Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4326

"Is your world going to war with our Wizard civilization?" When Locke\'s majestic voice appeared above the starry battlefield, the two level seven masters of the tower world were obviously stiff.

The suppression of absolute strength made the two world masters of the iron tower feel deeply invincible from Locke.

In those days, the endless Lord of the bright Protoss could fight several seventh level hell demons alone.

Locke is only a little inferior to the strength of the endless Lord. Naturally, he can also do the feat of the endless Lord that year.

With one against two, it is obvious that we despise the two iron towers and dominate the world.

Even if there is another master of the iron tower world at this time, Locke has enough confidence to complete the suppression.

The endless destruction storm completely shrouded the starry battlefield.

Here is the border of Zisha yanhun world group. On this border, there are hundreds of scattered luminous and hot element planes.

However, at this moment, whether it is a regular and complete element plane, a half plane or a broken plane, the light and heat emitted by these planes are covered by Locke\'s destructive tide.

If Locke tries his best, it will be a problem whether the world\'s seven masters of the two towers can leave here safely.

Not to mention, behind Locke, there was a super Saiya man, kakarot, who followed closely.

In the face of Locke\'s questioning and the deep oppression given by the tide of destruction, the two world masters of the seven level iron tower didn\'t say anything. Instead, a burst of equally thick and solid iron wall appeared in the middle of the battlefield to resist the invasion of Locke\'s destructive power.

This thick iron wall is no stranger to the power of rules.

Sure enough, Locke didn\'t wait long. With a burst of laughter, the king of the eight level biological iron tower from the iron tower world said, "of course not, it\'s just competing with the new masters of your wizard civilization."

"Our tower world has signed a non aggression treaty with wizard civilization ten thousand years ago. As a world civilization that keeps its promise, how can our tower world go against its original intention." The voice of the king of the iron tower came from the iron curtain.

Locke can feel that the king of the tower world is not in this starry battlefield, and the giant iron curtain is just a projection of his power transmitted by special means.

No matter what the tower world thinks in private, it must not be able to tear the skin with wizard civilization now.

It was only more than ten thousand years before Locke\'s strength reached the late stage of level 8.

Such terrible promotion speed and strength make the king of the iron tower in the iron tower world feel chilly.

With the passage of time, the gap between wizard civilization and the iron tower world seems to be growing.

When the wizard civilization kept forging ahead in many star regions and made huge war wealth, the tower world still did not want to make progress and remained complacent for nearly 100000 years.

So that at this moment, he found that Locke\'s strength had exceeded himself, and the king of the iron tower couldn\'t help wondering whether there was any mistake in his decision-making during the hundreds of thousands of years of taking charge of the iron tower world.

Is war the quickest way to rapidly enhance the strength of one civilization compared to steady development?

In the past, there were not many war threats around the tower world, and because it was the only large-scale world civilization in the nearby star domain, it was respected and worshipped by countless small and medium-sized world civilizations, so that the tower world lost an enterprising heart when it began.

Of course, the current situation of the iron tower world is also inseparable from the influence of their allies\' false words on civilization.

These are two large-scale world civilizations without strong desire for attack and expansion. In peacetime, they can naturally embark on the road of their own stable development without the threat of strong enemies around them.

However, once they come into contact with a world civilization with strong aggressive attributes such as wizard civilization, the cruel astral law background will give these world civilizations that have been comfortable for hundreds of thousands of years a profound lesson.

It is not that the iron tower world is too weak, but that the growth environment and innate characteristics of wizard civilization are different from them.

In order to explore the mystery and truth of the star world, those magicians can do anything.

Including the wizard world knight group represented by Locke, they are also contributing to the continuous strengthening of wizard civilization.

And compared with magicians who like to stay in the laboratory all year round, it is obvious that the battlefield is the destination of every successful knight.

The answer of the king of the iron tower is obviously not his real idea. It\'s just that he is pretending to be a snake.

Similarly, Locke didn\'t believe this guy\'s plan. A pair of cold black eyes of destruction quietly looked at the iron curtain in the center of the battlefield. Locke was planning that he would break through the iron behind the scenes, and he was sure that he could completely leave the two zicha inflammatory souls, the seven level masters of the world.

The atmosphere of silence and repression to the extreme made both sides of the confrontation in this starry battlefield shake a cold sweat.

On the side of wizard civilization, daenerys, the dragon mother, hurriedly mobilized her dragon warlock corps, as if she was ready for war at any time.

The seven level elements of zicha inflammatory soul world dominate the fire, which is the element Legion quietly under their command.

After the battle tens of thousands of years ago, the whole civilization in Zisha yanhun world collapsed. Although the most powerful Lei element group has not been wiped out, it has completely lost its voice in this element star domain.

Although the strength preservation of fire element creatures is still relatively intact, the small body of Zisha inflammatory soul world group obviously can not withstand the collision game between world civilizations as powerful as iron tower world and wizard civilization.

The silent confrontation was finally broken by a dazzling red light column.

In the end, it is the closest pony who has followed Locke for the longest time. Kakarot can know what Locke is thinking first.

And as a humanoid combat weapon, kakarot was born with a keen sense of combat factors.

In an instant, kakarot, who turned into a super Saiya four times, rushed directly from his flank to the giant iron curtain of the starry battlefield in front of him.

The iron curtain, which was remotely controlled by level 8 creatures, was hit by kakarot with all his strength and directly hit a large area of cracks.

Now that kakarot has shot, Locke will not hesitate.

The unparalleled destructive power began to gather around Locke\'s killer gun. The destructive factors overflowing on the whole battlefield made all creatures feel deeply afraid and uncomfortable.

"You go! Don\'t look back!" At the critical moment, the king of the world obviously realized something.

In the current situation, negotiations alone can no longer solve the problem.

The millions of tower world legions are nothing. If the two seven masters of the tower world fall here, the tower world will definitely lose a lot.

The two world masters of the iron tower obviously felt an obvious killing intention from Locke and kakarot on the battlefield in front of them. They didn\'t need too much reminder from the king of the world of the iron tower. The two seven level masters looked at each other and then quickly fled to the depths of the starry sky behind.