Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4335

Compared with the cunning and Yin evil of the brain eaters, the more upright creatures in the underworld are obviously easier to control.

In addition, Gongsun xuance asked Locke here, and Locke was also more optimistic about naiweneryinke, so he chose to give each other a chance.

Faced with the temptation to go home and the opportunity for the re emergence of the race, neveryink did not agree to Locke for the first time, but asked after a moment of meditation, "what does it mean to become a vassal of wizard civilization? Does it mean that our people in the underworld will be exploited and utilized by your wizard world all their lives?"

It seems that the long days of being imprisoned by kilaya, a level 7 brain eater, have brought a lot of growth to the three sons of Hades, who were once hot-blooded and brainless.

In the face of this guy\'s slightly philosophical and profound inquiry, Locke couldn\'t help laughing and said, "our Wizard civilization will only exploit those weak and small world civilizations that are hostile to us."

"If we are our own people, we will not over exploit, but will give each other some help."

"Wizard alliance, have you heard of it?"

"If you do well enough, you can\'t lead the underworld family to join one day." Locke said.

In the face of Locke\'s words, naiweneryinke did not reply at the first time. It was still considering the authenticity and credibility.

However, Locke didn\'t have much time to waste with it. Then Locke shook his head and said, "you know, as a defeated civilization, it even brought great disasters to the wizard world. This is your best ending and choice."

This time, naiweneryinke, the third son of Hades, didn\'t let Locke wait.

He nodded and agreed to Locke\'s request. As for the signing of any life and death contract that can\'t be betrayed, neveryink didn\'t take it to heart.

Just as Locke is more optimistic about naiweneryinke, naiweneryinke feels that the other party will not deceive himself from Locke.

As for the hatred with the wizard civilization, tens of thousands of years of imprisonment have already smoothed naiweneryink\'s spirit. Including those who are in a state of continuous escape and poverty, I think it\'s not too bad.

And for today\'s powerful wizard civilization, neveryink obviously hates the brain eaters most.

The yellow spring green halberd immediately appeared from Locke\'s hands. This world-class secret treasure was originally intended to be used as top resource materials, but Lilith, who was still in the bone gathering star domain at that time, didn\'t like it.

Considering that Gongsun xuance deliberately asked himself to take care of each other, and this guy was more interested in Locke, Locke immediately returned this weapon that belonged to naiweneryink to it.

However, Locke\'s master seal still exists on it, that is to say, this world-class secret weapon is Locke\'s, and he only lent it to naiweneryinke for use.

"Why is my weapon with you, kilaya the seventh level brain eater?" Asked Neville inke, frowning.

Locke casually replied, "it\'s dead."

Locke\'s answer shocked Neville inke.

Then he took a deep look at Locke and bowed down.

This is the first time that the strong man in the underworld has bent his back since he was imprisoned.

Locke didn\'t know the specific origin between kilaya, the seventh level brain eater, and naiweneryink, the third son of the dark god. Seeing this, he just nodded and thought that the other party was completely surrender.

"You and your survivors need to return to the underworld next. In 50 years, gather up a 2 million underworld army for me, and then go to the border to fight."

"In terms of wizard civilization, there will be strong people of level 5 or 6 to inform you."

"Well, I will also support your initial fund of 20 million magic coins in my personal capacity."

"This money is not much, so you should try your best to lead the ethnic group to assist our Wizard civilization, so that you can make great progress and development in the future." Locke said to Neville inke.

Neville inke doesn\'t know what magic money is, and it doesn\'t have much experience in developing a group.

Compared with the talents of his two brothers, neveryink used to have only one strength, which may also be related to his mother being a ghost beast.

However, naiweneryinke has one advantage, that is, it recognizes things and rarely gives up halfway.

It understood Locke\'s orders, and also knew that the burden of the underworld had fallen on itself since the fall of the two brothers.

It doesn\'t want to make the underworld prosperous. It just wants to do something for the underworld in its lifetime.

So in the face of Locke\'s request, naiweneryinke nodded.


When passing through the underworld, after putting down naiweneryinke and others, Locke went straight to the border of the underworld star domain.

In recent years, there have been some changes in the world group of steel castle, so the phantom Riel came to the border of the underworld star domain a thousand years ago.

When Locke arrived at the border of the underworld star domain, he found that there was no such tense atmosphere as the border of the purple chayan soul world group.

Obviously, the iron Castle world group is not ready to fight the wizard civilization. Even on the border, the total number of iron Castle world groups does not exceed one million.

The arrival of Locke and kakarot obviously caused a riot on the border of the underworld.

The phantom Riel seemed to have a premonition of Locke\'s arrival, so there was not much difference in his face.

The real source of the riots is the world legion of millions of steel fortresses opposite.

"Cough." A cough sounded, and a level-7 creature with dominant combat power appeared in the starry sky in the depths of the iron Castle world group.

The level 7 creature only has the medium-term strength of level 7, and it is not the king of steel that Locke used to contact.

"I am the king of molten iron in the world group of steel castle. I don\'t know the powerful Knight Locke. Why did you appear on the border of our two civilizations?" Although the king of molten iron in the middle of level 7 was awed by Locke\'s powerful authority, he still hardened his head and asked at this moment.

"Hum, what am I for? You should know." Locke sneered.

"What about the king of steel? Why isn\'t it here?" Asked Locke.

The late level 8 from Locke dominated the pressure, and it seemed that it was much more difficult to teach the king of molten iron.

The faint iron energy particles emerged on the surface of the king of molten iron. While bearing the pressure of the breath from Locke, the king of molten iron replied, "the king of steel is currently sleeping in the depths of our mother planet..."

"I want to see it and lead the way!" Locke interrupted the answer of the molten iron king and said directly.

Interrupted by Locke, the king of molten iron felt a deep humiliation.

Indeed, the only person qualified to talk to Locke at this time is the real leader of the world group of steel castle, the king of steel.

The king of molten iron is not qualified.