Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4334

The palm containing the power of dominance not only brings physical pain to Wuji, but also spiritual trauma.

To tell the truth, Locke has lived for more than 100000 or 200000 years, and he has not been so cruel to his children.

However, in the birthmark on Wuji\'s face, Locke saw another clue.

That part of the dominant power left by Gongsun xuance did not bring any essential trauma to Wuji. On the contrary, these dominant powers were hidden in his body and could protect him when necessary.

Nevertheless, the actions of Gongsun xuance still make Locke, who is also a father, somewhat incomprehensible.

Maybe he hasn\'t experienced the collapse of civilization and the killing of his mentor, so Locke can\'t feel Gongsun xuance\'s state of mind.

"What are you going to do?" Locke asked the child in front of him.

The strength in the early stage of level 5 is not even a fart for the great Xianyu civilization.

This is also the reason why Gongsun xuance is unwilling to take risks with Wuji.

Gongsun xuance must make his own decision, and Locke is more willing to listen to Wuji\'s own ideas.

Even when necessary, he will help the child.

"I want to find my mother." Wu Ji bowed his head and said.

Because he lived with two mothers in his childhood, Wuji was more attached to his mother than Gongsun xuance\'s too harsh and even indifferent father\'s love.

But the problem now is that Gongsun xuance cut off this blood induction, so that he wanted to find his parents, but he couldn\'t do it.

Of course, Locke can help Wuji find relatives, but after considering for a long time, he sighed and said, "it\'s useless to find them with your current strength, or it may become a \'burden\' in your father\'s mouth."

"Level 6. I\'ll help you when you\'re promoted to level 6." Locke said.

What the dominant creatures say is a promise.

For ordinary creatures, it takes 100000 years or more to cross from the initial level of level 5 to level 6, not to mention whether there is this potential and opportunity.

But for Gongsun Wuji, who has excellent qualifications and does not lack any resources, if he puts all his efforts into cultivation, maybe he can create a myth in 10000 or 20000 years.

Sure enough, after hearing Locke\'s answer, Wuji deeply bowed to him and replied, "promise!"

With his persistence in finding his mother and his hidden hatred for his father, Gongsun Wuji immediately turned and left.

In this small star domain called hub star domain, Gongsun Wuji has a military legion of tens of thousands of people following him.

These martial arts legions were left by his father Gongsun xuance before he left. In addition, there are about two million old, weak, women and children of martial arts survivors.

Obviously, Gongsun xuance has left the future and the kindling of civilization to Wuji.

As for Gongsun xuance himself, Locke was worried. He didn\'t know whether he would have the chance to see his righteous brother in the future.

With the many Saint level combat capabilities of the Xianyu civilization today, how can Gongsun xuance, a fallen master who may not even have much soul to dominate, compete with it.


In addition to meeting his adopted son, Locke took time to meet another level 6 creature on the eve of going to the underworld.

Gongsun xuance left with his two wives, but left his son in the wizard civilization. He didn\'t say anything to Locke that he wanted to take care of his son, but he mentioned another creature.

This is also Gongsun xuance\'s last request to Locke.

"I heard that Gongsun xuance wanted to leave with you when he left, but you refused him. Why?" In the Space Fortress, Locke looked at the naiweneryinke Road, whose body size had obviously shrunk a lot, but still looked like a giant.

"Because I want to die in my mother\'s position. If I can, I hope my bones can be buried at the junction of the blood River and the soul River, and my mother will sleep there." Naiweneryinke, the third son of the underworld with bronze skin, said.

In the face of Locke, the most powerful knight, neveryink did not mean to grovel for survival. Instead, he directly used the words "die" in the maternal plane to prove his state of mind at this time.

After looking at naiweneryinke with interest, Locke shook his head and said, "I won\'t kill you. You can choose to move the grave there after you die."

"But I heard that Gongsun xuance left you a group of descendants of the underworld before leaving the wizard star domain?" Asked Locke.

The remnant of the underworld in Locke\'s mouth is a real remnant of the underworld.

These creatures in the underworld are the old and weak who experienced the war of the destruction of the mother civilization and fled to the blue fist martial arts star domain with RickA yadunbu.

RickA yadunbu finally fell in the position of blue fist martial arts, but many of the remnant families of the underworld who followed him survived and were closed down by Gongsun xuance

For these remnant families of the underworld, Gongsun xuance did not forcibly integrate them into his command, but returned them to naiweneryinke.

Although there are more than a dozen good players who have reached the life level above level 4, it has to be said that those who occupy more of these remnant families in the underworld are still underworld soldiers above level 1 and ordinary underworld creatures below level 1.

Tens of thousands of years of fugitive life have kept these remnant families of the underworld in hardship and hatred.

Their hatred is naturally directed against the wizard world and immortal civilization, and these hatred have not been erased today with the inheritance of the remnant families of the underworld from generation to generation.

Locke can tolerate the hatred of these remnant families of the underworld against the wizard civilization because their current power can\'t turn over any waves for the wizard civilization.

It doesn\'t need Locke\'s hand. Maybe any wizard, the sixth level strong in the world, can easily erase them.

Neville inke can ignore himself and die calmly, but he can\'t ignore the dead.

Therefore, after hearing Locke\'s inquiry, the three sons of Hades, whose spine had not been bent, fell into silence.

"I can give you a chance. I mean, give you and your dead people a chance."

"Sign the most severe vassal contract and contribute your greatest strength in any war to be launched by Wizard civilization. I can allow you to return to the underworld." Locke said.

The words\' return to the underworld \'were so heavy that when Neville inke heard Locke\'s words, he suddenly looked up at him.

Today\'s underworld, under the rule of wizard civilization, after the first period of gold rush and plundering frenzy, the whole plane has become more and more barren and lack of vitality.

This predatory exploitation is also the purpose of wizard civilization to prevent the resurgence of these large-scale local creatures.

If it is a general medium, small and micro level, the plundering strength of wizard civilization will be much milder.

There are no dominant creatures, and the plane resources are constantly losing. The final outcome of the underworld may be the same as the brain eater plane, and finally become a desolate and dead place.

To achieve a large plane, the potential of the underworld must be not bad.

Locke\'s idea is that he doesn\'t know whether neveryink has this ability to inject a new wave of vitality into the underworld.

Compared with a barren world slowly cleaned up, Locke naturally hopes that the underworld can become a golden chicken that keeps laying eggs.

There is a natural premise in this process, that is, Locke has absolute self-confidence and can always suppress the underworld and neveryink.