Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4336

Steel Castle world group.

In terms of star domain composition, the world group of iron and steel castle is somewhat similar to the world group of Zisha inflammatory soul.

This is also a large-scale star region with extremely strong element power, but different from the exaggerated fire and thunder elements of zicha yanhun world group, the most abundant element power of iron and steel Castle world group is metal element.

Including the king of steel that Locke had previously contacted and the king of molten iron around at this time, they also belong to the domination of elements in terms of the essence of life.

But in the iron Castle world group, the medium and low-level creatures here are not just elemental creatures.

A large number of flesh and blood creatures also settle here. According to the living conditions of these flesh and blood biological groups and element biological groups, they seem to get along very well with each other.

Even in the heart of the steel Castle world group, Locke saw a medium-sized technology company with a high level.

It seems that this is a hodgepodge of large star regions with so many different ethnic groups and affiliated civilizations.

Locke initially thought that these non elemental creatures were vassals of the iron element family, just like the relationship between members of the wizard alliance and the wizard world.

However, when a level 6 flesh and blood creature friendly greeted the king of molten iron, and the king of molten iron nodded easygoing, Locke found that this was not the case.

In the eyes of the sixth level creature, Locke did not see its awe of the molten iron king, but only an admiration and love based on equality.

This slightly novel situation makes Locke wonder whether the world group of steel castle is also a large civilization similar to the Holy See of Enze continent.

This time, Locke went deep into the world group of steel castle with kakarot and phantom Riel. In addition to trying to give a blow to the world group of steel castle and explore the specific intention of this world civilization, Locke also intended to collect the specific information of this large world civilization.

In this way, we will know ourselves and the enemy when we fight with the world group of steel castle in the future or want to win over each other.

However, with Locke\'s deepening, he found that there was still a big gap between the world group of steel castle and the Holy See of Enze mainland.

The peace and fraternity of the mainland holy see is aimed at all weak civilizations and ethnic groups in the whole star world.

The peaceful atmosphere of the iron and steel Castle world group is limited to itself within the iron and steel Castle world group.

For our own people, the iron Castle world group is tolerant and help each other. For those strange and powerful alien races and civilizations, the native creatures of the iron Castle world group are mostly afraid and calm.

Otherwise, when the underworld star domain suffered, I didn\'t see the iron Castle World Group lend a helping hand.

On the contrary, after the end of the war in the star domain of the underworld, he spent a lot of money to buy a lot of regular complete planes and resource half planes originally belonging to the underworld from Yuanshi Tianzun.

The slightly stiff expression of the molten iron king and the frightening power of Locke beside him quickly shut the level 6 creature who looked like a lizard.

He also smelled an unusual atmosphere, so he was respectfully seeing off the molten iron queen, hurried back to his mother\'s seat and made some preparations in advance.

There are many creatures like this level 6 lizard man in the whole iron Castle world group.

It seems that the arrival of Locke and his party has completely broken the calm and tranquility of the steel Castle world group that has lasted for more than 200000 years.

"It seems that I am really worried. Only from the internal atmosphere of the world group of steel castle and their garrison performance on the border, it doesn\'t seem to be going to war with our Wizard civilization." In the process of constantly moving deeper into the world group of steel castle, Locke thought so in his mind.

Of course, these alone are not enough to completely dispel Locke\'s doubts about the world group of steel castle.

The coexistence between civilizations is often accompanied by fraud and naked interests.

Who knows the overall atmosphere inside the steel Castle world group is not specially installed by these guys.

In the process of deepening the world group of steel castle, Locke has a general understanding of the overall scale and composition of the world group.

The overall scale of the iron and steel Castle world group is not far behind that of the zicha yanhun world group.

The total number of regular complete planes is about 2000, including nearly 1000 element planes, and the other half are non element planes.

The special development mode of civilization makes the world group of iron and steel Castle feel like a hundred flowers bloom.

There are all kinds of elements, science and technology and body refining in the world. Of course, those iron creatures still dominate and have the strongest strength.

It may be due to the strength of scientific and technological civilization, or iron organisms have a high degree of control over metals such as steel and ore.

Whether at the border of the steel Castle world group or within its star domain, Locke saw more than one giant fortress in darkness.

These steel fortresses suspended in the star world are indeed larger than the Space Fortress of the wizard world, and close to the scale of the stellar war fortress of the galent Federation.

But in terms of specific combat effectiveness, it should not be too high.

Because Locke doesn\'t think how powerful the alchemy technology developed by a group of elemental organisms will be.

In addition to these information collection at the middle and bottom levels, Locke also found three dominant biological fluctuations in the iron Castle world group.

One of them, of course, is the one next to Locke.

Another place comes from the center of the world group, which should be the place where the king of steel sleeps.

The last place is another border from the steel Castle world group.

When Locke asked what the name of another master was, the king of molten iron pondered a little and replied, "that\'s the king of black iron."

The king of black iron is the weakest of the three masters of the iron Castle world group, with only level 7 initial strength.

No wonder when the king of steel was sleeping, he chose to let the king of molten iron sit on the border with wizard civilization.

And as Locke got closer to the world of steel castle, he finally knew why the king of steel was sleeping at this time.

"I didn\'t expect that the strength of the king of iron and steel will improve again. It seems that it won\'t take long for it to rise to the top level of level 7." When he arrived outside the world of steel castle, Locke said with a smile.

Below is a large plane full of rich iron elements, and because it is rich in too many metal elements, the world of steel Castle gives Locke the feeling that it has the gravitational density of a giant planet like Tara.

Because he is in the critical period of transformation and sublimation, the king of steel in the later stage of level 7 did not appear to welcome Locke.

A force appeared from the world of steel castle. In the face of Locke\'s arrival, the king of steel gave a burst of hearty laughter.