Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4325

"Has there been any progress in the research on the transformation of the new Knight palace?" Locke couldn\'t help asking.

At present, the wizard civilization is a situation in which the two power systems of knight and magician go hand in hand.

Locke, as the master of the supreme knight and the only level 8 creature in the wizard civilization, naturally wants to fight for some rights and interests for the knight system he represents.

It can\'t be said that knights can\'t make great progress without using their brains.

If wizard civilization can achieve today\'s level, knights should take at least half of the credit.

In particular, Locke himself, his contribution to wizard civilization over the past 100000 years, from the perspective of practical interests, is definitely more intuitive than Douglas.

Fortunately, Douglas\'s answer did not disappoint Locke.

The old man touched his beard and then said, "although fighting spirit and magic are two different power factors, they still go the same way when they rise to the level of rules."

"And the knight palace technology was originally born out of the holy tower technology, which was produced in the wizard world."

"If the new holy tower technology can be improved again and popularized in the future, the transformation plan of the new Knight palace can also be put on the agenda after it is proved to be effective."

"In essence, there should not be much difference between the two technologies." Douglas replied.

After all, the old man is not a knight. He just analyzes the problem from the perspective of rules and reason.

However, at present, the caster system is about to change, and the knight system will not fall too much.

And Locke, the most powerful knight, dominates. Once the new Knight palace begins to appear in the wizard world, it will bring Locke\'s strength growth and feedback to all Knights above level 4 in the wizard world. It is uncertain that it will increase more than magicians!

The trip to the city of the sky made Locke extremely satisfied with master Douglas\'s research in recent years.

However, Douglas also made a small request to Locke, "if you can, you\'d better get one or two complete white bone towers."

"This will play an important role in accelerating the research process of the new holy tower." Douglas said to Locke.

However, the dominant creatures of the lonely and restrained civilization attach great importance to their white bone towers.

Moreover, by observing the distribution position of the white bone tower in the past, it seems that these undead buildings with expensive functions are directly dispatched by the sea of death of level 8 creatures.

For Douglas\'s request, Locke can only say to do as much as possible.

In recent years, the alliance of galent Federation and wizard civilization destroyed or captured many white bone towers, and the silent bone collection civilization paid more and more attention to the care of such undead buildings.

Would rather destroy than leave wizard civilization, which is the practice of those undead creatures.

In addition, now the white bone pagodas are located in the deepest part of the lonely bone convergence star domain, which is also the core area of the power radiation of the sea of death of level 8 creatures, which makes it more difficult to capture.

As for whether Locke can fulfill Douglas\'s requirements, in addition to his strength, it also depends on luck.


After the wizard world inspected the construction and research progress of the new holy tower, Locke set off for the brain eater realm.

Now the dragon mother danilis is in charge of the brain eater star domain. In addition, there are golden mother flowers and blood curse eye Montana in the ten thousand flower psychic world, and there are seven levels of fire masters in the purple chayan soul world group.

These four dominant creatures are also the high-level combat power of the wizard world to deal with the tower world and the false word civilization after Locke left the wizard civilization.

In particular, not long ago, danilis, the dragon mother, completed the master promotion, which brought deeper pressure on the tower world and many world civilizations around it.

Including the changes of the tower world and the false word civilization, from a certain level, these two large world civilizations are deterred by the powerful strength of the wizard world.

As for whether there will be a fight, it is not known for the time being.

Locke\'s trip back to wizard civilization is mainly to meet these guys for a while.

When Locke arrived at the brain eater realm, he learned from the Knights and magicians stationed here that the dragon mother danilis was not here.

Twenty years ago, the dragon mother, who was the first to learn about the border changes of zicha yanhun world group, led the main legion of dragon warlocks to the border of zicha yanhun world group.

Although nominally, it is to prevent the changes of civilizations such as the iron tower world, in fact, Locke guesses that the Dragon Mother\'s hand should itch. After the breakthrough, the dragon mother couldn\'t wait to find a creature of the same level to fight.

Including the tension at the border of zicha yanhun world group, it is uncertain that the dragon mother took the lead to intensify it.

Sure enough, when Locke arrived at zicha yanhun world group, the faint power of dominance fluctuated on the battlefield, which came from the other border of zicha yanhun world group.

And it seems that there is not only one master participating in the war. Locke, who feels the fluctuation of practical power, did not hesitate to directly release all the power of the master and rush to the battlefield.

When Locke arrived at the edge of the dominant battlefield, the battle of dominance, which was extremely anxious and hot at the previous moment, was eliminated at the later moment.

There are four level-7 creatures participating in the battle of domination. As the main opponent, it is naturally the dragon mother danilis and another tower world Master with level-7 medium-term strength.

The other two level-7 masters didn\'t have much anger. The fire master of zicha yansoul world and the master of another iron tower world were more restrained.

"Keep fighting. Why did you run?!" In the starry sky, danilis, who turned into a purple and golden dragon, shouted to the world Master of the iron tower in front of her with a Blood Furnace in her hand.

Although the Dragon Mother\'s playing method is just fierce and fierce, from the current state of both sides on the battlefield, it should be that the dragon mother at the lower level has suffered a little loss.

However, danilis, whose scales were dripping with fresh red dragon blood, was not decadent at this time, but mostly excited.

Indeed, a battle madman like her can only stimulate her blood with more and more fierce fighting.

And the stronger world Master of the mid-term tower of level 7, rather than looking for another tower master in the early stage of level 7, Locke also guessed that it should be the result of the initiative of the dragon mother danilis.

Otherwise, the fire master would never just watch.

When the dragon mother shouted, Locke\'s destructive power tide swept through the starry battlefield.

The dragon mother, who was in a state of violent excitement, finally came back to her senses at the moment.

The boiling dragon blood on her body may be that she knew she had caused trouble. Danilis, the dragon mother, didn\'t say hello to Locke for the first time, but took up her strength very consciously and quietly retreated from the center of the battlefield.