Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4333

It\'s nothing to defeat a millions of civilized legions on the front battlefield, but it\'s not easy to completely clean up the remaining forces in the iron tower world in as many as 700 element planes.

The main thing is that it takes too much energy and is too cumbersome.

This phenomenon is well explained by the problems faced by the elucidation of the blue fist martial arts star domain in the past.

However, there is an inherent advantage for those elemental biological legions led by the fire master to do these things, that is, they are elemental creatures, and obviously know more about those elemental planes.

Locke also offered 300 regular and complete levels. The fire master and those elemental creatures are bound to fight 120 points.

When the fire master, with excitement and excitement, couldn\'t wait to lead his fire element army to eliminate the more than 700 element planes, the dragon mother danilis came up.

This should be the first time Locke has looked at each other so closely since the dragon mother danilis was promoted to level 7.

The extremely hot dragon breath came from the dragon mother, and the woman was still as wild as Locke used to know.

"Why should we promise it 300 element planes? As a defeated civilization, don\'t you think it\'s too much to let them get a thousand rule complete planes?" Daenerys, the dragon mother, came up to Locke and said curiously.

The purple mage robe makes the Dragon Mother\'s temperament noble and graceful.

The crimson ring on his finger glittered. Not long ago, this ring called "blood melting pot" opened the head of a world-class master of the iron tower.

Although it is not enough to kill the world Master of the iron tower, as a functional world-class secret treasure, the blood furnace is full of the blood of the master creature this time.

The dragon mother danilis\'s inquiry is not just to wonder why Locke should give so many benefits to the purple Temple burning soul world.

She is also speaking for the Dragon warlock family.

After all, the main force of this fight with the iron tower world Legion is the Dragon warlock family. The total number of warlocks falling on the battlefield alone is more than 100000, not to mention those injured.

If there is no purple chayan soul world, it must be the Dragon warlock family represented by the dragon mother, who takes the big head of the 700 complete rules.

For the Dragon Mother\'s inquiry, Locke shook his head and said, "because the master of fire took the initiative to surrender to our Wizard civilization in those years, among the elemental creatures of Zisha Yan soul world group, the details and strength of the fire element family are still relatively well preserved."

"Have you seen how many fire elemental creatures have reached more than one life level in the elemental Legion led by the fire master in the previous battlefield?" Asked Locke.

Locke\'s rhetorical question made the Dragon Mother shake her head. She had grown up to dominate. She really didn\'t pay attention to these details on the battlefield before.

"There are three million, which is a force that can never be underestimated." Locke said.

"Next, we compete with the world of iron towers and other civilizations. The main top in front is the world of purple flame soul."

"If we don\'t give them some benefits at this time, how can they work hard to resist the enemy for us." Locke said.

Locke\'s answer, the dragon mother soon understood the meaning.

Even in addition to what Locke dictated, the dragon mother read something deeper.

"Don\'t you intend to directly launch the wizard civilization and go to war with the iron tower world?" The dragon mother was surprised.

"A full-scale war with the iron tower world will not be considered until we have enough vassals and territory in this pan star region."

"Otherwise, there will be too much uncertainty and risk factors for rash cross satellite operations."

"In addition, the light protoss have made some changes at the border of the galent Federation. I need to find out what the light gods want to do first." Locke murmured.

Locke led more than 10 million legions to fight in the star domain of the galent Federation. Naturally, daenerys, the dragon mother, knew it.

Compared with the iron tower world which is still far away, it is obvious that the anti light Protoss alliance with close contact with wizard civilization is more important.

In addition, the bright Protoss now borders on the wizard civilization in the dark star domain. It\'s OK to deal with a war unilaterally. If it\'s a war in all directions at the same time, the wizard civilization doesn\'t have much foundation.

In other words, as the leader of contemporary wizard civilization, Locke does not want to see the wizard world in the quagmire and dilemma of war.

"What are you going to do next? What about the war in the galent Federation?" Daenerys, the dragon mother, asked Locke one after another.

"The war on the federal side has temporarily reached an impasse. With the changes of the bright Protoss, the galent Federation\'s promotion of the silent civilization may be blocked again. In short, the situation is not optimistic."

"As for my plan, I decided to go to the underworld star domain to see what happened to the iron Castle world group."

"In addition, if we can directly contact the light Protoss and find out their intentions, it will be of great benefit to our next war decision." Locke said.

Locke\'s answer made the dragon mother danilis nod.

However, before Locke got up and left Zisha yanhun world group, she stopped Locke and said another thing about his adopted son.


On the periphery of Zisha yanhun world group, in a small star domain called hub star domain, Locke saw Gongsun Wuji who had been promoted to level 5.

After only two thousand years, he grew from the middle of level 4 to the early stage of level 5. There is no doubt about Gongsun Wuji\'s cultivation talent.

"What are you talking about? Your father took your two mothers away and left you here?!" Locke could not help asking again, and there was some dissatisfaction in his tone.

These discontent is directed against Gongsun xuance.

"My father wants me to stay in the wizard civilization. He says it can at least keep me safe." Wuji replied, and the words contained a trace of loneliness and grievance.

"What about your mother? Your mother agreed to leave you here?" Locke said angrily.

"My mother didn\'t want to, but my second mother finally persuaded her." Mowgli bowed his head and replied.

Gongsun xuance was so cruel to his children that he left others alone in the wizard civilization.

Of course, from the side, it also shows that Gongsun xuance plans to fight with Xianyu civilization to the end.

Leaving Wuji here is actually protecting him.

In order to let Wuji stay here completely and break the thought of reuniting with his parents, Gongsun xuance even cut off the blood relationship between him and his children.

Even when he left, he slapped Wuji.

It was a palm that contained the power of dominance, so that there were obvious marks on Wuji\'s face, which looked like a birthmark from a distance.

In Gongsun xuance\'s words, unless Wuji can reach the height of this palm one day, don\'t think about looking for them.