Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4324

A series of tests did not take long.

Master Douglas and others have spent a lot of attention on the test and regulation mechanism adjustment of the magic tower. It does not mean that Locke can complete any milestone progress by simply participating in one of the tests.

"The research on this new holy tower is still in its infancy."

"However, we made key technological progress 500 years ago, and according to the test, we found that it can indeed provide a certain proportion of blessing and recovery to the omnipotent soul of level 7 casters." Douglas said in his trademark white robe.

It can be seen that Douglas\'s daily life has been organized and tidy since Mrs. may has been with him all the year round.

At least the sloppy image in the past has been greatly improved. Even the white beard seems to have been specially trimmed.

"Is this the holy tower?" Locke pointed to the 200 meter high magic tower in front of him and said in surprise.

The holy tower is the standard configuration for most casters above level 4 in the wizard world. In the past, the main function of the holy tower was to spread truth and magic in addition to suppressing plane nodes.

As for the invasion and conquest of the weak and small ectopic surface with the holy tower as the core, it is because of the urgent need to expand and accumulate capital after the wizard civilization has developed to a certain stage, which gives it a layer of war function.

The development history of the knight hall is slower than the holy tower, but due to the influence of the holy towers in the wizard world, the role of the knight hall is no different from that of the holy tower.

Only one of them is for the caster and the other is for the knight.

The 200 meter high holy tower, I\'m afraid the most frustrated level 4 caster in the wizard world, would not build their own holy tower so shabby.

Douglas and others only stayed at the primary stage of the study of the soul of domination. It was not so much a holy tower as a base.

With the deepening of the research of master Douglas and others, the new holy tower will be fuller and have various attributes and functions.

"After our retest just now, this kind of holy tower really won\'t work on your knights."

"It seems that in addition to the planning research of the new holy tower, the research on the reconstruction of the knight\'s palace will also be put on the agenda in the future." Douglas said.

Before Locke returned to the wizard world, Douglas studied and predicted whether such holy towers would work for knights.

Obviously, the result is negative, and Locke\'s retest only confirms this fact.

The progress of the large-scale world towards the top civilization will not be completed overnight.

Even if master Douglas has completed the most critical technological breakthrough, I\'m afraid even master Douglas is not sure when he can get the finished product.

With the introduction of master Douglas, Locke gradually learned about the new holy tower in the wizard world.

The new holy tower is a new technology developed by the casters of the wizard world by combining the white bone tower technology of the silent bone convergence civilization and the main temple technology of the bright Protoss.

Of course, this also involves some rule abilities of level 7 to dominate the Golden Jade mother flower, but the rule power of the Golden Jade mother flower does not account for the majority.

A new holy tower, personally tested by master Douglas, can restore 0.01% of his master soul in a thousand years.

How many casters above level 4 and how many holy towers stand in the wizard world today?

If all these towers can provide Douglas with a power bonus of rules, the result must be considerable.

And don\'t think the 0.01% recovery is too small. After all, this is only the "first generation work" developed by master Douglas.

It is believed that with the deepening of follow-up research and technological breakthroughs in various aspects, these single holy towers will bring more blessings to dominant creatures.

"The guardian is called this time in the hope that this new type of holy tower can also interact with the will of the wizard world and the suppressed plane nodes, playing the power of energy and rules."

"If this assumption can really become a reality, the blessing power of a single holy tower will be greatly improved. Not to mention, even the mother plane can benefit a lot from it." Douglas explained.

Douglas\'s idea is also the most likely way for wizard civilization to move towards the top civilization.

And all these information revealed in master Douglas\'s words indicates that the future wizard civilization will gradually change from a mixed situation of many large, medium, small and micro forces to a situation dominated by dominant creatures.

This is the general trend and cannot be changed by a single person.

In the future, only the power of dominant creatures can be called a large power, and be supported by the rules of many holy towers and palaces.

Like now, knights and magicians organizations with only level 6 creatures dare to be called large forces, which will never happen in the future.

If you don\'t want to be eliminated by the times, the only choice is to produce your own dominant creatures as much as possible.

In this regard, it is obvious that the West Coast dragon warlock family and the Mamet alliance have come to the forefront.

The existence of the dragon mother daenerys and the seventh level dark Summoner Lilith inevitably indicates that the first wave of new Santa towers will be located on the west coast and in the Mamet alliance.

Moreover, through a series of explanations and descriptions of Locke just now by Douglas.

Locke also generally knows that those new holy towers can not only provide a certain blessing to the power of dominant creatures, but also those holy tower owners can get some power and benefits from the strong masters.

The occurrence of this situation inevitably indicates that more and more new casters above level 4 will give priority to those who have dominant creatures when choosing the location of the holy tower.

Including the strong at level 4 or above who already have a holy tower, they will also consider whether to move the holy tower when they don\'t have a strong sense of belonging to their own force.

A reshuffle of internal patterns and forces sweeping the whole wizard world will appear together with master Douglas\'s introduction of the new holy tower technology.

Powerful forces will be stronger, and weak forces that can not keep up with the trend of the times will eventually be buried.

However, the abbarut Empire should be the third major force to break the game after the Mamet alliance and the West Coast dragon warlock family.

Because under the soft or hard coercion of Mrs. may, Douglas promised to move his eternal holy tower to the territory of the abbalut empire in the future.

This can almost lay the magic Empire and prosper for hundreds of thousands of years in the future.