Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4340

"Otherwise, the rules and contracts have been signed. Can we go back?" The separation of the king of steel said expressionless.

With the voice of the king of steel falling, a painted black energy body flying from far away stars finally stopped outside the world of steel castle.

"What about the masters of the wizard world? Have they left?" As the lacquer black energy body gradually transformed into animal form, a stuffy sound came out of its mouth.

This is the Third Master of the iron Castle world group, the king of black iron.

For nearly a thousand years, this guy has been sitting at another border of the steel Castle world group.

This is the requirement of the king of iron and steel before closing, and the king of black iron dare not violate it.

Although it is a pure iron creature, the king of black iron is the most like the existence of fire creature among the three elements, impatient and irritable.

However, the king of black iron, the king of steel and the king of molten iron have always tolerated and taken care of it.

Not to mention, it is precisely because of the tireless support of these two element masters that the king of black iron can complete the transformation from level 6 peak state to level 7 level, and become the third element master of the world group of iron and steel castle.

Facing the inquiry of the king of black iron, the king of molten iron nodded slowly.

But the king of steel kept silent, making the surrounding atmosphere a little cold at this time.

After a long time, the king of steel finally broke the peace.

It directly asked the black iron king, "did the nomadic civilization in the molesar star domain invade our iron Castle world group in the past 1000 years?"

"Invade us? How possible!"

"Since I personally wiped out the six-level peak commander of the nomadic civilization a thousand years ago, they have never dared to get close to our steel Castle world group." The king of black iron replied.

In addition to the underworld star domain controlled by Wizard civilization, there are also some other small and medium-sized star domains around the iron Castle world group.

The Uzi nomadic civilization in the molesar region is one of them. However, different from the general small and medium-sized world civilization, this powerful nomadic civilization is keen on plundering.

They plunder not to occupy positions, but only to rob wealth.

Uzi nomadic civilization is not good at operating space. They prefer to rob the wealth that others have not easily created, and then leave a pile of mess.

Population, resources, equipment, wealth, Uzi nomadic civilization rob everything. They seem to be another version of Qatar star theft group.

Only different from the Qatar star theft group, they do not have their own dominant creatures, but they have their own parent star domain and base area.

It is no exaggeration to say that Uzi nomadic civilization can exist because there are three weak, small and medium-sized star regions and five or six small star regions around them.

Once the children of Uzi nomadic civilization were born, they don\'t need to consider farming or economic development. They just need to learn to plunder others.

It is this state of all the people that makes Uzi nomadic civilization a hungry wolf that many world civilizations around do not want to provoke.

Once upon a time, this nomadic legion of medium-sized world civilization also arrived at the iron Castle world group, causing some chaos at the border of the iron Castle world group.

For Uzi nomadic civilization, the iron Castle world group did not want to control it in the past.

After all, after hurting Uzi nomadic civilization, this medium-sized world civilization has never provoked the iron Castle world group again. Even a thousand years ago, the black iron king killed each other\'s home star domain and personally wiped out their six level peak civilization leaders.

But now, under the pressure of wizard civilization and Locke himself, the king of steel is finally going to make some changes.

It seemed that some signal was read from the eyes of the elements of the king of steel, and the expression of the king of black iron was gradually excited.

"Isn\'t it?" Asked the king of black iron.

"Call elder moganna, sting dragon warrior and New Star Army to go together, strive to win each other in a thousand years, and be sure to reduce losses." The king of steel sighed.

The moganna elders, sting dragon warriors and new star legions in the mouth of the king of steel all come from those medium-sized planes born in the world group of iron castle.

If the iron and steel Castle world group wants to seek development, it is far from enough to rely on the iron element family. Only the barren population limits the development of the iron element family.

Therefore, in order to make the whole civilization prosperous and strong, we must mobilize all the forces of the world group of steel castle.

"The pirate ship of Uzi nomadic civilization has good technology. Remember to plunder it completely."

"It can be handed over to the new star world to study, and it is uncertain that some of the technologies can be integrated into our iron fortress." Said the king of steel.

Sardine is more active than catfish.

Obviously, the terrible giant of wizard civilization With the emergence of things, the world group of steel castle began to change its previous style.

When their own development can not keep up with the rising speed of strong neighbors, they must consider another more direct and wild way to become stronger.

Uzi nomadic civilization is definitely not a medium-sized world civilization that can be manipulated by others. Due to the relationship between the whole people and the army, even if the level-7 black iron king makes a hand in person, it must be that the middle and bottom legions of the world group of iron castle will still suffer a lot of damage.

But this is inevitable in the process of civilization expansion.

Only after enduring this stubble will they enjoy the fruits of victory and harvest.

Once again reminded the other party to minimize losses and prevent too many ships of nomadic civilization from escaping, the king of steel waved his hand and signaled the king of black iron to leave.

The king of black iron did not notice a trace of dignity and sadness contained in the expression of the king of steel.

In other words, the expression of the king of steel was so stiff that the king of black iron didn\'t see any clue at all.

The elated king of black iron immediately went to command the iron element army under his command and informed the medium-sized planes that they were ready to shake people.

This is the first time that the king of black iron has participated in and personally led the war of civilization since he was promoted to dominate.

It wants to win this battle and make the iron creatures of the whole iron Castle world look at it.

After the king of black iron left, the expression of the king of molten iron was to stop talking.

The king of steel knew what he wanted to say. With the separation of the master gradually dispersed, the voice of the king of steel gradually came, "signing a cooperation contract with wizard civilization is also an opportunity for our world group of steel castle."

"Only by becoming as strong as possible can we avoid being bullied by foreign civilizations."

"Do you think it is possible for us to join the wizard alliance in the future?" Asked the king of molten iron.

This time, the king of steel chose to be silent and did not answer the question of the king of molten iron, including the master\'s separation, which also completely dissipated in the starry sky.