste extremely strange at the beginning, but it had a different flavor after drinking several cups in succession.

And Locke can also see that this strange slurry has a good role in promoting the passive evolution of organisms.

Even if it is consumed by level 6 peak creatures, it should also have a good effect, but it is a pity that it is not effective for dominant creatures.

Just as Locke seemed to concentrate on studying the special drinks of the world group of steel castle, the king of steel oppressed by the smell of kakarot on the other side finally sighed and subdued, "the ancestor of false language civilization, trying to win over our world group of steel castle, so as to jointly deal with the endless invasion and conquest of the wizard civilization to the surrounding star regions."

"But in the end I refused." Said the king of steel.

"Oh? Why?" Locke asked. He didn\'t mean to be angry because of Yanzu\'s small actions, but had a curious tone.

"Because our steel Castle World Group opposes war and does not want to participate in the opposition and war of any world civilization." The king of steel shook his head and said.

The words of the king of steel are naturally deceptive.

Indeed, it did not immediately agree to Yanzu\'s Alliance proposal. On the one hand, it did not agree. On the one hand, the wizard civilization is strong, and it also makes friends with the unfathomable Xianyu civilization. The king of steel is not sure whether it is hostile to such a world civilization. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for the world group of steel castle.

On the other hand, it is just because the king of steel is about to break through the level 7 peak.

The breakthrough process of dominant creatures can not be completed in a few days or years.

It took nearly 1500 years for Locke to stabilize his realm after he completed his breakthrough in the later stage of level 8 in Xianyu and returned to the wizard world.

It has been 1200 years since the king of steel started the impact on the level 7 peak state, and it is now in the end.

Not surprisingly, in another 800 years or so, the king of steel will appear in this global star world as the master of level 7 peak.

During this period, the world group of steel Castle did not participate in the civilized war, which was the best.

Because once the civilization war breaks out suddenly, it is bound to break the promotion process of the king of steel.

If you miss this time, you don\'t know when the next breakthrough opportunity will come.

Moreover, the potential of the king of iron and steel is not limited to the level 7 peak. It is a dominant strong man full of vision and expectation for the level 8 realm.

The king of steel benefited a lot from watching the battles of the sage Lao Tzu and the ancient CROCODILE KING Piacenza in the dark.

This also directly caused that since the end of the war in the underworld star domain, the king of steel has grown from a master in the middle of level 7 to a level that is about to reach the peak of level 7.

Naturally, Locke did not believe the words of the king of steel, but this performance of the king of steel was enough to restore Locke\'s smile.

The breath of super Saiya man kakarot was also restrained at this time. The king of steel did not change much, but the king of molten iron in the hall was a little relieved.

If a battle really breaks out, it is too likely that the king of steel will be forced to leave the customs and face Locke with level 8 strength.

The king of molten iron is kakarot, whose strength can not be underestimated.

The phantom Riel is dealt with by the black iron king who is coming to the mother\'s plane.

But the king of molten iron doesn\'t have much confidence to deal with kakarot, which is far stronger than it.

This battle can be avoided, which is naturally the best.

The king of molten iron soon knew what the innate elements were to avoid the battle of domination.

Locke would not listen to the one-sided words of the king of steel. Therefore, after receiving the reply of the king of steel, Locke took out a law contract containing the power of dominance.

This contract was drawn up by Douglas himself, and Locke\'s power of destruction rules was added to the contract to prevent master creatures from breaking the contract.

The cost of formulating such a rule contract is definitely not small, but if the trouble from the world group of steel castle can be completely solved, it is definitely worth it in Locke\'s view.

And it is not to say that the trouble of the world group of steel castle can be solved permanently, but to ensure that this large-scale world civilization will not change in at least 100000 years.

In 100000 years, it is enough for wizard civilization to completely solve the problems with tower world and false word civilization.

By that time, the specific attitude of the steel Castle world group is no longer important.

What matters is whether the wizarding world\'s attitude towards them will change at that time.

Once the rule contract containing the power of dominance appeared, the complexion of the king of steel in the hall became abnormal.

Although it has not carefully looked at the specific contents of the rule contract, signing the contract like being forced is obviously humiliating the dignity of the king of steel and clearly bullying the weakness of the world group of steel castle.

However, the king of steel has existed in the nearby star domain for hundreds of thousands of years. Soon after pressing down his anger, he raised his hand and took over the rule contract.