Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4332

The presence of daenerys, the dragon mother, and the fire master directly raised the dominant power on the starry battlefield to 4:5.

If there is still a chance that the Lord of the world before the iron tower will inflict heavy losses on Locke and kakarot and seek greater results.

Now, for everyone in the world, this battle is meaningless.

Of course, for these dominant individuals who are in a fierce scuffle, because everyone has been angry.

No one will consider the significance of the battle and the final result at this time. Fight first.

With the sound of a dragon singing, the dragon mother danilis took the lead in joining the battlefield, followed by the master of fire.

Dragon mother has not been promoted to level 7 for a long time, but she is most keen on the existence of scuffle on this scale.


The master creatures scuffle in the starry sky lasted for decades.

Because neither side could do anything, finally, under the admonition of the ancestor of the seventh level creature of the vain word civilization, the king of the iron tower world took the lead in withdrawing from the battle.

The king of the world tower has no outstanding offensive ability, but he is a good hand in defense.

Over the past decades, although Locke repeatedly broke the iron curtain barrier of the other party, he was soon repaired by him, and the actual damage to the king of the world of the iron tower was not too great.

Although the battle of domination did not last long, the practical significance it represented was that the wizard civilization completely tore its face from the iron tower world, and the two sides were in a state of war.

However, there is still an extremely distant space-time distance between the star domain where the tower world is located and the star domain controlled by Wizard civilization.

Without the springboard of Zisha yanhun world group, if the iron tower world wants to continue its hostility and confrontation with wizard civilization, it needs to rely on those small and medium-sized star domains in this vast pan star domain.

This also indicates that the factions of different civilizations on both sides will have a complete showdown in this pan star region.

The game between wizard civilization and the tower world includes not only the battle at the Legion level of both sides, but also the collision between small and medium-sized world civilizations under their command.

The advantage of the tower world over the wizard civilization is that they have become famous in this pan star region for a long time.

Compared with the "newcomer" Wizard civilization, it has some congenital advantages.


The world leader of the iron tower failed to recover the complete skeleton of the fallen level 7 master after all.

During the extremely fierce level 8 biological collision, the body of the fallen level 7 master was finally divided into three parts.

One of them was obtained by Locke, which is also the largest one.

The other two were robbed by the Lord of the iron tower world and Yanzu respectively.

In fact, in addition to these three, there are many dominant biological fragments and organizations scattered in some corners of the dominant battlefield.

But for these corner parts, Locke and others will probably not bother to collect them.

I don\'t know which lucky ones will be cheaper in the end because of these master fragments containing the power of rules and energy sources.

In fact, when Locke and his party and the world leader of the iron tower broke out in the central hinterland of the pan star domain, they also absorbed a large number of level 4, 5 and 6 creatures in the pan star domain to cast scared and curious eyes here.

The low level of life and narrow insight make these creatures above level 4 of small and medium-sized world civilization unable to see the majesty of dominant creatures at ordinary times, and naturally they will not understand the level of level 7 masters.

Like the previous level 6 creatures, she is also a level 6 creature with superior knowledge and wisdom in this pan star domain.

After the war of domination, Locke returned to the wizard civilization to control the star domain with the dragon mother danilis and others.

The main reason why the dragon mother danilis and the fire master came late in supporting Locke was that she and the fire master gave priority to solving the war at the border of Zisha yanhun world group before coming to support Locke.

A year later, when Locke and his party returned to the border of Zisha yanhun world group, the battle here was basically over.

Decades of time is enough for millions of warlock legions and more elemental biological legions to defeat the bottom battle legions of the tower world.

Needless to say, before the dragon mother left, she also focused on dealing with the more difficult world creatures of level 5 and 6 iron towers.

In the process of the wizard civilization conquering the Zisha Yan soul world group, in order to divide the opponents, the wizard civilization gave nearly 700 regular and complete element planes to the iron tower world at that time.

Now these wars basically take place between these 700 element planes.

The distance between the purple flame soul world group and the tower star domain indicates that after the two tower world masters fled under the threat of Locke, the remaining legions of the tower world stranded in this element star domain will become rootless duckweeds.

The number of less than five million indicates that the battle corps at the bottom of the world can\'t turn out any waves at all.

And according to the number of low-level creatures Chen Bing in the tower world, it is true that before Locke started, the tower world did not really mean to go to war with the wizard world.

Under the influence of the dominant field, the space of the whole nearby star domain is imprisoned.

The few remaining tower world legions have completely lost the possibility of escaping back to the home star domain through the transmission array. Today, these tower world creatures hide their breath as much as possible.

After all, there are as many as 700 regular and complete element planes, not counting the numerous half planes and star meteorite belts.

As long as they are smart and hidden deep enough, they may last for a long time under the encirclement and suppression of the army of wizard civilization.

Looking at the colorful and colorful purple chayan soul world group in front of him, Locke suddenly turned around and asked the fire master, "how many element planes are controlled by your purple chayan soul world now?"

Locke\'s inquiry, let the fire dominate, it is somewhat unclear what Locke\'s intention is.

But still in hesitation, the fire master respectfully replied, "there are 731 planes."

"As a large plane, there are only more than 700 element planes, which is still too few."

"If you can lead the elemental biological corps to completely occupy the Elemental Plane previously controlled by the tower world and eliminate all resistance forces in 200 years."

"I will divide 300 regular and complete planes from those planes and give them to you, Zisha yanhun world control and management." Locke said.

Return the element planes that originally belong to the zicha Yan soul world group to the fire master, and only give 300 planes.

The fire master not only has no dissatisfaction and objection, but also looks grateful and tearful.

In front of the hundreds of towers, the world remnant army is nothing. The fire master even said that he can complete the task in less than 100 years.